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1.3. Holistic system technology method


Here we consider the basics of building a system technology - a holistic method of forming and implementing theories and practices.

Having formulated the postulates of integrity and the whole, we laid a new basis for the formation of a holistic method, i.e. new opportunities to consider the objects of study, as a whole, whole. In contrast to the already well-known holistic approach adopted in psychology [10] , systems analysis and systems approach [11] , philosophical ideas about the whole, integrity [12], the system technology method uses a set of general postulates of the whole and integrity.

The method of system technology as a holistic method applies the postulates of the whole, integrity, and combines them with the possibilities of building the whole, integrity, obtained by analyzing the theories and practices of systems, technologies and modeling.

? The use of the system technology method allows analyzing and investigating existing objects of activity for compliance with the whole, integrity, and also to transform the objects of activity under consideration, their processes, structures, other parts of these objects into whole, integral ones. In this case, the method of system technology allows to solve the whole range of problems arising from this - from building the necessary theory to developing the corresponding project and implementing it in the form of a system technology of integrated activity.

Thus, in the analysis and research of a specific object of activity, it is necessary, as a rule, to merge the existing theoretical ideas about this object into a holistic scientific and theoretical set of knowledge, which requires system technologies of holistic analysis and research.

Next, you need a project of a holistic and whole object of activity, during the creation of which the system technology of holistic design should be used.

Then, it is necessary to implement this object as a whole and the whole, as well as its processes, structures and other parts, as integral and whole, for which the system technologies of the production activity of the object of activity, as well as system technologies of management, control (monitoring), expertise should be applied , archiving.

The method of system technology is formed and implemented in two directions - the construction of holistic theories and the construction of holistic projects and practices.

The section of the system technology method designed to build and implement the theoretical foundations of integrity, integrity, i.e. holistic theories of a certain type of objects of activity, - the method of system philosophy.

The section of the system technology method, designed to solve the “ultimate” task of any method — building and implementing a holistic project and its implementation practice for practical solution of a specific practical problem, a task to achieve a specific goal, is a practical method of system technology.

The practical method of system technology is based on the method of system philosophy and transforms it in relation to the practical solution of a particular problem, task, to achieve a specific goal.

? System technology, as a scientific direction, includes three main sections - system philosophy, the method of system philosophy and the method of system technology.

There is a constant mutual enrichment of sections of the system technology and their development due to the influx of new theoretical knowledge and interaction with the areas of practice of the system technology of activity.

The system philosophy includes a holistic method of system technology - the philosophy of the whole itself, as well as a set of Principles, rules, Laws, models, designed to implement the holistic method of system technology in special scientific fields and in practical activities.

In other words, the system philosophy is a philosophical and methodological basis, as well as a set of models and methods for the holistic implementation of activities, a teaching about the methods of system philosophy and system technology.

The method of system philosophy is a holistic method of theory — a methodology for constructing and implementing theoretical and applied sections of holistic, specifically scientific knowledge. The method of system philosophy uses the provisions and postulates of the holistic method of system technology and the model of its implementation for a specific area of ​​special scientific knowledge.

The method of system technology is a method of building and implementing a system technology project for the practical solution of a specific problem, task, to achieve a specific goal, a body of knowledge about the construction and implementation of a system technology activity. The method of system technology is a holistic design method, holistic engineering.

The system technology method is focused on the direct application of a part of the system philosophy devoted to the construction of the Principles, rules and Laws of integrity and development of the whole.

System technology, as the practice of integrated activity - the practice of combining the capabilities of systems, technologies and models in the form of an integrated set of methods and means of production of a particular type of product (result, product).

A system technology project is a set of documents (legal acts) regulating the formation and practical implementation of a system technology of a certain activity.

A project for a specific activity may be analytical, research, design, production, management, expert, control (monitoring), archival.

Theories, projects and practices of system technology holistic activities can be created for the activities of any levels and formats. This may be international, national, regional, state, public, party activities. The system technology project can solve the problems of the integrity of such facilities as industrial, scientific, educational, educational, managerial, design, design. With the help of projects of system technology activities, you can solve the problems of integrity and such areas as environmental, social, economic, private, family, collective, as well as any other.

In most cases, it is convenient to distinguish two groups of projects - theoretical and practical projects of system technology.

Theoretical projects are analytical and research projects, the results of analysis and research, which form the basis for designing a practical system technology activity.

Practical projects are projects of the system technology of industrial activity, for example, system technology of education, design, monitoring, management, etc.

So, the system technology is a holistic interdisciplinary philosophical-methodological, scientific, design and practical direction, named after the final result of the application, which is the system technology of legal practical activity .

? The set of Principles, rules, models, Laws of the whole and holistic activities and procedures for their implementation is the main content of the system technology method.

The principle, in this case, is considered as one of the main conditions for the formation and realization of the whole, integrity.

The law is considered as a generally accepted rule of behavior of the whole, parts of the whole in the implementation of holistic activities, a set of such rules.

The system technology, as well as its Principles and Laws, the components of its holistic method can be developed as specialized for the fields of activity:

- social system technology (for the social sphere),

- socio-technical system technology (for socio-technical, man-machine systems),

- engineering system technology (for engineering systems),

- ecological system technology

- information system technology, as well as energy, industrial, etc.

The holistic method of system technology, as well as its Principles and Laws, can be specialized by type of activity — the method of system technology of holistic analysis, research system technology, system technology of social management, education, social work, social audit, etc.

The holistic method of system technology can be specialized by the types of scientific activities - mathematical system technology, physical holistic method of system technology, etc.

? The holistic method of system technology allows you to implement the figurative motto "Do you want to survive, survive and develop - be whole and complete".

For the formation and implementation of the whole and integrity in a certain set of parts of the environment, it is necessary to specify the code of the whole, “materialize” it as a kernel of the whole and ensure its implementation in a given set of parts of the environment in accordance with the code postulates, the kernel of the whole.

At the same time, the problem arises - how to ensure the survival, preservation and development of these parts of the environment in the format of a given code-core of the whole.

The answer is to use the holistic method of the system technology for theoretical study, development of the project of the system technology of the activity and implement the holistic system technology of the activity in the format of the given code of the whole.

The system philosophy method allows you to specify the codes of the whole and the ideas of development for each of the parts of a given set of parts, to set and ensure the materialization of the code-cores of the parts of the whole as whole. Then these parts survive, are preserved and develop in the format of the original given integer, as a whole and integral set of nuclei of the whole.

? The system technology method uses the obvious fact that in each part of the whole, at least two codes of the whole coexist - the code of the whole set of parts and the code of the whole of this part of this set that compete with each other. There are also codes for transition from code to code.

So, in each herd animal, two codes of the whole live and compete - the own code of survival, preservation and development, as individuals of a given species, and a code of survival, preservation and development of the herd.

Similarly, in every person, as a whole, at least two codes of the whole live and compete: the own code of survival, preservation and development and the code of the association, group, as a whole, in which it constantly participates, for example, of the family, of the production team , another higher consciousness in relation to it.

From here - each part of the whole keeps in itself the code of the whole and therefore “does not forget” the rules of the device of activity within the structure of the whole. If this does not happen, this part of the environment “forgets” the rules of life in one of the integers in which it participates.

One of the codes of the integers stored in the part of the medium can be called dominant, it is preserved in the part of the medium even when the given integer is destroyed. One of the evidence is the possibility of cloning an animal and a plant from its cage. In the cell, the code of the whole, according to the “rules” of which this part of the medium is arranged.

“In terms of the whole - the general model of the whole” and this is one of the main conditions for applying the holistic method of system technology.

In each part of the environment, several codes of the whole can coexist, a kind of "Book of Being" of the whole as part of different integers (the postulate of multiple realization of codes).

The transition from one code of the whole to another can be motivated by the internal environment of the whole. This, for example, can explain the phenomenon of a werewolf, as the transition of a whole from one code of a whole to another.

The transition from one code of a whole to another code of a whole can be carried out in accordance with a certain code of transition from code to code.

Thus, the transition of some given integer from one code of the whole to another can be motivated (controlled) by the external environment of the whole or the whole of “higher order”, which formed the transition code of a given type of integers from one code of the whole to another. This, for example, explains the transition of society, personality from one type of behavior to another, for example, from the personality type of slave-holding society to the personality type of feudal society, from the personality type of socialist society to the personality type of capitalist society. This transition is often inexplicable from the standpoint of the traditional format of the activity of the whole, aimed at its survival, preservation and development.

It can be argued that the impact on the priorities in the package of the codes of a whole of a whole (a kind of management of a package of codes of a given whole) is a competitive process of activity of codes of a whole, one of which becomes dominant for a given whole in a given period of the whole life cycle. These can be periods of the life cycle of the whole, as an individual and as a species.

? Earlier we found that the integer code is integer.

For the implementation of the system technology method, this means that there is competition in the virtual environment of the whole codes. In the previous section, the postulate that the integer code is integer is substantiated. Therefore, each code of the whole in the course of its life cycle is combined with other codes of the whole in the totality of the codes of the whole, which move in the direction of creating a new whole.

In the process of the formation of such aggregates, each emerging aggregate has the choice to “accept or not accept” the given code of the whole, as the idea of ​​survival, preservation and development of the whole, into its “own” set. Similarly, each integer code has the choice of “enter or not enter” in a given set of integer codes.

As a result, for each emerging aggregate there are several “acceptable” codes for “adoption” into their composition. In turn, for each code of the whole there is an opportunity to participate in several sets of codes, each moving in the direction of creating a new code of the whole.

? The system technology method also takes into account that, due to the competition of the codes of the whole, there is a producing activity of the codes of the whole - each whole produces the codes of the whole and places them in parts of the activity environment (the postulate of multiple realization of the whole).

For the whole, this is one of the ways to manage its survival, preservation and development, using various carriers of its whole code, replacing, if necessary, some of its parts with others.

? When adapting the system technology method to a specific object of activity, it is necessary to take into account that the whole and parts of the whole carry out the activity, each “in its own rhythm”, in its own time format. At the same time, the time formats of other integers can be much larger, much smaller than the time formats of this whole, in the limit - infinitely large, infinitely small with respect to the time format of the whole. Therefore, many wholes can seem inactive, "lifeless" and are related to inanimate nature. For example, stones, apparently, carry out their activities as whole, much slower than a person, and therefore they are related to inanimate nature. Then the wildlife consists of objects operating in time formats that are close to human. When determining the time format of an object of activity, it makes sense to relate it to the duration of the life cycle of a species and as a unit of this type of whole.

The time format can also be related to such characteristics as the flow rate of the processes of a given whole, the duration of certain processes of the active phase of the activity of the whole as a species and as a unit of the whole.

It is possible to continue the study of the time format and show that there is a time format of the world for a given whole and to give interrelated definitions of a unit of a type of a whole, a type of a whole, a world of a whole.

? The method of system technology uses models of the whole to form the direction of the totality of the parts of the environment to the survival, preservation and development of the given set as a whole.

The result of such an orientation is determined by the notion of the whole, the “model of the whole,” which contains the code of the whole.

For example, a nation-country can ensure its survival, preservation and development in the environment by creating reliable borders with surrounding countries on land, on water, in air, information, financial, and other spaces. But if it does not constitute a whole, does not aspire to the survival, preservation and development of itself as a whole, then internal contradictions will destroy it. It is necessary that, obviously, the code of the whole nation, to the implementation of which it will strive, as a combination of ethnic groups. At the same time, a nation is complex and cannot be represented by a model of a whole, based on a single code of a whole - a code of a whole, as a set of ethnic groups, in this case. Therefore, the problem arises of building a model of a nation, as a whole, containing a reasonable set of interacting and competing codes of the whole.

? When constructing a specific model of a whole, special attention is paid to identifying the key and nodal codes of the object of activity. Nodal - determine the integrity of a certain set of parts of the object of activity, key - determine the integrity of the object of activity, acting through the nodal parts. The key ones contain the implementation of the general code of the whole object of activity, the nodal ones - of private codes, codes of parts of the whole.

Then the society is investigated, as a whole, the key and nodal codes are found, in the sense of the integrity of the like and coherent actions of the society.

From among the key ones, one can be chosen as the “most powerful by action” in the sense of the integrity and integrity of the society code (for example, this is the code of the DNIF model), which, according to the system technologist, contains the “key” of the society code as a whole. A set of "most powerful in effect" key codes can also be chosen.

See also

created: 2016-02-04
updated: 2024-11-13

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System analysis (systems philosophy, systems theory)

Terms: System analysis (systems philosophy, systems theory)