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Classification of errors, failures, failures and malfunctions in electrical equipment


Fault Error Classification

1 Failures and their classification
2 Failures
3 The main tasks of monitoring and diagnostics
4 Control system structure

1 Failures and their classification

Failure is an event with complete or partial loss of the computer
Failure classification

  Classification of errors, failures, failures and malfunctions in electrical equipment

Sudden is a dramatic change in one or more parameters.
Gradually occurs as a result of the gradual changes in the parameters, they can be predicted and eliminated during preventive maintenance.

2 Failures

Failure can be dependent and independent
On the external manifestation of failures can be obvious and hidden
According to the degree of influence of efficiency can be partial and complete
Failure is a short-term eliminating itself for the disruption of the operation of a computer or microprocessor technology.
After a failure, the device may work normally for a long time, but accompanied by distortions ....
It is necessary to restore by re-transmitting or re-running the program.

To improve the reliability of rvm work, there are two ways to deal with faults.
Redundancy equipment and diagnostic procedures.

Equipment redundancy is the blocks and nodes that operate in parallel with the main backup and output of one of them. They do not disrupt the operation of the entire complex.
This method is used in the operation of a computer when it is necessary to guarantee correct operation for a certain period during which repair is impossible.

3 The main tasks of monitoring and diagnostics

Diagnostic procedures are a means of detecting diagnostics of faults and their localization. Certain tests are used.
software and hardware

Diagnostic tasks

control is error detection
classification error characterization and nature of error
diagnostics is the search for the failed element node
correction is the elimination of the error replacing the failed item

For diagnostics control systems are used which include software, hardware and their combination.
A software tool is the use of special programs.
Test control
program logic control

In software logic control, an additional operation or a double miscalculation is introduced into the main program and compares the results of the operation.
Does not require additional special equipment to detect random failure, but increases the time to solve problems

Test control is the test of special programs or tests tests are divided into
Setup time on the shop blocks and devices
Tests to overcome the performance check of the computer and the detection of a malfunction during operation
Diagnostic to localize fault method

the hardware is an additional special control of the equipment introduced into the computer that provides verification of the correct functioning without reducing the speed but increases the cost and complicates the VM. and reduced reliability

Efficiency is the ability of the machine to function while ensuring the performance of specified functions with the parameters of the requirements for technical documentation allows you to judge the state of the machine at a certain point in time

Safety is the ability of a machine to maintain a controlled state under specified storage conditions.

Maintainability is the convenience of access to the blocks and installation of fitness for repair
Longevity is

Reliability of machines is a property to function under specified conditions and maintenance. Operation of computers

When combining control methods to use as hardware, such software, for example, the function of detecting and preventing malfunctions, is placed on hardware; localization and location. Possible errors and liquidation of faulty ones are imposed on software control.

An effective means of control is the ratio of the amount of equipment of your system of control to the total amount of equipment

4 Control system structure

Performance Monitoring Systems
Type of control system

Probability of detecting an error control system
degree of detail (accuracy of diagnosis)


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Diagnostics, maintenance and repair of electronic and radio equipment

Terms: Diagnostics, maintenance and repair of electronic and radio equipment