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5.4. system philosophy The law of development of the whole


The law of development of the whole will be formulated as including four Laws and 3 rules for ensuring compliance of the development of activities with the provisions of the system philosophy (its definitions, postulates, Principles, rules, Laws, models, etc.). These are the Law of Industrialization, the Law of Mechanization, the Law of Technologization and the Law of Non-Diminishing Diversity. It is also a rule of internal potential, a rule of harmony of development, a rule of external potential.

1) The law of industrialization . The development of activities in the environment is carried out through industrialization , which is to create whole and holistic industries.

In the direction of creating whole and integral human-machine productions, any human activity develops - industrial, educational, scientific, managerial, information, energy, project, global, regional, country, etc.

2) The law of mechanization . Specialized technical, biological, natural and other machines for the industrialization of a certain type of activity should be created as integral and whole systems of machines .

3) The law of technologization . Technologization is necessary for the development of activities. transformation of the processes of creativity available to the units into technologies accessible to all and possessing the properties of mass character, certainty, effectiveness, through the creation and implementation of whole and complete technological systems .

4) The law of non-decreasing diversity. The development of the potential of the environment is possible only if the diversity within the species of the whole increases - subjects, objects, results, whole triads. For the survival and preservation of the environment should not decrease the diversity within the species of the whole.

The development of the potential of the whole is possible only if the diversity within the species of the parts of the whole increases - elements, processes, structures, other parts of the whole. For the survival and preservation of the whole, the diversity within the species of the parts of the whole must not decrease.

? The sources of the formation of the Law of Non-Diminishing Diversity were the concept of biological diversity, which at the UN Summit in Rio de Janeiro (1992) was defined as

"The variability of living organisms from all sources, including, inter alia (lat. " Among others " ) terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and ecological complexes of which they are part: this includes diversity within the species, species diversity and ecosystem diversity",

and also the law of genetic diversity -

the law, according to which all living things are genetically diverse and tend to increase biological diversity.

5) Rule of internal potential. The whole has an inner potential of its own survival, preservation and development in the sense of matching the model of the whole and the whole.


- for survival, it is necessary to preserve the internal potential of matching the model of the whole and the whole at a certain level;

- for preservation - to develop the existing internal potential of conformity of the holistic model and the whole to a higher level;

- for development - to create a qualitatively new internal potential of matching the holistic model and the whole.

The development of the whole will be sustainable progressive in the sense of internal potential, if the internal potential of matching the holistic model and the whole of each subsequent generation of the whole will be updated compared to the previous generation of the whole.

6) The rule of harmony development. Each new generation of the whole must comply with such a standard of the whole, in which the harmonious combination of the following integral and whole systems is ensured:

- spiritual, moral, intellectual, bodily systems,

- systems of mental and physical health, based on the priority of spirituality and morality.

The development of the whole will be progressively stable in the sense of a systemic philosophy, if each new generation of the whole meets the standard of the whole.

7) The rule of external potential. The whole has an “external potential” - the potential to influence the development of the environment in which it operates and of which it is a part, in the sense of compliance with the integral and whole model of the given whole.

In connection with the presence in the environment of the potential influence of a given whole, the medium itself perceives, in varying degrees, the model of integrity and integrity inherent in this whole.

In some cases, the influence of the external potential of the considered whole can be perceived by the environment as insignificant.

In other cases, the influence of the external potential of a given whole can lead to a regressive or progressive development of the environment, as a whole, as a result of the perception of the integral and whole model of the given whole.

In this sense, the development of the considered whole will be sustainably progressive if it “from generation to generation” sustainably increases the external potential of progressive development of the environment. The development of the considered whole is considered as stably regressive, if it “from generation to generation” steadily increases the external potential of the regressive development of the environment.


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System analysis (systems philosophy, systems theory)

Terms: System analysis (systems philosophy, systems theory)