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Since the invention of radio, this type of communication and the media has been continuously developed and improved. Now almost all bands of radio waves are used, and transmission with stereo and quad sound has become a reality. Superminiaturization and satellite repeaters allow broadcasting from any part of the world, regardless of the presence or absence of large transmission centers. New technical tools make it possible to send huge amounts of information in seconds.

Digital sound recording allows you to achieve the highest quality sound. There are new means of recording and playback, such as laser discs. Technical means provide high reliability of communication and protection against eavesdropping. It is possible to conduct radio programs from the depths of the world ocean, from under a multimeter layer of ice, etc. Communication with the use of a laser beam and super-long radio waves has become a reality. Distant objects (for example, high-altitude weather stations, ships, etc.) received facsimile equipment that allows you to receive editions of newspapers by radio with their output on print. There were editors specializing in the production of facsimile newspapers.

Broadcasting has long been an attribute of modern life. Millions of listeners in different parts of the world daily join the world culture, learn the latest news, just relax by turning on their receivers. The audience of radio is truly limitless. This, of course, imposes a special responsibility on the editorial staff.

The specificity of journalistic work here is connected with the fact that the working material of the radio differs from the material of the press. The need to use in addition to the spoken word noises, music and other sound effects are associated with the inability to show any object. If there are illustrations in a newspaper, then only the sound on the radio can give an idea of ​​a particular event, object or person. And one more thing: a newspaper or a magazine, even of long-standing issues, is easily accessible to readers, while a radio program ceases to exist after broadcasting.

So, the specifics of radio is primarily in the gigantic and diverse audience of listeners and also in the fact that the transmission is perceived only by ear . Based on this, the specifics of the work of a radio journalist should be analyzed.

Alexander Mikhailov, General Director of the Open City Radio Station CJSC, describes the characteristics of work on the radio:

Every journalist is a bit of an actor. But if a newsman can only feel himself an actor only occasionally, then the radio journalist should keep this in mind constantly. What you write down is what you broadcast, unless you can cut it down a little. Important and thought, and the word, and intonation, and in general any sounds. One missed thought can make the whole show uninteresting for the listener. Therefore, the journalist must keep the listeners' attention under control, be able to attract them to his program and keep near the receivers.

The peculiarity of work on the radio predetermined the specifics of the genres used . Short information is most often grouped by topic and read by the speaker; The interviewer often includes the correspondent, the announcer, and the interviewee. Radio reportage is usually led by a journalist who talks about the situation, using noise and music, sometimes recites poems. Radio reporting will be convincing only when the reporter visits the scene. Quite often, the radio report is live, so live speech is characteristic of it, without a text written in advance.

Many press genres in radio journalism are modified due to the fact that programs are perceived only by ear. For example, a radiofeleton can become more impressive in comparison with newspaper-magazine, if you saturate it with self-grasping speech characteristics of characters. There are also special genres of radio. For example, a radio composition (music and drama, chronicle history, etc.), which allows you to more effectively convey to the audience the actual material of the program.

Very serious requirements are imposed on the language of the journalist. Since the sounding word is the main means of expression, it is necessary to carefully monitor your speech. And not only for its lexical composition, but also for phonetics. A tongue-tied radio journalist is nonsense.


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