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Holistic System Technology Method Introduction


Any professional needs a holistic method, a method that allows to bring the applied knowledge and skills into a holistic complex.

In other words, every professional knows that they are expected to comprehensively work through the task and seek a “holistic vision” of the problem, which, in essence, is achieved by those who develop, coordinate and approve the project or work task.

Professionals often have to change jobs, i.e. change the scope of their knowledge and skills. In most cases, the problem of a specialist is to develop and apply what he knows and is able to, both to existing now and to new circumstances and projects. For this, many specialists and students seek to acquire two or more different specialties, for example, “Applied Mathematics” and “Ecology”.

For those who are trying consistently “one by one” to master all the necessary professions, K. Prutkov's aphorism “No one will embrace the immense” is useful [1] .

More productively learn a holistic view of possible problems, goals and objectives of any professional activity. This is taught by the holistic method of system technology described in this edition. With it, you will know the holistic and the whole - the key to learning the basics, and then the details of any profession in the vast sea of ​​professional knowledge.

In addition, system technology - the foundation of knowledge about any technology.

? The following technology definitions are known [2] :

“Technology [3] , Greek. - artistry or description of works, methods and compilations of all kinds of artistic, craft and household products, tools and works. From this it is clear that this word is an almost equally meaningful word encyclopedia, or a circle of sciences; turning off those that are not part of technology, except as a by-product, speculative science; but these, excluding morality, theology and literature, cannot be used and explained in favor without any handicraft. Consequently, technology encompasses almost everything that people know and do. ”

“Technology [4] - the science of art, craft and household products and implements; divided into mechanical and chemical. The first deals with the processing of raw materials in craft form; the second is subject to chemical changes. For the first you need to know the mechanics and the action of the machines; for the second, chemistry and natural sciences. ”

"Technology [5] (from the Greek. Techne - art, craftsmanship, skill and logos - the word, teaching) - a set of methods of processing, manufacturing, changing the state, properties, form of raw materials, materials or semi-finished products used in the production process, to obtain finished products; the science of ways to influence raw materials, materials or semi-finished products with the appropriate tools of production. Development of technology is carried out by industry. "

It follows that technology until the beginning of the 19th century was considered the doctrine of the art of performing any activity. Then, at the end of the 19th century and in the 20th century, the concept of technology is narrowed down to the technologies of material and energy production.

- In the modern view, again the technology “embodies almost everything that people know and do” in almost any field of activity. Technologies of education, informatics, design, management, production, etc. are being created.

action, which is guaranteed to result in a result, a product, a product with specified properties, shape, condition. The main requirement for modern technology work - the result of the work must be holistic. Therefore, we need a system technology as a holistic method that combines the capabilities of technologies with the capabilities of systems analysis and mathematical modeling based on ideas of the whole, integrity.

System technologists, as specialists in the transformation of knowledge into holistic projects, systems and technology development, are particularly in demand in connection with modern problems of the effective use of intellectual property rights in any firm.

- The subject of system technology is the objects of activity, as well as the processes, structures and results of the objects of activity, as whole, whole, regardless of their nature and format.

The purpose of the system technology is the formation and development of objects of activity, their structures and processes of functioning, as integral and whole, aimed at obtaining integral results.

The method of system technology is an association, in order to achieve the goal, the possibilities of theories and practices of systems analysis, technologies and modeling based on, as already noted, ideas of the whole, integrity.

- A system technologist is able to find a way to use his own complex of knowledge and skills for the professional formation of holistic results "in many sciences, techniques and technologies." He creates his original system technology of the holistic method, effectively integrates it into the environment of the company's work technologies and qualitatively solves any non-trivial problems of analysis, research and practice.

Possession of system technology allows a specialist to be "an expert in many sciences" - a modern polyhistor.

This tutorial outlines the basics of a holistic method of system technology, proposed and developed by the author, and its application to build a system ecology.

created: 2016-02-04
updated: 2024-11-14

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System analysis (systems philosophy, systems theory)

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