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VGA Repair Guide


VGA Repair Guide

VGA function diagram

VGA Repair Guide

VGA Repair Guide

VGA Repair Guide

VGA Repair GuideVGA Repair Guide

Visual Inspection: 1.check VGA connector is no damaged and bend. 2.Be sure VGA connector Pin Solder no open or short.

VGA Repair Guide

If CRT is no display, please clear CMOS and load Bios default at first. And then, If problem still exist, please try to change Bios or update Bios

VGA Repair GuideVGA Repair Guide

Check the problem belongs to (i) RGB color error problem (ii) No display or display error problem. (i) RGB color error problem please use multi-meter to measure which color (R.G.B.) signal is error. Trace the connection to confirm related inductor or capacitor is ok. If it’s not caused by R.L.C.Q. small components please change NB or Graphics Chip. (ii) No display or display error (not included color error). Use the meter to measure Diode value on DDCCL &DDCDA, VSYNC & HSYNC. Trace the connection to confirm related R.C.L.Q. is ok. If all check items are no problem please change NB or Graphics Chip

VGA Repair Guide

created: 2019-11-24
updated: 2021-03-13

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Diagnostics, maintenance and repair of electronic and radio equipment

Terms: Diagnostics, maintenance and repair of electronic and radio equipment