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Repair of electronic equipment


General repair issues. Technological scheme of repair radio
electronic equipment. Description of models of objects of repair. Methods
troubleshooting: an assembly analysis method; measurement method; me-
replacement method; equivalent method; exclusion method; electric method
high impact; mechanical impact method; electric method
run; sequential control method; half division method
Malfunctions of active and passive radio radio elements.
Soldering of electronic components.
Repair and adjustment of radio receiving paths: typical faults
Information and algorithms for finding the place of failure; basic adjustments in schemes
radio receivers.
Repair and adjustment of tape recorders: typical faults and al-
the search for the place of failure; basic adjustments in magnetic circuits
Repair and adjustment of CD players: typical
electromechanical faults and failure location search algorithms;
basic adjustments in the circuits of the players.
TV repair: safety regulations for
repair and adjustment works; typical faults and al-
fault search location
- power supplies;
- vertical scan;
- line scan;
- channel color;
- radio path;
- channels for processing the brightness signal, R, G, B signals, OTL circuits,
- sound channel;
- basic adjustments in televisions;
- low-frequency paths.
Topic 4. Funds


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Diagnostics, maintenance and repair of electronic and radio equipment

Terms: Diagnostics, maintenance and repair of electronic and radio equipment