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1.2. Postulates of the whole, integrity


The postulate (lat. Postulatum - requirement), as is known, is a requirement set forth in the form of a rule, principle, provision, thesis, statement, axiom, Law. The postulate is the basis for the implementation of meaningful reasoning and conclusions.

Known, for example, the postulates of the practical reason of Kant (the immortality of the soul, free will and the existence of God); "General ideas" (axioms) of Euclid (the first axiom is "equal to the same are equal to each other," the fifth axiom of parallel geometry, the eighth axiom of "a whole is greater than a part"); Church's thesis in the theory of algorithms; basic principles of thermodynamics; the postulate of A. Einstein, according to which the speed of light in a vacuum is the same in all directions and does not depend on the speed of movement of the source or receiver; Bohr's postulates are the basic assertions laid by N. Bohr in the basis of his model of the atomic nucleus.

The postulates of the formal system in mathematical logic are known - these are statements-axioms and rules for the derivation of new statements .

The postulates are subject to the requirements of consistency, independence, minimality, completeness. The last requirement can be stated as follows: the set of postulates is called complete if there is no need to add new postulates to determine the truth or falsity of any statement from the previously defined area of ​​applicability of the postulates.

The postulates of system technology are included in the practice of environmental education after years of testing. And when studying system technology, students are offered a constant check of its postulates in practical classes, in research activities on applicability for solving specific problems of environmental science, education, and practice.

? We systematize the definitions that we justified in the previous section, as well as in other papers [7] .

1. Activity - the activity of the activity environment (part of the activity environment), which is manifested in connection with the actualization of the problems of survival, preservation and development of the environment or any part of it.

2. The activity environment consists of many parts of the activity environment. Actually the environment of activity is also a part of (the greatest) itself, as an environment of activity.

The activity environment consists of virtual and real environments, which are also activity environments. Parts of the activity environment, as well as the activity environment itself, are virtual-real environments.

3. The process of a part of the environment (including the whole) is part of this part of the environment (including the whole), part of the environment of activity, part of the process environment.

4. The structure of a part of the environment (including the whole) is part of this part of the environment (including the whole), part of the environment of activity, part of the environment of structures.

5. In relation to the part of the environment, the environment of activity includes the internal environment of the part of the environment and the external, with respect to part of the environment, the environment - the “internal” and “external” environment of the part of the environment.

6. With respect to the totality of parts of the medium (including with respect to the whole), the medium includes the internal environments of the parts of the given aggregate, the internal environment of the given aggregate itself, as well as the external environment of the given aggregate and the external environments of the parts of this aggregate.

The whole, like the parts it unites, is in the medium of activity. The environment consists of the external environment (external to the whole, it does not include the whole and its parts) and the internal environment of the parts of the whole (the internal environment of the whole is the set of internal environments of the parts of the whole and the interactions between them. Interactions of the parts of the whole can be in the format of the whole and outside of its format. Outside of the family format, as a whole, there are interactions between family members in the interests of production activities). In the activity environment, interactions occur that are not related to the whole: between the internal media of the parts of the whole and the external environment, between the internal media of the parts of the whole - with each other, and in the internal media of the parts of the whole - between their parts.

7. The state of the environment of activity (part of the environment of activity) can be equilibrium and non-equilibrium.

In both states, the medium contains the virtual and real parts (environments).

In an equilibrium environment, the virtual environment is not actualized, the real environment is in a state of equilibrium, stable or unstable.

The non-equilibrium environment of activity contains parts of the environment in a dynamic state in which they are in connection with the actualization of the problems of survival, preservation and development, and the need to form and implement concepts, ideas, projects, models to return to the former equilibrium state or transition to a new equilibrium state.

? To assess the stability of the equilibrium state of the medium or the stability of motion to the equilibrium state (new or previous), criteria of stability are necessary. The basis of their construction are the postulates of the whole and integrity.

One of the known characteristics (criteria) of the stability of the medium (part of the medium) is the sustainability margin - the “distance” from the point of the given state of the medium (part of the medium) to the point of transition to an unstable state.

The stability margin is provided by the influence of factors of the whole and integrity and can be quantified on the basis of numerical measures of these effects.

As a result of activities aimed at survival, preservation and development, the environment (its parts, aggregates of parts) can return to its former state with the same or worse stability margin.

The survival, preservation and development of a part of the environment is then described as follows.

Survival is characterized by the ability of a part of the environment to return to its former state with the same stability margin.

Preservation is characterized by the ability of a part of the environment to return to its former state with a large margin of stability.

Development is characterized by the ability of a part of the environment to move into a new state with a large margin of stability.

8. The whole is, as already defined, a set of parts of the environment (which can also be whole), carrying out activities for their own survival, preservation and development in the environment of activity.

In other words, you can define a whole as the union of parts of the environment that created and implements activities for the survival, preservation and development of such a union in the environment.

It can also be determined that the whole is a method (means) of interaction of the totality of parts of the medium with the environment for the survival, preservation and development of the given aggregate in the medium.

Another aspect of the whole - the whole is the way (means) of the interaction of the environment with its parts for the survival, preservation and development of the environment in the form of sets of parts of the environment.

9. Integrity is, as already defined, the property of a part of the environment (which can be whole) to carry out activities in the interests of the survival, preservation and development of another part of the environment, including another whole.

Integrity, integrity - the state of the whole, the presence of the quality "to be whole".

10. Integrity - the result of exposure, in accordance with the whole, the factor of the whole, the goal-forming factor.

11. Integrity - the result of exposure, consistent integrity, integrity factor, holistic growth factor.

? We formulate the postulates of activity, which we substantiated in the previous section, as well as in other papers [8] .

1. The postulate of complexity of the whole:

The whole is usually difficult. To compile his model, it is necessary, as a rule, to use more than two theories, more than two languages ​​for describing the whole, in view of the qualitative difference, as a rule, the inner nature of the parts of the whole between themselves and the presence of different approaches to modeling parts of the whole as objects of different nature.

Here we repeat, in essence, the postulate of Acad. A.I. Berg [9] , with respect to complex systems, just extending it, almost unchanged, to objects of any nature:

“To compile a complex system model, it is necessary, as a rule, to use more than two theories, more than two system description languages, due to the qualitative difference in the internal nature of the system elements between themselves and the presence of different approaches to modeling objects of different nature.”

2. The postulate of the model of the whole.

The general model of the whole is the whole.

It is obvious that the general model of the whole is necessary for the cumulative description of particular models obtained using various theories and languages. Such a model should be whole for an adequate description of the whole, its process and structure.

3. The postulate "about the general model of interacting integers":

The whole and other integers interacting with it (including competing with it) (including integers that are its parts) should, in the interests of aggregate survival, preservation and development, operate in the format of some general model of the whole .

4. The postulate of the balance of factors.

The whole is inherent in the balance of the factors of the whole and the balance of the factors of integrity .

5. The postulate "about the balance of integrity and whole":

The whole is inherent in the balance of integrity and the balance of the whole, as the result of the action of the factors of the whole and integrity.

6. The postulate of "the integrity of the activities of the whole":

The activities carried out by the whole are whole and maintain the balance of integrity and the balance of the whole.

7. The postulate “on activities in general”:

Activities to resolve the actualized problems should be carried out whole, if necessary, its survival, preservation and development.

8. The postulate of the general model of the whole.

For the formation and implementation of a holistic activity requires a general model of the whole.

9. The postulate "about the general model of the object of activity":

For the formation and implementation of a holistic activity, the formation and implementation of an object of activity must be carried out with the help of a general model of the whole for such objects of activity.

10. The postulate "about the general model of the subject of activity":

For the formation and implementation of a holistic activity, the formation and implementation of a subject of activity must be carried out using a general model of the whole for such stakeholders.

11. The postulate of the “general model of performance”:

For the formation and implementation of a holistic activity, the formation and realization of the result of an activity must be carried out with the help of a general model of the whole for such results of activity.

12. The postulate "about the general model of the triad of activity":

For the formation and implementation of a holistic activity, the formation and implementation of a triad of activities must be carried out using a common model of the whole for such triads of activity.

13. The postulate of the existence of the kernel of a whole.

On the whole, there is a core, which forms the direction of the whole towards its own survival, preservation and development, the core of the whole .

Justification. In the dynamic process of transition of the whole, as a set of parts of the environment, from one state to another, the parts themselves can change, the composition of the parts of the whole, which are sets of other parts, can be a complete update, as each part, as well as the list of parts of the whole, birth and death of parts . The environment of activity of the whole can also change qualitatively. However, the whole maintains its focus on its own survival, preservation and development in the environment.

Consequently, in general, with any quantitative and qualitative changes of the whole, there is a conditionally constant part that directs the whole to its own survival, preservation and development, which we call the core of the whole.

14. The postulate "of the existence of the code of the whole":

The core of the whole contains the code for the survival, preservation and development of the whole, the code for the whole .

The code for the whole contains a program for the survival, preservation and development of the whole.

The integer code is part of the virtual activity environment.

15. The postulate “about the existence of a carrier of the integer code”:

The program of actions in accordance with the integer code is carried out only when the integer code is placed on the real medium of the given code.

In the triad of activity, the carrier of the code of the whole is the subject of the activity.

16. The postulate "about the general model of the core of the whole":

The general model of the kernel of a whole is a collection of models of the code of the whole and the carrier of the whole code .

17. The postulate "on the formation of the nucleus of the whole":

The core of the whole is formed under the influence of the factors of the whole and integrity.

18. The postulate "on the integrity of the core of the whole":

The core of the whole is the whole .

In relation to the kernels, all definitions and postulates adopted in relation to the whole are valid.

The core of a given whole survives, is preserved and develops in interaction with the nuclei of other integers. Survival, preservation and development of a certain set of cores of a whole leads to the creation of a set of cores as a whole (for example, people's codes create an ethnos code, for example, parts of people's codes create codes of their public associations, etc.).

The core, which is a whole, is a set of nuclei of whole, carrying out activities aimed at their own survival, preservation and development, as a set of nuclei.

19. The postulate “on the core of the general model of the whole”:

The core model of the whole is the core (main component) of the general model of the whole and for its parts.

20. The postulate of the "kernel model of the whole":

The core model of the whole is the main component of the general model of the triad of activity and the general models of its components - subject, object, result of activity.

21. The postulate "about the general model of interacting nuclei of the whole":

The core of the whole and interacting with it (including competing with it) other cores of the whole (including the cores of the whole, which are its parts) operate in the format of some general model of the core of the whole in the interests of aggregate survival, preservation and development.

This model describes a certain dominant balance code of interacting integers. An example is the DNIF-model considered in the following sections.

22. The postulate of the dependence of the development of the whole on the development of the nucleus of the whole.

Survival, preservation and development of the whole is impossible without advanced survival, preservation and development of the core of the whole.

The survival, preservation and development of the core of the whole is a prerequisite for the survival, preservation and development of the whole. At the same time for the survival of the whole it is necessary, at a minimum, the preservation of the nucleus of the whole, for the preservation of the whole it is necessary, at a minimum, the development of the core of the whole, for the development of the whole it is necessary at a minimum, a new quality of the core of the whole.

23. The postulate of the development of the nucleus of a whole from the multiplicity of its realization as whole.

For the survival, preservation and development of the nucleus of a whole, the multiple realization of the nucleus of a whole in the processes of survival, preservation and development of many similar integers is necessary .

At the same time, in the processes of survival, preservation and development of the whole and the nucleus of the whole, there can be a change of the carrier of the nucleus of the whole, and the survival, preservation and development of the original carrier of the nucleus of the whole and its parts is not necessary.

24. The postulate of the overall process model and structure of the whole.

For the formation and implementation of a holistic activity, the formation and implementation of an activity process must be carried out using a general model of the whole for such activity processes.

For the formation and implementation of a holistic activity, the formation and implementation of an activity structure must be carried out using a common model of the whole for such activity structures.

25. The postulate of integrity of internal and external environments of activity.

For the formation and implementation of a holistic activity, the interaction of internal and external environments of a part of the environment, the totality of parts of the environment (including the whole) must be complete and must conform to the general model of the whole for the interactions of such parts and sets.

26. The security postulate of the whole.

For the safety of the whole it is necessary to maintain in this whole a balance of integrity and a balance of the whole.

The whole is destroyed, "loses itself" if it loses the property of integrity, or at least one of its parts loses the properties of integrity and / or the property of the whole.

Whole and integrity are inseparable. The whole is impossible without the integrity of the parts. In turn, integrity is not fully feasible if the parts are not the whole, cannot distinguish their own goals from the missionary ones, “they do not understand the place of their interest among the interests of others”.

It can be proved that for certain types of security of the whole, maintaining the balance of integrity and the balance of the whole is necessary and sufficient.


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System analysis (systems philosophy, systems theory)

Terms: System analysis (systems philosophy, systems theory)