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1.1. The subject, purpose, method of system technology


The subject of system technology [6] is the objects of activity, as whole, whole, regardless of their nature and format.


The subject of the system technology is objects, subjects and results of activity, their processes and structures, as whole, whole, regardless of their nature and format.

Examples of the subject of system technology - objects of activity, which include:

a person, social groups, associations of people on industrial and other grounds;

objects of activity in artificial environments and fields of activity created by man;

objects of activity in natural environments and fields of activity that have arisen independently of the person, on whose activities he influences.

? The purpose of the system technology is the formation and development of objects of activity, their structures, processes and results of functioning, as integral and whole.

? The method of system technology is an association, in order to achieve the goal, the possibilities of theories and practices of systems, technologies and modeling based, as already noted in the Introduction, on the whole, integrity.

? Let us accept the following definitions of integer and integrity:

the whole is a set of parts of the environment (which can also be whole), carrying out activities for their own survival, preservation and development in the environment of activity;

integrity is a property of a part of the environment (which can be whole) to carry out activities in the interests of the survival, preservation and development of another part of the environment, including another whole.

? Part of the environment (including the whole), to ensure their own survival, preservation and development, can be the integrity of three types.

The integrity of the first type is integrity in relation to that “large” part of the environment, into which the considered part of the environment enters, as the “small” part of the environment. We call the integrity of the first type the integrity of the small relative to the large.

Integrity of the second type is integrity in relation to that “small” part of the medium, which is included in the considered part of the medium, as in the “most” part of the medium. We call the integrity of the second type the integrity of a large relative to the small.

The integrity of the third type is integrity with respect to that “equal” part of the medium, which is included in some “most” part of the medium, the same or different, with the considered part of the medium. Let us call the integrity of the third type the integrity equal to the equal.

? The whole, unlike other sets of parts of the environment, has the integrity of all three types - integrity small in relation to large (integrity of the first type), integrity of large in relation to small (integrity of the second type), integrity equal to equal to (integrity of the third type ).

The manifestation of all these integrity must support the functioning intended for the whole. In the process of functioning of a whole, its various parts can be in a state of survival, preservation and development. To ensure their own survival, preservation and development in the sense of the intended functioning of the whole as a whole, a balance of manifestations of various types of integrity should be maintained.

If a part of the environment (including the whole) is not integral with respect to the environment, then the activity of such a part of the environment (including the whole) counteracts the survival, preservation and development of the environment, creates opportunities for the environment to regress.

When a possibility of own regress arises due to the results of the activity of a part of the environment (including the whole), the environment takes measures to the degradation and destruction of a part of the environment (including the whole).

? Let us assume that there is some universal environment of activity M, in which the objects of activity are created, function, die out. Environment M includes social, natural, informational, and other environments.

The environment M also contains problems of survival, preservation and development. Problems may be in the actual (updated) state and in a state of satisfactory solution (resolution) that suits the environment of the activity.

The environment (as well as parts of the environment) activity can be in equilibrium (balanced) and in non-equilibrium states, depending on the state of problems of survival, preservation and development.

In the general case, if the problem (spiritual, moral, health, education, housing, information, material, financial, and others, including those unknown to us) is actualized (arises) in the M environment, then a certain result is needed to solve it (product, product).

For this reason, to solve the problem, the environment M allocates some object of activity for the production of the result (product, product); in this case, it is considered that the result (product, product) of the object’s activities will provide a solution to the actualized problem.

? We regard a certain triad of activity “object, subject, result” of activity as an activity triad, a triad of activity, a “triune” object of activity.

Wednesday M, now the environment of the functioning of the object-subject-result triad, imagines this triad on the basis of one general system model corresponding to the goal of obtaining the desired result.

This initially set goal of obtaining the result necessary for the environment M to solve the actualized problem of its own survival, preservation and development is its own goal for the environment M.

For the triad of activity, this is the initial goal, i.e. The environment’s own purpose, M, is not proper for the triad. Let's call it the missionary goal of this triad of activity. Wednesday M to achieve a triad of missionary purpose, forms, as already noted, the subject of this triad.

The presence of the missionary goal contributes to the formation of the object-subject-result triad, as integrity in the environment of M.

We believe that having a missionary goal is a holistic factor for the triad of activities and for its components.

A holistic factor, in this case, we consider a factor that influences the formation and maintenance of the integrity of a part of the medium M., i.e. the ability of part of environment M, including this triad, to carry out activities in the interests of environment M.

The factor of the whole, in this case, we consider the factor that influences the formation and maintenance of part of the medium M, as a whole.

In the future, we will show in more detail the differences between the holistic factor and the factor of the whole.

Environment M forms external factors influencing the maintenance of this triad of activity, as a holistic one, in the process of managing environment M to achieve its own goal of resolving an actualized problem, as a missionary goal for this triad.

? On the other hand, the very triad of activity, as a new part of the environment, has its own goal of survival, preservation and development. This goal is realized through the receipt of benefits, dividends (material, financial, informational, spiritual, moral, other) by the production and realization in the medium M of the result required by the medium M.

This goal may not coincide, and, most likely, contradict the original goal of the environment M, since an increase in dividends of the triad of activity does not mean an improvement in the quality of the result produced in the sense of the interests of the environment M.

At the same time, activity in the interests of one’s own goal is a factor of the whole for the triad in question.

The factor of the whole, in this case, we consider the factor that influences the formation and maintenance of part of the environment M - the considered triad as a whole.

On the other hand, the triad's own goal of activity is a missionary goal for the components of the triad and may not coincide with their own goals of survival, preservation and development.

We assume that the presence of this missionary goal is a holistic factor for the components of the triad of activity, as part of the environment M.

For this case, we consider the factor that influences the formation and maintenance of the integrity of the component of the triad under consideration, ie the ability of each component to carry out activities in the interests of this triad.

This triad of activity forms the external factors influencing the maintenance of its components - the object, subject and result, as integral, in the process of managing the triad to achieve its own goal of survival, preservation and development, as a missionary goal for each of its components.

? In addition, each of the three components (components) of the triad forms, in the context of this triad of activity, its own goal of survival, preservation and development. This goal is realized by obtaining benefits, dividends (material, financial, informational, spiritual, moral, other) by facilitating the achievement of the triad’s own goal, as well as by producing and selling in M ​​environment the result required by M.

These own goals of the components of the triad may not coincide, and, most likely, contradict both the original purpose of environment M and the own goal of this triad, insofar as an increase in dividends of any of the activity components does not mean improvement, as the quality of the result produced in environment M, and the quality of achieving their own goals of the triad.

At the same time, activity in the interests of one’s own goal is a factor of the whole for each of the components of the triad under consideration.

The factor of the whole, for this case, we consider the factor that influences the formation and maintenance of part of the environment M - a component of the considered triad as a whole.

On the other hand, the own goal of the component of the triad of activities is the missionary goal for the components of this component of the triad and may not coincide with its own goals of survival, preservation and development of the components of this component.

We assume that the availability of these missionary goals is a holistic factor for the components of the components of the triad of activity, as parts of the environment M.

For a given case, we consider the factor that influences the formation and maintenance of the integrity of the components of the triad, i.e. the ability of each component of each component of the considered triad to carry out activities in the interests of this component of the triad.

Each given component of the triad of activity forms external factors influencing the maintenance of its components as integral, by managing the process of achieving its own goal of survival, preservation and development, as a missionary goal for each of its components.

? Consider the factors of the whole and integrity.

We found that for any part of the environment, the impact of the missionary goal is holistic, and the effect of the object’s own goal is goal-setting.

We introduce the following concepts:

Integrity is a characteristic of the action of a factor that contributes to the formation and maintenance of the whole. In other words, it is the impact of a factor consistent with the whole.

We call such factors the factors of the whole, tseloobraznymi factors, goal-forming factors.

As follows from the above, the survival, preservation and development of an aggregate of parts of the medium, as a whole, is based on the balance of three kinds of factors of a whole:

- own goal of the whole,

- own goals of its parts,

- own goals of those aggregates of parts of the environment into which the given whole is included, as a part.

Integrity is a characteristic of the action of a factor that contributes to the formation and maintenance of integrity. In other words, it is an effect of a factor consistent with integrity.

We call such factors integrity factors, holistic factors, holistic factors.

As follows from the above, the survival, preservation and development of an aggregate of parts of the medium, as a whole, is based on the balance of three types of integrity factors:

- missionary goals of the whole,

- the missionary goals of the parts of the whole,

- missionary goals is a component part of the whole.

Based on the above, we accept the following statement:

the whole is inherent in the balance of factors of the whole and the balance of factors of integrity.

The mechanisms for maintaining these balance sheets of whole and integrity will be discussed in subsequent sections.

So, in any object of activity, its parts - the structures and processes of activity, as well as in the subjects and results of activity, the triad of activity, integrity is necessary. Integrity is the basis for the formation and implementation of any activity to solve problems, achieve goals, solve problems. In other words, any such activity must be inherent integrity of the formation and implementation.

For the survival, preservation and development of activities necessary whole. The whole is the basis of movement towards survival, preservation and development. In other words, any activity should be carried out as a whole if it is necessary for its survival, preservation and development.


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System analysis (systems philosophy, systems theory)

Terms: System analysis (systems philosophy, systems theory)