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14 Media Review


The word “review” in journalism means description, summing up, consideration, study of a special kind of information. Speaking about the media review, most often refer to the study of the features of publications, literary, creative activities of the publication, television and radio programs or a way to familiarize the audience with publications in order to give an idea of ​​their content, form.

Historically, the initial form of media reviews was a press review. The emergence of this genre is associated with the expansion of the range of newspaper products, with the desire to understand the diversity of newspapers and magazines, find out what they are writing, how and why, and tell the reader about it.

The arguments of the observer about the benefits and uselessness of publications, newspapers in general, are expressed in the comments to the excerpts taken from them. Further reviews appear already on the pages of the periodicals themselves. From the history of Russian journalism, well-known print reviews are published on the pages of many magazines and newspapers, such as Sovremennik, Otechestvennye Zapiski, Russian Disabled, Zvezda, ...

In Soviet times, press reviews were one of the most important genres. This genre, like the others, was actively used to influence the information policy of the monitored publications. Observers should have considered all publications and publications from a party point of view, being on its rigid ideological platform.

The author of the review should have paid attention to the level of political consistency of publications, their compliance with the course of the party, and also how accurately the newspaper is able to single out the main directions of the company's economic activity, research them, find best practices and distribute it; how critical and self-critical publications are; how conclusive are her arguments; what is the language, style of publications, what response do they get from the reader, how does the publication struggle for the effectiveness of their speeches, etc.

Publications that published reviews could only consider “subordinate” newspapers and magazines. The central newspaper could, for example, criticize all other publications; Republican - regional, district, large-circulation; regional - district, etc.

Currently, Russian media observers are in a slightly different position; there is no “subordination” of publications. The press surveys radio and television programs, and television and radio talk about newspapers and magazines.

Types of review. Overview-presentation Due to the fact that a very large part of the population, due to material difficulties, cannot acquire three or four newspapers, magazines, have a radio, a TV, as it was before perestroika, those publications that are most in demand among the population, as well as radio and television programs take on the task of informing people about what other publications are writing or what other television and radio programs report. At the same time, observers can devote their “presentation” to a review of new publications that have just come into being, or they can tell about publications on the pages of newspapers and magazines already known to the reader.

In the first case, the review is usually about the whole issue of a new journal, but sometimes it may consider several issues of the publication. At the same time, the goal is one - to show the nature of the new edition, its advantages and disadvantages. In the second case, the reviewer tries to acquaint the audience with the most interesting, from his point of view, publications in various publications.

Most often, these publications are selected by the browser for one leading feature - the degree of sensationalism. The more sensational the publication, the more chances it has to be included in the media review. Such reviews, the author usually begins with a major sensation. This draws the attention of the audience to the publication. Then outlines other news.

Thematic review This type of review is intended to cover a specific topic. Currently, such topics are often decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, laws, resolutions adopted by the State Duma, the Government of the Russian Federation, the Council of the Federation, new appointments and resignations at the highest echelons of power, the results of regular elections, emergency and scandalous incidents, crimes, etc.

All these and other similar phenomena become the central point around which the press review is built. Attracting publications from various publications, television and radio programs, the author seeks with their help to present the audience with a full picture of the event, to acquaint it with different assessments, opinions, and positions taken by the media in relation to this event. This kind of review gives the audience a more or less complete picture of the causes of the event, its internal “springs”, meaning, describing a phenomenon from different angles, “noticed” by different media. This type of review contains the features of an analytical publication more fully than a review presentation.

Addressless Review In this review, as in the thematic, one or more relevant topics discussed by the press are considered. However, an unaddressed review has one characteristic feature - the absence of references to specific monitored publications, radio and television programs. For the author, it is important to track how the media as a whole discuss this or that topic, what conclusion they come to, and what ratings they make. Sometimes the aim of the author is to identify problems, those that for a certain time (week, month) were most concerned about the Russian or even the world press (reviews of this kind are typical, for example, for the Russian Thought newspaper).

At the same time, the author can comment sufficiently on both the problems that are of interest to the press and the peculiarities of their press coverage. When preparing reviews for a journalist, it is advisable to adhere to certain rules. The first is to correctly define the purpose of your speech, outline the range of questions that need to be covered, choose a topic. In the course of studying publications, a journalist may find some mistakes, typos, etc. If they are random in nature, they can only be used as figurative details, but it is not worth building your presentation on them. It is necessary to avoid unnecessary or unreasonable emotions about the monitored publications. The author of the publication, of course, has the right to express his opinion about what is being said, but this opinion must be reasoned, based on facts. Otherwise it will look inappropriate, redundant.

See also

created: 2014-09-27
updated: 2024-11-12

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