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Fault finding algorithm


Objective: Learn how to write diagnostic and troubleshooting programs.
analyzed circuit
Electronic equipment, if its parameters satisfy all technical requirements
requirements during storage or operation is in good condition, in
otherwise, in a faulty one.
The purpose of the method of detecting faults REA and is to identify the causes of inconsistencies
parameters of equipment specifications. The methodology is based on the principle of
optimal decomposition of REA into functionally complete blocks. The optimality criterion
Troubleshooting methods can serve as their search time. The implementation of the technique is possible in
following sequence:
1) the inoperability of the equipment is established;
2) the failed unit is determined to the accuracy of the assembly unit;
3) in the failed block is the faulty element;
4) the failed block (element) is restored;
5) verifies the operability of the equipment;
6) setting up the equipment.
It should be emphasized that the identification of the place of malfunction requires, as a rule, higher
Qualifications radiomechanics (than monitoring equipment performance).
To determine the technical condition of REA (good, faulty) are used two
1) the effect of test signals on the input and intermediate points of the equipment and ana-
liz response to them;
2) analysis using test equipment (KIA) output and interim
accurate signals in real conditions of the equipment. Both methods can be represented as
algorithm for diagnosing the condition of electronic equipment (Fig. 3.1). The basic steps of the algorithm are as follows:
1) control of the technical condition of the equipment;
2) checking the parameters to identify compliance with the nominal values;
3) troubleshooting;
4) post repair control.
The algorithm for diagnosing the condition of electronic equipment is highly economical and therefore
goes wide application. The number of steps and the structure of the algorithm depend on the configuration of the paths.
the passage of signals in the signal processing unit. There are consistent, consistent
parallel and parallel passage of signals.
During operation, based on the methods and algorithms developed,
in the passport documentation, operating personnel evaluate the operability
or troubleshooting. The main goal of such algorithms is the minimum cost of time
meni and equipment. It is possible to use such algorithms in production as well - in technical departments.
control in the process of diagnosing manufactured equipment. This technique is included in
becoming a test and serves to reject or accept products. At the stage of operation - to assess
hardware operability cues.75
Fig.3.1 Algorithm for diagnosing BREA as
1 Diagnostics - the process of monitoring some output parameters of the equipment and comparing
their nominal values ​​of parameters and their tolerances (production or operation
) A prerequisite for the diagnosis is to feed to the input (imitation) of all inputs.
influences, modes and signals in accordance with the passport documentation. In the process of
the algorithm (sequence) of diagnostics should be the first in the list
output parameters, information about the value and compliance with the nominal which will require:
 A) minimum hardware costs
 B) minimum of time for their research
 B) will give a conclusion on the operability of the maximum number of indoor units and that
that the signals between them are nominal.
The purpose of diagnostics is to establish the fact of the presence of a malfunction before sending to
mont or shelf life after repair.
Methods of diagnosis can be presented in various ways: tabular
or algorithmic.
2. Troubleshooting - the sequence of actions to find the failed
The main goal is to find the faulty element in the shortest way. As in the case of the
use a tabular (textual) or algorithmic way to represent an al-
repair update76
Figure 3.6 The algorithm for troubleshooting the power supply of the TV
To calculate the sequence of diagnostics and troubleshooting is used
gram TOTEX v1.5.9.exe
Figure 3.9 Data about the program
To use it, follow the steps below (Figure 3.10) 77
Figure 3.10 How to use the program
NOTE! The calculation is repeated three times. Upon completion, they should be compared.
and save (Figure 3.11) (in the save tab, export to * bmp).
Figure 3.11 The resulting data
Convert (adapt) the deduced algorithm into a form using the example below.
on the picture. Figure 3.12
The rules for the design of algorithms can be found in the literature Electrical drawings and
schemes (Alexandrov 1990) p 237


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Diagnostics, maintenance and repair of electronic and radio equipment

Terms: Diagnostics, maintenance and repair of electronic and radio equipment