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5.5.system philosophy Principles of development of the whole


The complex of principles for the development of the whole [39] includes 14 principles for ensuring the compliance of the development of activities with the provisions of the system philosophy (its definitions, postulates, Principles, rules, Laws, models, etc.).

The principle of unambiguous correspondence "goal - process - structure":

In general, to achieve the goal of obtaining a result (the release of each product in the form of knowledge, goods, services) a process must be implemented that strictly corresponds to the goal, as well as carried out using a uniquely defined structure. The functioning of the whole is described by many such correspondences, both those envisaged during its creation and those that have arisen in the process of development. In other words, each triad of a given integer type “goal-process-structure” must be described by one integral and integral model — a one-to-one correspondence model.

The principle of flexibility:

in accordance with the requirements of the external and internal environments, the whole must be able to rebuild, i.e. if necessary, move from one correspondence “goal - process - structure” to another. Flexibility should be exercised with optimal (in the sense of a certain system of criteria) engaging the internal and external potential of the whole for the restructuring of the whole.

The principle of non-deteriorating communications:

communication within the whole and communication between the integers in time (warehouse) and in space (transport) should not degrade the potential of the whole, its parts and results, or may degrade them within the specified acceptable limits.

The principle of technological discipline:

firstly, there must be a technological regulation of using the potential of the whole for each conformity “goal - process - structure”, secondly, control over compliance with the technological regulation must be exercised and, thirdly, there should be a system for making changes to the technological regulation.

The principle of enrichment:

each element of the whole (as well as the whole) must give new useful properties (and / or form and / or condition) to the transformed resource (object of labor) in the sense of achieving the goal of obtaining the integral and complete result of the whole, increasing the potential of the whole and the result of its activity .

The principle of quality monitoring:

it is mandatory to establish criteria, monitor (analyze, evaluate and predict) the qualities of the integrity and integrity of a given integer in the sense of these criteria; the qualities of all correspondences “goal - process - structure” in the whole should be monitored.

Technological principle:

of all types of results of the whole (knowledge, goods, services) necessary to achieve the goal set by the external or internal environment, the most “technological” should be chosen, i.e. ensuring the most effective (in the sense of an accepted criterion of efficiency) use of the potential of a given whole for the production of a necessary product.

The issues of systemic and technological effectiveness of activity will be considered first by the example of technological effectiveness and systemic character of innovation activity, which is the basis for building production development projects in the engineering process.

The principle of typing:

each of the possible varieties of whole and integral objects should be reduced to a limited number of typical objects that are reasonably different from each other.

Such varieties are the variety of correspondences “goal-process-structure”, the diversity of structures, the diversity of processes, the diversity of integers, the triads of integers and the diversity of results (knowledge, goods, services). For each of them there must be types - correspondences, structures, processes, integers, triads of integers, results, etc.

Stabilization principle:

it is necessary to find and ensure the stability of such regimes of all processes and such states of all structures of the whole that ensure the most effective (in the sense of the accepted effectiveness criterion) use of the potential of the whole to obtain the qualitative result of the whole.

The principle of the release of man:

due to the realization of human activity by machines, mechanisms, robots, automata, organisms, etc. it is necessary to release a person for spiritual, moral and intellectual activity, for activities to develop his mental and physical health.

The principle of continuity:

the productivity of each whole must correspond to the consumer possibilities of all components of the external environment of the whole; the consumer possibilities of the whole must correspond to the possibilities of productive activity of all components of the external environment of the whole.

Balance principle:

the total amount of any resource (as well as every known component of any resource) consumed by the whole for a certain time must be equal to the total amount of this resource (component, respectively), coming in the same time from the whole to its external environment. This condition applies to both the whole and its parts and elements.

The principle of environmental friendliness:

The impact of technological, social, natural and other integers on each other should lead to sustainable progressive development of each species of these integers and their combination.

The principle of coordinated development:

the development of the whole and its components (elements, structures, processes) must correspond to the evolution of the problems, intentions and goals of the external and internal environments, for the achievement of which the results of functioning (knowledge, goods, services) of the whole are needed. The development of the whole must be based on the coordinated management of the project of the whole and the projects of its external and internal environments.


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System analysis (systems philosophy, systems theory)

Terms: System analysis (systems philosophy, systems theory)