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5.3. system philosophy The law of integrity.


We formulate the law of integrity as including 8 rules for ensuring compliance of activities with the provisions of the system philosophy (its definitions, postulates, Principles, rules, Laws, models, etc.). These are the rule of the triad model, the rule of the system model, the rule of interaction between the internal and external environments, the rule of expanding the boundaries, the rule of narrowing permeability, the rule of the life cycle, the rule of “rational egoism”, the rule of three triads.

1) Triad model rule. The formation and implementation of a certain triad of activity “object, subject, result” is always carried out in interaction with certain objectively existing sets of parts of the environment. Each of these objectively existing sets of parts of the environment may have a certain set of functioning models. This set of models must be considered when forming and implementing an integral and whole model of activity of this triad.

To implement the provisions of the system philosophy in the processes of interaction of the formed and realizable triad “object, subject, result” with the totality of parts of the environment, it is possible to implement two approaches, which we called the approaches of perception and influence .

Perception Approach :

- the study of the complex of existing models of these objectively existing sets of parts of the medium;

- the choice of models of whole and complete systems from this complex. The main condition of choice is that the models should be the best for the triad in the sense of achieving its own goals;

- development and application of regulations for the use of a complex of selected existing models of an entire and integral system to ensure the compliance of the activities of this triad with the provisions of the system philosophy;

Impact approach :

- the study of a complex of possible models of these objectively existing sets of parts of the medium;

- development, on the basis of the study, a set of models of the whole and complete system. The main condition is that these should be models for the implementation of such a whole code, which creates a priority for the own goals of this triad in a selected set of parts of the environment;

- development and application of regulations for the use of the complex of the developed models of the whole and integral system by the studied set of parts of the environment in order to ensure the compliance of the activities of this triad with the provisions of the system philosophy.

It should be noted that, in accordance with the definitions given in Chapter 1, the environment includes the external and internal environments of the triad in question.

The rule of the triad model is implemented by the subject of the triad.

In practice, the application of the rule of the triad model is advisable to combine the use of perception and influence approaches.

2) The rule model of the whole triad . The formation and realization of each integral part of a certain triad of activity — an object, subject, result (the whole triad), always takes place in interaction with various parts of the environment that objectively exist outside this triad (other parts). Each of these other parts can have some set of functioning models, including in the form of complete and whole systems. This set of models must be considered when forming and implementing an integral and whole model of activity of each part of the triad of activity.

To implement the provisions of the system philosophy in the processes of interaction of the triad being formed and implemented with other parts of the environment, two approaches are possible, which we, like the rule of the triad model, called perception and impact approaches .

Perception Approach :

- study of the complex of existing models of these other parts of the environment;

- the choice of models of whole and complete systems from this complex. The main condition of choice is that the models should be the best for the whole triad in the sense of achieving its own goals;

- development and application of regulations for the use of a complex of selected existing models of an entire and integral system to ensure compliance of the activities of this triad with the provisions of the system philosophy.

Impact approach :

- the study of a complex of possible models of these other parts of the environment;

- development, on the basis of the study, a set of models of the whole and complete system. The main condition is that these should be models for the implementation of such a whole code, which creates a priority for the triad's own goals in a selected set of parts of the environment;

- development and application of regulations for the use of the complex of the developed models of the whole and integral system with the studied parts of the environment in order to ensure the compliance of the activities of this whole triad with the provisions of the system philosophy.

The rule of the whole triad model is implemented by the subject of the triad.

In practice of applying the rule of the whole triad model, it is advisable to integrate perception and impact approaches.

3) The rule of interaction of internal and external environments. In accordance with the accepted definitions, the whole is a method (means) of interaction of a set of parts of a medium with an environment for the survival, preservation and development of a given set in a medium. In addition, the whole is a way (means) of the interaction of the environment with its parts for the survival, preservation and development of the environment in the form of sets of parts of the environment. We can also consider the whole as the object-subject-result triad. Many models of all types of interactions of external and internal environments must be considered when forming and implementing a holistic and whole model of activity of a given whole, including every part of the triad of activity.

Creation of the whole, i.e. the whole set of parts of the environment divides the environment into three environments: the first one consists of the internal environments of the parts of the whole, the second environment is the external environment of the whole, the third is the internal environment of the whole. If we consider the whole as the “object-subject-result” triad, then the internal environment of the triad will be composed of such parts of the environment as the object, the subject and the result.

The whole can then be considered as some shell through which three types of interactions of internal and external environments take place:

the first is the interaction of the internal environments of the parts of the whole with the external environment of the whole;

the second is the interaction of the internal environments of the parts of the whole with the internal environment of the whole;

the third is the interaction of the internal environment of the whole with the external environment of the whole.

To implement the provisions of the system philosophy in the interaction processes of any of the three types of interactions of the internal and external environments, it is also possible to implement two approaches, which we, like in the previous cases, called the approaches of perception and influence . Consider these approaches in relation to pairs of "the internal environment of the whole - the external environment of the whole."

Perception Approach :

- study of the complex of existing models of interaction in a pair of “the internal environment of a part of the whole - the external environment of the whole”;

- the choice of complete and whole models from this complex. The main condition of choice is that the models should be the best in terms of the survival, preservation and development of this internal environment of a part of the whole;

- conducting the study and selection of existing interaction models for all other pairs of “the internal environment of a part of the whole - the external environment of the whole”. Building a common set of existing interaction models for all pairs of “the internal environment of a part of the whole - the external environment of the whole”;

- development and application of regulations for the use of a complex of selected existing interaction models of the form “the internal environment of a part of the whole - the external environment of the whole” in the interests of ensuring the compliance of the activity of this whole triad with the provisions of the system philosophy;

Impact approach :

- studying the complex of possible interaction models in the pair “the internal environment of a part of the whole - the external environment of the whole”;

- the choice of complete and whole models from this complex. The main condition is that there should be possible models for implementing such a whole code, which creates priority for the survival, preservation and development of this internal environment of a part of the whole;

- conducting the study and selection of possible interaction models for all other pairs of “the internal environment of a part of the whole - the external environment of the whole”. Building a common set of possible interaction models for all pairs of “the internal environment of a part of the whole - the external environment of the whole”;

- development and application of regulations of the received general complex of possible interaction models of the “internal environment of a part of the whole - external environment of a whole” type in the interests of ensuring the compliance of the activity of this whole with the system philosophy.

Similarly, the approaches of perception and impact for other types of interactions are implemented - “interaction of the internal environments of parts of the whole with the internal environment of the whole” and “interaction of the internal environment of the whole with the external environment of the whole”.

The rule of interaction between the internal and external environments is realized by the subject of the whole triad.

In practice, the application of the rule of interaction between internal and external environments it is advisable to integrate approaches of perception and impact.

4) The rule of regulation of borders . The internal environment of the parts of the whole and the external environment of the whole exert mutual influence on each other through channels that are “beyond the boundaries” of the whole; This circumstance forces the whole to “expand or narrow the boundaries” in order to maintain its role in the environment. The whole, as is well known, can be the whole object-subject-result triad. The set of models of all types of mutual influences of the external environment of the whole and internal environments of its parts must be taken into account when forming and implementing the model of the boundaries of the whole and the whole activity of this whole.

As we have already established, there are three types of interactions of the internal and external environments of the whole:

the first is the interaction of the internal environments of the parts of the whole with the external environment of the whole;

the second is the interaction of the internal environments of the parts of the whole with the internal environment of the whole;

the third is the interaction of the internal environment of the whole with the external environment of the whole.

To implement the provisions of the system philosophy in the process of expanding the boundaries of the whole, it is also possible to implement two approaches - perception and impact approaches . Consider these approaches to expanding the boundaries of the whole as applied to pairs of “the internal environment of a part of a whole - the external environment of a whole”.

Perception Approach :

- study of the complex of existing interaction models in the pair “the internal environment of a part of the whole - the external environment of the whole”, carried out outside the boundaries of the given whole;

- the choice of complete and whole models from this complex. The main condition of choice is that there should be models allowing to include the indicated interactions into the composition of the whole;

- conducting the study and selection of existing interaction models outside the boundaries of a given whole for all other pairs of “the internal environment of a part of a whole - the external environment of a whole”. Building a common set of existing interaction models outside the boundaries of a given whole for all pairs of “the internal environment of a part of the whole - the external environment of the whole”;

- development and application of regulations for the use of a complex of selected existing interaction models outside the boundaries of a given type of “the internal environment of a part of the whole - the external environment of a whole” for inclusion into the boundaries of a given whole in order to ensure compliance of the activity of this whole with the system philosophy;

Impact approach :

- study of the complex of possible interaction models in the pair “the internal environment of a part of the whole - the external environment of the whole”, carried out outside the boundaries of the given whole;

- the choice of the desired holistic and whole models from this complex. The main condition - these desired models should allow the inclusion of these interactions in the composition of the whole;

- conducting the study and selection of possible interaction models outside the boundaries of a given whole for all other pairs “the internal environment of a part of a whole is the external environment of a whole”. Building a common set of desired interaction models outside the boundaries of a given whole for all pairs of “the internal environment of a part of the whole - the external environment of the whole”;

- development and application of regulations for expanding or narrowing the boundaries of the whole by applying the resulting common set of desired interaction models outside the boundaries of the given kind of “the internal environment of the whole — the external environment of the whole” in order to ensure the compliance of the activity of this whole with the system philosophy.

Similarly, the approaches of perception and impact for other types of interactions outside the boundaries of the whole are implemented - “interaction of the internal environments of parts of the whole with the internal environment of the whole” and “interaction of the internal environment of the whole with the external environment of the whole”.

The rule for regulating the boundaries of the whole is realized by the subject, the object and the result of the whole triad.

In practice, the application of the rule of regulation of boundaries is advisable to combine approaches of perception and impact.

5) Permeability regulation rule. Any whole is a kind of "permeable shell". Through the whole, there are mutual influences “on each other” of the internal and external environments of the whole “within the borders” of the given whole, both provided for “permissible” and “unacceptable” - unforeseen during the creation of the whole. This circumstance forces the whole to narrow the permeability for unintended interferences of its external and internal environments in order to maintain its role in the environment. The whole, as a rule, is the whole object-subject-result triad. A set of models of all types of interactions of external and internal environments "within the boundaries" of the whole must be taken into account when forming and implementing the permeability model of the whole.

We consider this rule for three types of mutual influences of the internal and external environments of the whole:

the first is “mutual influence of the internal environment of a part of the whole and the external environment of the whole on each other”,

the second is “mutual influence of the internal environments of parts of the whole and the internal environment of the whole on each other”,

the third is “mutual influence of the internal environment of the whole and the external environment of the whole on each other”

In the sets of each of these types of mutual effects, both “permissible” and “unacceptable” mutual influences “on each other” of the internal and external environments of the whole “within the limits” of the given whole are carried out.

To implement the provisions of the system philosophy in the processes of regulating the permeability of the whole, it is also possible to implement two approaches - perception and influence approaches . Consider these approaches to regulating the permeability of the whole, as well as in the previous cases, in relation to the pairs “mutual influence of the internal environment of a part of the whole and the external environment of the whole on each other”.

Perception Approach :

- studying the complex of existing models of unintended mutual influences in a pair of “mutual influence of the internal environment of a part of the whole and the external environment of a whole on each other”, carried out “within the boundaries” of a given whole;

- the choice of complete and whole models from this complex. The main condition of choice is that there should be models that allow to determine the degree of admissibility or inadmissibility of the implementation (degree of permeability) of unintended interactions within the boundaries of a given whole;

- conducting the study and selection of whole and integral models of unintended interactions “within the boundaries” of a given whole for all other pairs “the internal environment of a part of a whole is the external environment of a whole”. Building a common set of existing models of unintended interactions “within the boundaries” of a given whole for all pairs of “the internal environment of a part of a whole - the external environment of a whole”;

- development and application of regulations regulating the degree of permeability with the help of selected existing models of unforeseen mutual influences of the form “mutual influence of the internal environment of a part of the whole and the external environment of a whole” “within the boundaries” of the whole in order to ensure compliance of the activity of this whole with the system philosophy.

Impact approach :

- study of a set of possible models of unintended mutual influences in a pair of “mutual influence of the internal environment of a part of the whole and the external environment of a whole on each other” carried out “within the borders” of the given whole;

- the choice of the desired holistic and whole models from this complex. The main condition is that these should be models that allow determining the degree of admissibility or inadmissibility of the implementation (degree of permeability) of unintended interactions within the boundaries of a given whole;

- conducting the study and selection of possible models of unintended interactions “within the boundaries” of a given whole for all other pairs “mutual influence of the internal environment of a part of the whole and the external environment of the whole on each other”. Building a common complex of desired models of unintended interactions “within the boundaries” of a given whole for all pairs “mutual influence of the internal environment of a part of the whole and the external environment of the whole on each other”;

- development and application of regulations regulating the degree of permeability using selected desired models of unintended interactions of the form “mutual influence of the internal environment of a part of the whole and the external environment of a whole” “within the boundaries” of the whole in order to ensure compliance of the activity of the whole with the system philosophy.

Similarly, the approaches of perception and impact for other types of unintended interactions “within the boundaries” of a given whole — “mutual influence of the internal media of the parts of the whole and the internal environment of the whole” and “mutual influence of the internal environment of the whole and the external environment” are implemented.

The rule for regulating the permeability of a whole is realized by the subject, the object and the result of the whole triad.

In practice, the application of the rules for regulating the permeability of the whole appropriate combination of approaches of perception and impact.

6) Life cycle rule. The components of the external and internal environment of the whole, as well as the whole itself, can be at different stages of their life cycles - from concept to aging and removal from the sphere of use (operation), regardless of the stage of the activity of the whole. In this regard, the components of the external and internal environment of the whole may have a change in activity patterns, which may violate the integrity and integrity of the whole in question. In the interests of the whole, it is necessary to study and use the activity models of the components of the external and internal environment at different stages of their life cycles.

The components of the external and internal environment of the considered whole and the whole itself, as a rule, represent the whole object-subject-result triad.

We consider this rule for three types of components of the internal and external environments of the whole:

the first is “the components of the internal environment of the part of the whole,”

the second is “the components of the internal environment of the whole,”

the third is “the components of the external environment of the whole”

The specific components of each of these types are carried out as "permissible" and "unacceptable" for the integrity and integrity of a given whole model of activity.

To implement the provisions of the system philosophy in the processes of studying and using the activity models of the components of the external and internal environment at different stages of their life cycles, it is also possible to implement two approaches - approaches of perception and influence . Consider these approaches to the study and use of these models of activity in relation to the components of the external environment of the whole.

Perception Approach :

- study of the complex of existing models of activity of the components of the environment, carried out at different stages of their life cycles;

- the choice of complete and whole models from this complex. The main condition of choice is that these should be models that do not negatively affect the integrity and integrity of the given whole;

– разработка и применение регламента учета существующих моделей деятельности составляющих внешней среды, осуществляемых на разных стадиях их жизненных циклов, в интересах обеспечения цельности и целостности данного целого.

Подход воздействия :

– изучение комплекса возможных моделей деятельности составляющих внешней среды, осуществляемых на разных стадиях их жизненных циклов;

– выбор желаемых целостных и целых моделей из этого комплекса. Основное условие – это должны быть модели, не влияющие негативно на целость и целостность данного целого;

– разработка и применение регламента учета желаемых моделей деятельности составляющих внешней среды, осуществляемых на разных стадиях их жизненных циклов, в интересах обеспечения цельности и целостности данного целого.

Аналогичным образом реализуются подходы восприятия и воздействия для других видов составляющих внешней и внутренней сред целого, в том числе и целой триады.

Правило жизненного цикла реализуется субъектом целой триады.

На практике применения правила жизненного цикла целесообразно комплексирование подходов восприятия и воздействия.

7) Правило «разумного эгоизма». Каждое целое преследует собственные цели выживания, сохранения, развития, которые отличаются от целей, для достижения которых среда формирует данное целое. Цели системы должны быть «эгоистическими в разумных пределах». Другими словами, разумный эгоизм присущ такому целому, в котором поддерживается баланс результатов, получаемых для достижения, как собственной цели целого, так и для достижения собственной цели среды, создавшей данное целое. Выход за пределы разумного эгоизма ведет к разрушению целого за счет соответствующей реакции среды. Множество всех моделей поддержания указанного баланса результатов необходимо учитывать при формировании и реализации модели целостности и цельности данного целого.

Нетрудно заметить, что выполнение правила «разумного эгоизма» является фактором обеспечения баланса целостностей первого и второго типов во взаимодействии целого с внешней средой.

Составляющие внешней среды рассматриваемого целого и само целое, как правило, представляют собой целые триады «объект-субъект-результат».

Для реализации правила разумного эгоизма также возможна реализация двух подходов – подходов восприятия и воздействия .

Подход восприятия :

– изучение комплекса существующих собственных целей составляющих внешней среды данного целого;

– выбор целостных и целых моделей из этого комплекса. Основное условие выбора – это должны быть модели, позволяющие создать баланс достижения собственных целей составляющих внешней среды с собственными целями данного целого;

– разработка и применение регламента использования выбранных моделей для обеспечения баланса целостностей первого и второго типов во взаимодействии данного целого с внешней средой.

Подход воздействия :

– изучение комплекса возможных собственных целей составляющих внешней среды данного целого;

– выбор желаемых целостных и целых моделей из этого комплекса. Основное условие – это должны быть модели, позволяющие создать баланс достижения собственных целей составляющих внешней среды с собственными целями данного целого;

– разработка и применение регламента использования желаемых моделей для обеспечения баланса целостностей первого и второго типов во взаимодействии данного целого с внешней средой.

Аналогичным образом применяется правило разумного эгоизма целой триады, а также и для составляющих целой триады.

Правило разумного эгоизма реализуется во взаимодействии субъекта, объекта и результата целой триады.

На практике применения правила разумного эгоизма целесообразно комплексирование подходов восприятия и воздействия.

? Разумный эгоизм, как концепция и теория известен с давних времен.

Ван Гэнь (1483-1541), китайский философ-неоконфуцианец [36] , проповедовал разумный эгоизм, исключавший и жертвенный альтруизм, и эгоцентрическое себялюбие: подлинная любовь к себе неотделима от любви к людям.

Н.Г. Чернышевский в статье "Антропологический принцип в философии" [37] изложил этическую теорию «разумного эгоизма», в которой личный интерес не отрывается от общественного, а разумный эгоизм – это свободное подчинение личной выгоды общему делу, от успеха которого выигрывает, в конечном счёте, и личный интерес индивида. В романе «Что делать?» (1862-63) Н.Г Чернышевский описал жизнь новых людей – «разумных эгоистов».

Разумный эгоизм проповедовался нигилизмом – общественным умонастроением и мироощущением российской разночинной интеллигенции 60-х гг. 19 века [38] .

8) Правило трех триад. Любое целое – это результат, так как оно является продуктом деятельности некоторой части среды. Любое целое – это объект, так как оно производит результаты своей деятельности в виде знаний, товаров, услуг. Любое целое – это субъект, так как оно воздействует хотя бы на одну другую систему. В результате каждое целое участвует не менее чем в трех триадах, выживание, сохранение и развитие которых ей необходимо. Данное множество моделей «не менее чем трех триад» необходимо учитывать при формировании и реализации целостной и целой модели деятельности данного целого во всех случаях, включая и тот, когда данное целое есть триада.

Для реализации правила трех триад также возможна реализация двух подходов – подходов восприятия и воздействия .

Подход восприятия :

– изучение комплекса существующих требований к данному целому в качестве объекта, субъекта и результата трех указанных триад деятельности;

– выбор целостных и целых моделей из этого комплекса. Основное условие выбора – это должны быть модели, позволяющие поддерживать целостность и целость данного целого;

– разработка и применение регламента использования выбранных моделей для обеспечения целостности и целости данного целого, как составляющей трех указанных разных триад деятельности.

Подход воздействия :

– изучение комплекса возможных требований к данному целому в качестве объекта, субъекта и результата трех указанных триад деятельности;

– выбор желаемых целостных и целых моделей из этого комплекса. Основное условие выбора – это должны быть модели, позволяющие поддерживать целостность и целость данного целого;

– разработка и применение регламента использования желаемых моделей для обеспечения целостности и целости данного целого, как составляющей трех указанных разных триад деятельности.

Аналогичным образом применяется правило трех триад для целой триады, а также и для составляющих целой триады.

Правило трех триад реализуется во взаимодействии субъекта, объекта и результата целой триады.

На практике применения правила трех триад целесообразно комплексирование подходов восприятия и воздействия.


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System analysis (systems philosophy, systems theory)

Terms: System analysis (systems philosophy, systems theory)