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3. Technology


Three components can be distinguished in the development of social production - machinization, technologization, industrialization [23] .

? Industrialization is a global tendency to create holistic man-machine productions, which are characterized by a modern technological level, in any sphere of social development. In the direction of the creation of such industries, any part of national production develops - industrial, educational, scientific, managerial, project, etc. Industrialization has intensified in the material areas of production and has become fundamentally feasible in the intangible (and non-energy) areas of production with the advent of mass applications of computers and office equipment for processing information in any sphere of human activity.

In the process of industrialization of a certain type of human activity, it is possible to distinguish three components of the creation of man-machine production: a) machining - the creation and use of specialized machines; b) technologization - the creation and implementation of human-machine technologies; c) coordination - the creation and implementation of human-machine production.

System technology is the basis for the practice of systemic industrialization of social production. System industrialization is the tendency to create such man-machine productions, which are characterized by a systematic construction and a high technological level. System industry is a necessary basis for system development for any sphere of social development - industrial, educational, scientific, managerial, project, etc.

System technology uses the experience of industrial and energy industries, which are based on the classical principles of continuity, parallelism, proportionality, rhythm, as well as specialization, combination, cooperation, concentration of production, etc. However, the system technology allows to avoid industrial and energy industrialization errors that led to large-scale and intractable environmental problems.

Consider the three components of systemic industrialization : a) system engineering - the creation and use of machine systems in the process of engineering; b) system technologization - the creation and implementation of human-machine system technologies and, on their basis, holistic technological systems; c) system coordination - the creation and implementation of a production system, as an integral set of technological and economic-administrative systems [24] .

System machining assumes that machines for a certain type of social production or for the transformation of a certain type of resource should be created as integral systems of machines . Further, it is assumed that a complex, an integral system of requirements is presented to the machines and for their development it is necessary to analyze the processes of processing resources characteristic of this type of human activity. Such an analysis is carried out on the basis of a complex of holistic models of the activity under consideration, for example, educational, as a complex of models of large and complex systems.

In general, the system technology of machining a certain type of human activity is based on the use of holistic system models of three objects: a system of processes, a system of requirements for machines, a system of machines. Taken together, these models form a certain systemic triad of process-requirements-machine models . The use of this triad allows you to track and coordinate the processes of creating, using and replacing the fleet of a company, organization or relevant industry (sphere) of social production as a whole.

The basis of system engineering is the method of system technology.

System technologization unites man and machine , leading to the creation of holistic technological man-machine systems and their complexes for the transformation of not only material, but also human, natural, informational and other types of resources.

As you know, the processes of creativity are massively unfeasible in the sense that they cannot be repeatedly performed to replicate the same product. In contrast, technologies are the processes that are created, as conceived by the designer and the technologist, as many times feasible sets of simple operations for the manufacture of identical products. The simplicity of the operation in this technology for a person is ensured, in particular, by the fact that complex and cumbersome physical, mechanical, chemical, informational, managerial and other processes are “entrusted” to the machine.

System technology addresses the issues of technologization at the new system level, which makes it possible to build more advanced technologies - system technologies, and turn this type of activity into a holistic system activity: system ecology, system education, etc.

System technologization is based on the method of system technology.

System coordination is carried out on the basis of the method of system technology and the complex of applied system technologies for the creation and implementation of production systems, as integral sets of technological and economic and administrative systems.

? The key to successful industrialization is the Technologization Law, first formulated by the author in 1987 [25] :

Technologization is necessary to meet the needs of man and the community, i.e. transformation of the processes of creativity accessible to the units into technologies accessible to all and possessing the properties of mass character, certainty, effectiveness, through the creation and implementation of technological systems.

The main tool for the implementation of the Technology Act is the method of system technology.

? We turn to the study of the basic principles of the implementation of technology. Technologies are implemented through various tools, including and by car. Technologies, including and production technology of machines, consist of separate operations. When implementing material technologies, a number of well-known principles should be implemented, which can be formulated as follows [26] .

1) Qualitative dismemberment and quantitative proportionality of processes (the principle of proportionality ). The principle of proportionality in the simplest case can be expressed as follows: the number of workers in operations should be proportional to the labor intensity of processing the product . This principle requires such a construction technology, which would ensure the passage through the operations of the technological process for a certain period of time the same amount of each type of product.

2) Consistency and equality of time spent on the production of each unit of a given product (the principle of rhythm ). In order to ensure the constancy of the results of technology, it is necessary to repeat each operation at the same time at the same time during the production of each next unit of production. Under this condition, the same products can be obtained for equal periods of time.

3) Simultaneity of operations ( parallel principle ). In technologies, it is necessary to find and distribute operations between different workplaces that can be performed simultaneously (in parallel). As a result, parallel chains (cycles) of technology arise.

4) The continuity of the technology complex (the principle of continuity ). When building a complex of technologies, it is necessary to find such structures in which the minimum expectation of the subject of labor is ensured before each subsequent operation of the complex of technologies.

? The stages of technology development can be viewed as the stages of the natural transfer of human functions to machines. The initial stages are “craft for oneself” (domestic work, including non-marketable), “craft to order” (craft workshops, for example). Then, manufactory manufacturing, industrial technologies (conveyor, flow, etc.), modern technologies (based on machine complexes) arose.

In modern industrial technologies, the machine transfers not only the functions related directly to the transformation of the object of labor, but also the functions related to production management. In the production of the machine is charged not only physical, but also intellectual work.

In turn, the ability of a machine to perform intellectual work leads to the possibility of applying the laws of constructing material technologies for the production of “intellectual” products: management decisions, projects, inventions, and other “intellectual” products.

In other words, if a person is currently at the “craft for himself” and “craft to order” stages in the manufacture of his intellectual products , then in the future he can dramatically increase the productivity and productivity of his intellectual activity by moving to new levels interactions with machines using system technology.

This has been repeatedly proven by the experience of using system technology. In former times, the capabilities of machines lagged behind the needs of resource transformation (which, by the way, remains in many types of material production at the present time). Now the capabilities of computers, communications and office equipment are in many ways superior to the possibilities of processing information-information and information-knowledge that “intellectual workers” have. Such superiority is already evident for management, education, science, ecology, expertise, social and other non-material spheres of labor.

? These problems are solved by system technology. To build specific technologies in all spheres of social production, the system technology also uses such widely used methods for improving technologies as:

- the transition from discontinuous technology to continuous,

- the introduction of "closed" (waste-free) technologies

- increasing the removal of products from each unit of area and volume of technological equipment,

- increase the intensity of technology

- reduction of resource consumption (material consumption, metal consumption, etc.),

- reduction of labor costs

- increase in power of devices, etc.

All the already listed tendencies, conditions, principles are not enough to create system technologies of activity at the modern level. Therefore, further analysis of modern features of technological systems is carried out and a number of principles are formulated that allow solving the problem of integrity of activity in practice and in theory.

? Technological process, as already noted, is the process of processing the subject of labor in order to obtain new properties, forms, condition. These new properties, form, condition are embodied in the final product, the creation of which is the goal of the actual technological process. The subject of labor is a certain set of resources. The set of resources before entering the technological process is the incoming flow, after processing - the output flow, including finished products. For technological processes of industrial production the subject of processing are material resources. At present, as already noted, the term “technology” is widely applied to the processing of information, human, energy and other types of resources.

The goal - giving the subject of labor a new state is realized in numerous metallurgical processes. An example is the technological processes of titanium production, as a result of which titanium passes from the bound state in which it is in titanium dioxide to the free state. I must say that in the production process, titanium, like many other metals, goes into an intermediate state. For example, during magnesium reduction, titanium dioxide is converted to titanium tetrachloride. Here not only the chemical but also the physical state changes: from a solid state (titanium dioxide) the subject of labor is converted into vapor (titanium tetrachloride).

Numerous technological processes are intended to give the subject of labor a certain form . Thus, in technological processes of preparation of the charge at metallurgical plants, the goal is to develop a mixture in the form of granules of a certain size. Along with this, it is necessary to ensure the required composition of components (or groups of components). In batch preparation processes, successive changes in the state of the object of labor can occur: liquid pulp from the processing plant or formed from imported concentrates is mixed with other components, thickened, filtered, dried and converted to a solid state. The goal is to give the subject of labor a certain form , it is pursued in the turning, milling and other machining of metals, in the manufacture of garments, products of the baking industry and in other processes.

In the processing of polymetallic ores at concentrating factories, the goal is to give the subject of labor a new property , which consists in providing an increased level of useful components in the concentrate, sufficient for the effective metallurgical processes to isolate these components from the concentrate. The process of achieving this goal is divided into a number of subprocesses united by a complex system of material flows. In these subprocesses (crushing, grinding, flotation, thickening, filtration, drying) changes in the physical state of the object of labor (from solid to liquid and then from liquid to solid) and shape changes (the ore is crushed and crushed to a specified particle size distribution).

Goals - giving the subject of labor new properties , serve, for example, technological processes of dyeing and finishing in the light industry. The objectives here can be the removal of natural impurities, ensuring uniform moisture throughout the volume, imparting the desired color, ensuring durability, minimal crushing, etc.

? The goals for which the technological processes are carried out can be divided into main (final), intermediate and related ones .

The system of the main goals of the technological process is composed, as a rule, in advance when creating the process. Thus, the system of the main goals of the metallurgical process of smelting a metal may include ensuring the maximum content of the useful component in the main material flow or its minimum content in the waste, the performance of processes or the cost of production, etc.

Intermediate goals arise at each stage, at each stage of the technological process: with alkaline impregnation of cotton fabric - demineralization, with rasshiftovka fabric - removal of dressing (starch), with chlorination of titanium dioxide - obtaining titanium tetrachloride, etc.

Accompanying goals are goals that appear due to the fact that after individual technological stages and operations undesirable side effects may appear, or the results of these stages are needed only for one or two subsequent stages, and for all subsequent ones they are uneconomical, ineffective, and harmful. For example, when mercerizing, cotton cloth is treated with caustic soda, as a result, the cloth acquires increased strength and ability to deep and fast dyeing. But after the mercerization is complete, caustic soda must be removed from the web, since its presence is undesirable at any next stage. An intermediate stage appears - flushing, carried out with the aim of - removing caustic soda residues from the sheet.

The system of goals of the technological process, as a process of achieving the goal, is thus influenced by the chosen method of the process.

? Consider further the process as a process in some technological system.

Any technological process consists of three types of processes: transportation, warehousing and purposeful processing of the resource.

This separation is evident from the consideration of any process.

For example, in the dyeing and finishing production, the canvas (cotton, knitted, etc.) is stored before entering the dyeing or finishing, then selectively transported in accordance with a given dyeing and dyeing schedule, then interacts in dyeing machines and lines with chemicals and dyes, after which re-transported, stored, etc.

Ores of non-ferrous and ferrous metals from various deposits are transported to the beneficiation and metallurgical industries, stored, then transported back to machines and aggregates, mixed, subjected to sintering, smelting, and other types of processing. In mechanical production, parts from the warehouse are transported to the machines, processed (turning, milling, etc.), stored, transported to a new processing (painting, assembly, etc.), etc.

В целом, комплексы технологических процессов общественного производства образуют сложную сеть, элементарными компонентами которой являются складирование, транспортирование, переработка.

Из этих трех типовых компонентов основными компонентами, из которых составляются собственно технологические процессы, являются процессы переработки, в результате осуществления которых перерабатываемый материальный ресурс, как предмет труда, под целенаправленным воздействием приобретает новые свойства, форму, состояние.

? Надо заметить, что изменение свойств, формы, состояния преобразуемых ресурсов происходит не только в процессе целенаправленной переработки, но и при транспортировании и складировании. Эти преобразования являются нецеленаправленными, в большинстве случаев вредными, учитываются при проектировании самих технологических процессов, как приводящие к непроизводительным расходам и потерям.

В тоже время и в самих процессах переработки также происходит транспортирование и складирование предмета труда . Так, в процессе агломерации руд металлов концентрат движется с помощью транспортерной ленты в рабочей зоне агломерационной машины, в процессах крашения хлопчатобумажное полотно движется последовательно через рабочую зону различных аппаратов, отлеживается (складируется) в джейбоксах и т.д. Можно привести много примеров и из области переработки информационного, человеческого, энергетического и др. видов ресурсов, из которых явствует, что процессам переработки (взаимодействия) сопутствуют процессы транспортирования и складирования и наоборот.

It should be noted that during the creation and implementation of complexes of technological processes, much more attention is paid to the improvement of targeted processing processes than to the improvement of transportation and storage. This often leads to a large unexpected loss of useful components in the streams of convertible resources. Characteristic, in this case, the processes of production, transportation, storage of agricultural products, vegetables, potatoes, the processes of development, storage and transportation of management information.

Проведенный анализ показывает, что все три типа процессов – переработка, транспортирование, складирование, содержатся в качестве элементов в каждом процессе переработки любого вида ресурса и неравнозначное отношение к этим процессам приводит к необратимым потерям на пути от исходного сырья (руда, сельхозпродукция, комплексы знаний и умений обучаемых, исходная информация перед началом делового совещания и др.) к конечному продукту (рафинированный металл, мясные изделия, знания и умения обученных специалистов, решение совещания и др.), к его низкому качеству и неприемлемости для потребителя.

Уже упоминавшийся принцип непрерывности тесно связан с тем обстоятельством, что любой технологический процесс состоит из трех основных элементарных процессов: переработки, транспортирования, складирования.

The principle of continuity requires, in essence, the implementation of the technological process with the least possible interruptions in processing, i.e. with minimal costs for transportation and storage.

?We now formulate the most general definition of a technological process, used as the basis for the compilation of a general mathematical model of an integral technology [27] .

A technological process is a set of elementary processing processes, i.e. purposeful processes of transformation of the object of labor, and elementary interactions of two types - transportation and storage of the object of labor.

Множество элементарных процессов переработки создается с целью придания материальному (человеческому, информационному, энергетическому и т.д.) продукту переработки (продукту труда) желаемых свойств, формы, состояния.

Элементарные процессы транспортирования предназначены для осуществления взаимодействия элементарных процессов переработки в пространстве. Это, напр., передача информации по каналам связи, передача энергии по линиям электропередачи, передача звуковой информации от педагога к слушателю, перевозка сельхозпродукции от поля к месту переработки и т.д.

Элементарные процессы складирования предназначены для осуществления взаимодействия во времени. Это, напр., хранение информации в банках данных, хранение деталей и запчастей на складах и т.д.

The principle of continuity in the systemic interpretation should be carried out by minimizing the time and resources spent on the implementation of these interactions.

? Let us proceed to the consideration of other (except for the already considered principles of continuity, etc.) conditions that must be observed in the implementation of technological processes.

One of the main conditions that ensure a given course of the technological process is the condition of adherence to technological discipline . Modes of technological processes are regulated by technological documentation (route maps, operational cards, etc.), compiled when developing a system for technological preparation of production.

Технологическая дисциплина заключается, таким образом, в обеспечении соответствия хода технологического процесса регламентирующей технологической документации.

? Характерной для технологических процессов является стадиальность — разделение на процессы, стадии, связанное с тем обстоятельством, что получение выходного продукта производства из исходных материалов, сырья, комплектующих, изделий, полуфабрикатов и т.п. возможно, как правило, путем постепенного (от операции к операции – в машиностроении, от реакции к реакции в химии и т.д.) изменения свойств, формы, состояния обрабатываемого продукта.

Наличие стадиальности технологических процессов приводит к тому, что появляется, как правило, возможность выполнять определенные стадии, операции, фазы процесса последовательно. При этом оказывается, что каждая стадия «посильна» одному человеку или группе людей с соответствующей оснащенностью машинами. Некоторые цепочки последовательных стадий могут осуществляться параллельно друг другу, в соответствии с принципом параллельности, упоминавшимся ранее. В тоже время стадиальность технологических процессов является одним из следствий соблюдения принципов пропорций и ритмичности.

Однако соблюдение принципов параллельности, непрерывности, пропорциональности и ритмичности недостаточно для эффективного осуществления стадиальности процессов, так как эти принципы не связаны с понятием целесообразности технологии. С этой позиции необходима формулировка еще одного принципа – принципа обогащения, ранее предложенного и описанного автором в ряде работ [28] .

Принцип обогащения заключается в том, что при последовательном прохождении через стадии, циклы и операции технологических процессов исходный продукт теряет «ненужные» (мешающие достижению цели технологического процесса) и обогащается «нужными» (в смысле цели технологического процесса) заданными качествами, формой, состоянием.

Так, руда какого-либо месторождения, содержащая нужный металл, предварительно обогащается на обогатительных фабриках, где проходит ряд процессов, облегчающих последующую выплавку металла. В технологии производства металла руда избавляется, в частности от вредных примесей (напр., серы), плавится, затем металл очищается, рафинируется.

Заготовка детали машины или прибора, прежде чем попасть на окончательную обработку на станке с целью придания необходимой формы и размеров, проходит черновую обработку. По сути на черновой обработке она «обогащается», постепенно освобождаясь от ненужных свойств и постепенно приобретая полезные заданные параметры.

Окрашиваемая хлопчатобумажная ткань проходит через процессы и стадии промывки, обработки химикатами, затем красится, освобождаясь от «мешающих» и приобретая заданные потребительские свойства.

? Современные технологические процессы могут быть перестроены , напр., при изменении ассортимента выпускаемой продукции. Необходимость в перестройке процесса возникает, напр., при изменении номенклатуры измерительных приборов на приборостроительном заводе, ассортимента тканей и их расцветки на отделочном производстве легкой промышленности, при значительном изменении состава сырья в горно-обогатительных производствах и др. При таких перестройках может изменяться последовательность фаз технологического процесса, что приводит к изменениям в структуре технологической системы.

? Важным принципом, который надо учитывать при создании и осуществлении технологического процесса является технологичность выходной продукции .

This is the requirement to provide such a set of properties of the output, which provides the optimal, in the sense of any criterion, resource costs in the creation and implementation of the technological process. At the same time, it is necessary to compare with the corresponding indicators of similar types of products and ensure the established indicators of quality and conditions for the implementation of the process.

In other words, the properties, form, and state of the product planned for production should ensure a more efficient use of production resources to achieve the goal than other types of products of the same type.

? Одним из основных условий эффективного осуществления технологического процесса является оценка качества и эффективности процесса . В соответствии с установленной системой показателей качества производится контроль на соответствие заданным показателям не только выходной продукции, но и входной продукции (входной контроль) и продукции каждого подпроцесса, передела, операции, перехода и т.д.

С целью обеспечения соответствия выпускаемой продукции заданным показателям качества функционирует, как правило, система контроля и управления качеством, осуществляемая специальными службами. Ход технологического процесса в промышленности также контролируется соответствующими подразделениями.

?Mandatory when creating technological processes is the use of standard technological processes . Typification should “eliminate the diversity of technological processes by justifiably reducing them to a limited number of typical ones” and is the basis for creating standards for typical technological processes [29] .

?The current trend is the desire to create the most (fully) mechanized, automated, robotic technological processes.

?One of the most promising areas for improving technological processes is the creation and use of flexible automated systems . In such systems, the ability of technological processes to be rebuilt with frequent changes in the designs and properties of manufactured products can be effectively implemented.

The use of industrial robots can solve the problems of complex automation based on the use of typical robotic systems. Automated control systems, which are one of the decisive factors for increasing the productivity and efficiency of technological processes, have become the most important integral part of modern production.

?The aim of modern design methods of a technological process is to create an optimal technological process with known optimal modes of implementation. With a successful solution of this problem, the process control is reduced to stabilization of the design modes.

? В ходе управления технологическим процессом возникают задачи корректировки заданных режимов по разным причинам: старение оборудование, влияние сезонных атмосферных условий, существенное изменение характеристик сырья, материалов, полуфабрикатов, комплектующих изделий и т.д. В этом случае производится расчет новых оптимальных режимов и переход на новые режимы стабилизации технологического процесса. Для цели корректировки и расчета режимов при оперативном управлении технологическим процессом используют различные методы моделирования технологических процессов.

Управление, основанное на стабилизации расчетных оптимальных режимов, наиболее желательно с точки зрения согласованного управления комплексами технологических процессов не только на одном предприятии, но и на ряде предприятий, производства которых образуют последовательную цепочку.

? Во многих случаях технологические процессы на разных предприятиях (нередко -разных отраслей) образуют процесс, который можно назвать «сквозным», учитывая то, что такой процесс проходит через несколько производственных систем.

Так, сквозной технологический процесс образуют процессы добычи руды на горнообогатительном комбинате, выплавки стали соответствующей марки и проката стального листа на металлургическом производстве, изготовления кузовов для автомобилей в автомобильной промышленности. Материальный ресурс, переходя из одной производственной системы в другую, качественно преобразуется в различных по характеру технологических процессах.

Таким образом, можно отметить, что, в отличие от многих других видов процессов общественного производства, в технологических процессах имеет место преемственность по материальным потокам. Преемственность по материальным потокам характерна и для всех стадий и переделов любого отдельно взятого комплекса технологических процессов.

?At the same time, it is known that material flows in any modern technology are multi-component. Maximum extraction of useful components, properties, forms - one of the most pressing problems of process control. In this regard, it is important to respect the balance of the components that make up the material resource. In other words, the total amount of each component at all inputs and the total amount of the same component at all outputs of the technological process (complex technological processes) should be equal.

Особенно важно соблюдение баланса компонентов в сложных комплексах непрерывных технологических процессов металлургических, нефтехимических и других производств, где возможны неконтролируемые притоки и расходы текучих сред (атмосферного воздуха, пара и т.д.). Естественно, что сбалансированность материальных потоков должна обеспечиваться не только по компонентам, но и в целом по потокам ресурса между отдельными процессами. При таком условии становится, например, бессмысленным оптимальное управление каким-либо одним из процессов, входящих в технологических комплекс, приводящее, например, к повышению производительности этого процесса, если его производительность не сбалансирована с возможностями переработки или потребления в следующем по цепочке процессе.

Возможно, что более разумным явится в таких условиях соблюдение баланса по потокам материального ресурса . Задача оптимально сбалансированного управления комплексом процессов может быть сформулирована так: найти оптимальную (например, по минимуму себестоимости) совокупность расходов ресурсов, обеспечивающую заданные уровни производительности каждого процесса, сбалансированные по всей цепочке технологических комплексов.

Такая «технологическая» постановка, во всяком случае, больше отвечает принципам системности, чем традиционная, целью которой является максимизация или минимизация какого-либо показателя технологического процесса (производительности, например); в традиционной постановке нарушения сбалансированности материальных потоков естественны.

Необходимо, конечно, отметить, что в данном разделе изложены только наиболее существенные, описанные в трудах автора, особенности осуществления технологических процессов.

Существуют также другие различные особенности и тенденции.

? Среди различных тенденций развития технологических процессов материального производства мы должны отметить одну из наиболее существенных. Это тенденция к созданию малооперационных и малостадийных технологических процессов , приходящая на смену традиционным способам разделения процесса труда, выделения, механизации и автоматизации отдельных операций [30] .

В черной металлургии – это процессы прямого восстановления железа, минуя доменный процесс, в цветной металлургии – автогенные процессы, плавка в жидкой ванне, в угольной промышленности – гидродобыча угля, в легкой промышленности – технология производства нетканных материалов и т.д.

These and other trends are realized by three main principles of the development of modern technological processes [31] :

1) Development and improvement of methods of conducting classical technology. Content - "improvement of well-known products, known process."

2) Search for new, progressive technological processes for the production of previous products. The content is “improvement of known products, application of a new process”.

3) Creation of new technological processes in connection with the appearance of new types of products. Content - "the release of new products, the application of a new process."

? Let us turn to the study of technological structures, firstly, as systemic structures, and secondly, as structures created to ensure the progress of the technological process.

As a system structure, a technological structure is a set of interacting elements (elements of the technological structure) and elements of interaction between them.

The technological structure element ensures the implementation of an elementary processing process, i.e. elementary process of changing the properties, form, state of the object of labor .

Some elementary processes are realized manually by people (for example, joining the elements of the electrical circuitry of an instrument by soldering, installing and fixing threaded connections for parts of instruments, machines, devices). Other elementary processes are people using mechanisms, robots, automata (for example, automated assembly of mechanical clocks, mechanical machining of parts on CNC machines). The third elementary processes are carried out in apparatus, machines, aggregates without direct human influence on the subject of labor (enrichment of nonferrous metal ores in flotation machines, dyeing fabrics in dyeing machines, obtaining sulfuric acid in contact apparatus, and liquid processing of leather in wooden drums).

Thus, there are three possible types of elements of technological systems: "man", "man-machine", "machine". Note that these processes can also be controlled by a human, a machine, or a human-machine system.

The elements of interaction provide the space-time interaction between the elements of the technological structure, i.e. ensure the implementation of complex operations of storage and transportation of processed material resource .

The main requirement for the elements of the interaction of technological structures - the elements of technological transport and warehouses, is the requirement to ensure the immutability of the properties, form, condition of the object of labor in the process of transportation and storage. In addition, other requirements are added, for example, ensuring the safety of quantities of transported and stored material resources, etc.

In general, transport and storage, as part of the technological structure, should ensure the spatial-temporal interaction of elementary processes in the technological system.

All these requirements impose severe restrictions on the joint functioning of the interaction elements of technological structures and elements of technological structures.

The technological structure as a whole is created, first of all, to ensure a given course of the technological process, as a process of achieving the goal.

? We will analyze further some aspects common to all technological structures.

Technological structures should be unambiguous, i.e. must unambiguously ensure the specified flow of the process. Unambiguous structure of the technological system means ensuring targeted transformations and spatial movements of the processed resource without deviations from the specified scheme.

At the same time, an important feature of technological structures is flexibility, the ability to be rearranged with the introduction of any changes in the regulation of the technological process.

One of the essential features of technological structures is the use of typical , unified, standardized structures of machines, devices, instruments, units. Machines used in modern technological structures, devices, units for the implementation of recycling processes, as well as transport and warehouses should be built to the maximum extent on standard solutions.

An important requirement for the elements of technological structures is the need to equip instrumentation equipment, means of automatic control and management.

Elements of technological structures both in terms of productivity and volumes of processed flows must be balanced - this is one of the conditions that prevent the appearance of so-called “narrow” spots.

It is absolutely necessary to fulfill the requirements related to the ability of machines, devices, units, transport, warehouses to ensure the minimum loss of material resources during processing, storage and transportation . This requirement, along with the goals of saving resources, pursues the goal of eliminating environmental pollution.

The trends in the development of technological structures can be reduced, as well as for processes [32] , to three main ones:

1) development and improvement of technological structures and their elements for classical technology. The content is “the improvement of the known process, the improvement of the known structure”.

2) search for new, progressive variants of technological structures, designs of their elements for the implementation of classical technology. Content - "improvement of the known process, the application of the new structure."

3) the creation of new technological structures for the implementation of a new technological process. The content is “the application of a new process, the implementation of a new structure” .

? In accordance with the definition previously adopted here, a technological process is a set of elementary processing processes, i.e. purposeful processes of transformation of the object of labor, and elementary interactions of two types - transportation and storage of the object of labor.

Using this definition, as well as the analysis of the features of technology, we can determine that the model of the technological system should consist of the following sets:

the first is the set of technological elements of the system , i.e. people, machines, devices, units, machines, etc., which carry out the elementary processes of purposeful transformation of the object of labor;

the second is the set of interaction elements , i.e. machines, devices, equipment and mechanisms of transport and warehouses that ensure the interaction of technological elements;

the third is a set of elementary processes of a purposeful transformation , on each of which changes occur in the properties, form, state of the processed object of labor;

the fourth is a set of elementary processes of transportation and storage, characterizing the dynamics of the spatial and temporal movements of the object of labor between the elementary processes of processing.

The process model of a technological system is a set of elementary processes of processing, transportation and storage.

The model structure of a technological system is a multitude of people, technological, transport and storage equipment, machines, units, apparatuses.

The model of the main technological system includes the set of technological elements of the system and the interactions between them.

When modeling a technology , an additional system to the main technological system is considered as a system that includes a multitude of transport and storage equipment (machines, units, mechanisms, etc.) and elementary technological processing processes, and these processes are considered here only as processes providing interaction between elements of a set of transport and warehouse equipment of machines, etc.

? When considering the overall task of creating and developing a complete technological system, it is advisable to divide it into two groups of tasks related in the system plan: the tasks of the main technological and additional transport and storage systems. The order of solving problems depends on many reasons, they can be solved sequentially, in parallel, or there can be a more complex cyclic order. Naturally, the models of the elements of a complete technological system will be different, depending on which group of tasks we are considering. The models of the elements and processes that they carry out will depend on which system we consider them: primary or secondary.

The technological system created for the manufacture of a particular product is included in a certain technological complex , which includes, in addition to it, auxiliary technological systems. Such systems are, for example, energy supply systems, equipment repair and recovery systems, chemicals, dye preparation and dispensing systems, and others.

The development of technological systems can be described in the form of the main trends for technological processes and structures with the imposition of the conditions for the balanced development of the main technological and additional transport and storage systems. In addition, one of the main trends in the development of technological systems is the tendency to reduce the proportion of the transport and storage system, to create continuous systems with minimal time and money for the transition from operation to operation.

? In this regard, it is possible to qualitatively summarize the main trends in the development of the technological system created for the implementation of the technological process, as follows:

1) Improvement of technological systems and their elements for the realization of known goals. The content is “improving known systems for known purposes.”

2) Improvement of technological systems and their elements for the implementation of qualitatively new goals. The content is “improvement of known systems for new purposes” .

3) Creation of new technological systems and their elements for the implementation of qualitatively new goals. The content is “creating new systems for new goals”.

Managing the development of technological systems should include two main groups of tasks:

1) Project management of the creation of new systems and their construction in the framework of one of these development trends.

2) Project management for restructuring existing systems and maintaining them in a competitive state.

In project management of technological systems, there are three main stages:

a) about the determination of the elements of a complete technological system , which consists of a set of interacting elements, elementary processing processes, elements of interaction and elementary interactions.

b) designing and designing the main technological system, which is a set of technological elements of the system and elements of interaction between them. At this stage, along with the solution of a set of other issues related to the implementation of the process and structure of the system, the requirements for the operation of vehicles and warehouses should be put.

c) design and construction of a transport and storage system . Its elements are transport and storage units, as well as elementary processing processes. The main content of this stage is the solution of the whole complex of issues on the creation of transport and storage elements of the system, and the elements of the main structure here can only be considered as creating certain time delays and forming those characteristics of the object of labor that are of interest from the point of view of transportation and storage.

This approach consists in alternating consideration of the elements of the main (processing) and additional (transport and storage) systems , and if one of them is designed, then the other system is taken into account by a set of established restrictions on the functioning of its elements.

? Here we studied a number of the most important features of the implementation of technologies, on the basis of which the author formed the following 14 Principles for the development of a holistic method of system technology [33] :

1) The principle of unambiguous correspondence "goal - process - structure":

In the technological system, to achieve the goal of manufacturing each product, a strictly corresponding process should be implemented, carried out with a clearly defined structure; The technological system is described by a set of such correspondences, both envisaged at its creation, and those arising in the process of development.

2) The principle of flexibility:

the technological system should be able to quickly rebuild, i.e. if necessary, move from one conformity “goal - process - structure” to another with minimum expenditure of resources.

3) The principle of non-deteriorating interaction:

transport and warehouse interactions within systems and between systems in time and space should not degrade the parameters of resources and products or can degrade them within specified limits.

4) The principle of technological discipline:

firstly, there should be a regulation of the functioning of the technological system for each “goal-process-structure” conformity, secondly, control over compliance with the technological procedure should be monitored and, thirdly, there should be a system for making changes to the technological regulation.

5) The principle of enrichment:

Each element of the technological system (as well as the entire system) must give new useful properties (and / or form and / or condition) of the resource (subject of labor) being transformed to ensure the process of manufacturing the specified product by the system.

6) The principle of quality assessment:

It is mandatory to establish criteria and evaluate the quality of the implementation of each compliance “goal - process - structure” both for the technological system as a whole and for all its elements; quality assessment can be carried out for the products of the system and products of its subsystems, for the processes of the system as a whole and the processes of its subsystems, for the structures of the system as a whole and the structures of its subsystems.

7) The principle of adaptability:

of all types of products that meet the goal, the most “technological” should be chosen, i.e. providing the most effective implementation of compliance "goal-process-structure" in this technological system.

8) The principle of typing:

the variety of “goal-process-structure” correspondences in the technological system and the variety of products, technological processes, structures and systems should be reduced in technological complexes to a limited number of typical, reasonably different from each other.

9) The principle of stabilization:

it is necessary to find and ensure the stability of such modes of all processes and such states of all structures of the technological system, which ensure the most efficient use of the converted resources for the high-quality manufacturing of each product of the system.

10) The principle of human release:

due to the implementation of technological systems by machines, robots, machine guns to release a person for intellectual activity.

11) The principle of continuity:

Products of each technological system must necessarily be consumed by the external environment at the same rate as they are produced.

12) The principle of balance:

the total amount of each known component of any resource consumed by a technological system over a certain time should be equal to the total amount of this component, which comes in the same time from the technological system to the external environment. This applies to the technological system as a whole, its parts and elements .

13) The principle of environmental friendliness:

The impact of technological, social and natural systems on each other should lead to sustainable progressive development of each type of these systems and their combination.

14) The principle of coordinated development:

the development of the system and its components (elements, structures, processes) must be consistent with the evolution of the goals of the external environment, to achieve which the products of the system are needed; system development should be based on the management of system designs.

The principles of system technology in combination with the classical principles of continuity, parallelism, rhythm and proportionality, as well as cooperation, specialization and concentration of production - the basis for the qualitative assessment of the conformity of the model of the developing system to the standard of the complete technological system and for further solving the problems of developing a system production technology.

? The study of the features of technology allowed the author to also formulate the following laws of development.

The law of industrialization. The development of human activity is carried out through industrialization , which is to create holistic man-machine productions.

In the direction of creating such industries, any human activity — industrial, educational, scientific, managerial, information, energy, project, global, regional, country, etc. — develops.

The law of mechanization. Специализированные машины для индустриализации определенного вида человеческой деятельности или для преобразования определенного вида ресурса должны создаваться как целостные системы машин .

Закон технологизации. Для удовлетворения потребностей человека и общества необходима технологизация, т.е. преобразование процессов творчества, доступного единицам, в технологии, доступные всем и обладающие свойствами массовости, определенности, результативности, посредством создания и реализации целостных технологических систем.

? Изучение особенностей технологий, полезных с позиций формирования прикладных разделов целостного метода системной технологии, рекомендуется продолжить на практических занятиях, при выполнении самостоятельных работ по следующим темам:

1) разработка принципов системного изделия ;

2) формальное математическое описание каждого из принципов; видимо, каждый из принципов должен содержать основную теорему, устанавливающую истинность некоторой формулы прикладного исчисления предикатов (главных или дополнительных), записанной в пренексном виде; кроме этого, каждый из принципов может содержать некоторую формальную процедуру его применения;

3) составление формальной схемы применения комплекса принципов системной технологии для различных сфер деятельности;

4) дополнение принципов системной технологии. Предлагается, например, разработка «принципа резонанса», основанного на явлении резонанса, известном и используемом в электромагнитных и электронных системах, а также, в последнее время, и в создании технологических машин и оборудования, при изучении свойств воды, биологических структур и технологий;

5) технологические системы, как это установлено для систем в общем, создаются для достижения определенных целей, которые могут также достигаться процессами или структурами систем. Предлагается подтвердить или опровергнуть данный тезис и описать соответствующие примеры.

created: 2016-02-04
updated: 2024-11-13

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System analysis (systems philosophy, systems theory)

Terms: System analysis (systems philosophy, systems theory)