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Trends in the development of mass media are forcing editors and journalists to keep up with the times and actively participate in such a promising business as the use of modern computer technology. First of all it concerns the capabilities of the Internet. Any computer network or any computer can get the so-called IP (Internet Protocol) address and connect to the entire Internet system. Formally, the Internet is a self-governing community, which is a huge and rapidly growing computer network consisting of hundreds of smaller networks. Every 30 seconds a new network turns on. More than two million files, as well as other data and programs are open to users. The most common ways to use the network are:

Ø communication via e-mail;

Ø participation in electronic conferences and discussions;

Ø search for information and data stored on remote computers;

Ø copying files from a remote computer to a local computer;

Ø execution of programs on remote computers;

Ø Execution of programs on a local computer using a remote computer.

There are Internet Society (Internet Society - ISOC), the Council on Internet Structure (Internet Architecture Board - IAB) and the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), which consist of volunteers who hold open conferences where operational standards are developed and other problems are solved.

The emergence of the world wide web has introduced a qualitatively new element to the entire global screen civilization. First of all, business news from newspapers, radio and television moved to computer networks. Then the Internet began to be used both as mail and as a universal advertising system. There are servers where you can watch any new film or get acquainted with the content of the latest issues of newspapers and magazines. And finally, this network became the basis for the creation of the so-called network economy. In the world of Internet and e-commerce, so far there are no restrictions or taxes: it is important that every computer can become a window into any enterprise. The US economy, for example, is largely dependent on information technology, which provides one-third of the increase in gross national product. The development of a network economy is closely linked with government organizations and their policies. Now many governments are seeking to take control of the world wide web. The benefits of this are obvious.

At the end of 1993, materials on Russia and Eastern Europe were included on the Internet — the so-called Home Pages were included on the Internet. This is the most comprehensive guide to the region, and includes a logical structure, cross-references, interconnections, and matching mates. As a result, all the necessary information can be obtained after the very first request, which greatly simplifies operations.

The Internet has become one of the media. This is confirmed by the fact that in Russia it is necessary to register any publication that is published in an “electronic format”, in the USA the Internet is subject to the First Amendment to the Constitution, which declares, in particular, freedom of speech and freedom of the press. The following fact speaks eloquently about the possibilities of its use in mass media and politics. During the August events in Moscow in 1991, the tiny Internet network called RELCOM, which was connected to Finland, and through it to the whole world, turned out to be the most reliable channel for receiving information and sending messages from the Russian capital. RELCOM members sent messages that were later placed in foreign newspapers, Boris Yeltsin's statements (which brought friends to RELCOM operators) and personal observations regarding the development of events in Moscow [13].

A journalist who works online should know and be able to do much more than an employee of a newspaper, magazine, radio or television. On the one hand, it is necessary to master the written word in a masterful manner - after all, with the help of a network, you can even release a book. On the other hand, a good computer is not only not inferior to a television set, but in some of its qualities even considerably surpasses it. This means that you need to be able to do everything that can do on television, plus the specific knowledge of the computer. The possibility of receiving inaccurate information on the network or even outright disinformation is sharply increasing. That is why the rechecking of facts, figures, names and other data is required here.

But this does not limit the peculiarities of work of a journalist in the network. He can send the work to the address known to him or use the services of an “electronic conference”, or even start his own website. That is, the addressee’s selectivity appears. It is possible to process the information obtained from another source and distribute it in a modified form, each user to one degree or another becomes “his own journalist”. Everything is dictated by the tasks that it solves.

In recent years, many print publications have sought to acquire their electronic version. There are several possible options for its creation. First, the distribution of the contents of a newspaper or magazine on CD. It is more profitable to do this with the annual binder of the publication, since the chosen medium contains a lot of information. This type of distribution is convenient for sending to libraries. This is what many leading Russian and foreign newspapers do. Secondly - distribution over computer networks (in particular, the Internet) in real time. This is very convenient because the publication of such a periodical does not require paper and printing costs.

Any electronic version has a number of features in the preparation. First of all, it is usually different from the one that is produced on paper. In addition, it is possible to catalog information, provide it with a scientific apparatus, cross-references. And another feature: the electronic version of any publication can be enriched with color, sound, moving images, etc. Naturally, a journalist should not only theoretically know all this, but also be qualified as a programmer.

Recently, many multimedia publications have appeared on both CDs and the Internet. Here, for example, as the first issue of an entertainment magazine for the whole family “Store of Desires” was announced:

In your hands - a fun interactive extension to your home, a virtual space for you and your family. There is a bedroom for privacy, a room for children, a bar for guests, a wardrobe for the skeleton and a warehouse for gifts ...

Look, listen, use:

“What to give a peasant on his birthday” - a catalog of ideas;

“Learn to drive!” - autosimulator;

“Children's Album” - coloring books, pictures and various zyuks;

"Like one penny" - a test for thrift;

“Or maybe I'm an alcoholic?” - test;

“Shel. Fell Woke up ... "- gypsum;

“How to evaluate a girl’s figure” - without comments;

“Pick up your contraceptive - practical advice;

“Collect Cinema” - video designer;

"Restaurants of Moscow";

"Capital broadcast";


For the release of such a journal, a large team of specialists is needed: journalists, artists, photographers, programmers, engineers ... Among the features of multimedia publications is the interactivity and multi-choice. This predetermines the specifics of the creative work of the journalist: you need to anticipate the possible actions of the user and create on these cases, variations of text, sound, image.


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