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5.1. Systems philosophy - the main provisions


What is included in the system philosophy. The system philosophy includes a holistic method of system technology - the philosophy of the whole itself, as well as a set of Principles, rules, Laws, models, designed to implement the holistic method of system technology in special scientific fields and in practical activities.

Implement the holistic method, which we discussed in Chapter 1, directly for the construction of practical holistic and whole activities is possible only with the help of this section of system philosophy. This section contains, in essence, a transition from a holistic method of system technology to methods of forming and implementing a holistic and whole activity in the form of system technologies. To this end, this section shows the construction of an appropriate set of Principles, rules, Laws, models using the capabilities of theories and practices of systems, technologies and models.

As a result, system philosophy is the basis for the development and development of methodologies for the formation and implementation of system technology: the methodology of the theory — the method of system philosophy and the methodology of practice — the method of system technology.

The system philosophy method is intended for the formation and implementation of integral and whole theoretical and applied sections of specially-scientific knowledge. The method of system technology is designed to form and implement holistic and whole projects of practice in the form of system technologies of activity.

Both methods have the same structure. At the same time, there are differences between them related to the nature of the field of application. Thus, the method of system philosophy to a greater extent uses the provisions and postulates of the holistic method of system technology and the model for its implementation for a specific area of ​​special scientific knowledge. In turn, the system technology method is focused on the direct application of the Principles, rules and Laws of integrity and development of the whole.

System technology, as a scientific direction, includes, as already noted, system philosophy, the method of system philosophy and the method of system technology. There is a constant mutual enrichment of sections of the system technology and their development due to the influx of new theoretical knowledge and interaction with the areas of practice of the system technology of activity.

? Holistic and whole technologies, systems, technologies. The previous chapter was devoted to the study of systems, technologies, models, finding in them a common and special, as well as properties that are useful for the implementation of the postulates and other provisions of a holistic approach.

We came to the conclusion that there is a common in systems, technologies and models , expressed by the following their particular definitions:

a system is a set of methods and / or means of ensuring the interaction of the internal environment of the elements (parts) of the system with the external environment of the system;

technology is a set of methods and / or means of ensuring the interaction of the environment with the actualized problem of survival, preservation, development by producing a result to solve the problem;

A model is a set of methods and / or means of ensuring interaction between the external environment represented by the object being studied and the internal environment of the student, represented, in this case, as a complex of his knowledge about the external environment.

? These definitions correspond to one of the main properties of the whole, described by the following definitions:

the whole is a method (means) of interaction of the totality of parts of the medium with the medium for the survival, preservation and development of the given aggregate in the medium;

the whole is a way (means) of interaction of the environment with its parts for the survival, preservation and development of the environment in the form of sets of parts of the environment.

This circumstance means that systems, technologies, and models can be used in essence to construct tools for implementing the whole, integrity in the form of integral and whole systems, technologies, models that satisfy, as necessary conditions for compliance, the postulates of the whole, integrity, other provisions of the holistic method of system technology.

On the other hand, systems, technologies and models have a special , peculiar to each of them and useful, at the same time, in the sense of the formation and implementation of the whole and complete. Consider these special properties of systems, technologies, models, as useful for enhancing compliance with the postulates of the whole and holistic system technologies in the process of their formation and implementation.

It is quite obvious that by definition holistic and whole systems, technologies, special models to the same extent correspond to the postulates of the whole and integrity . At the same time, to solve some problems, it may be convenient to arrive at a model of a whole, starting from the system, in other cases from technology, in the third case from a special model. Any particular of these options for representing the whole and the whole can be convenient for solving the problems of integrity in a particular area of ​​special scientific knowledge and practice.

Upon further consideration with a view to the unity of presentation, we select integral and whole systems to describe the whole. The construction of various component models of complete and whole systems, their processes and structures is devoted to chapter 4. These components can also be used when using technologies or special models to describe the whole.

? The main type of representation of the whole is holistic and whole systems. The main form of representation of the whole chosen by us is integral and whole systems , i.e. systems that satisfy the postulates of the whole, and supplement them in terms of applications of the philosophy of the whole. These models are convenient for ensuring the unity of the description of the main content of the Principles, rules, Laws of the system philosophy.

Such systems implement the postulates of the whole and integrity, which is necessary and sufficient to represent the whole in the system technology format.

In Chapter 1, we found that the system allows us to structure the idea of ​​a whole set of objects of activity in a convenient form, both for studying the whole itself and for studying its parts.

An artificial system is created, as a rule, for the realization of the interests of the creator of the system or in the interests of third parties - control systems, design systems, technological systems, etc. Therefore, the system initially possesses the integrity of the first type.

At the same time, the system must have interconnections as channels of interaction between its parts. This means that there are opportunities to be realized in the integrity system of the second and third types.

Further, the system in most cases is a set of parts aimed at their own survival, preservation and development. It is possible to replace parts of the system, the death of its parts. In all cases, you can find a simulation of the system, which would correspond to the concept of a whole. Such a system will be an integral whole.

When forming a system model, it is possible to implement all three main scenarios for the formation of a whole:

the first scenario is the creation of a “whole in the interests of the environment or another whole”;

the second is the creation of a "whole in the interests of certain parts of the environment";

the third is the creation of a “whole in the interests of the totality of parts of the medium”.

As a result, a system model can be formed, which by definition has an inherent balance of the integrity of all three types.

Therefore, in the analysis, research, design and other actions related to the formation and implementation of the object, subject and result, as well as the triad of activity as a whole, they can be represented with the help of a general model as a complete and whole system.

With the help of an integral and whole system model, it is possible to take into account the action of the factors of the whole and integrity in order to achieve their balance necessary for the formation and realization of the whole. A holistic and complete system model also allows you to form a holistic and holistic actions in the formation and implementation of system technology activities.

The use of systems for representing the whole satisfies the postulates of the whole and holistic activity. First of all - the postulates of the complexity of the whole, the postulate of the general model of the whole, the postulate of the existence of the core of the whole, the postulate of the dependence of the development of the whole on the development of the core of the whole, the postulate of the general process model and the structure of the whole and the rest.

Along with the well-known models of systems, system technology uses its own models of complete and whole systems. This, for example, is an algebraic model of a system that can be used to transform any other system model to a complete and complete system.

? Another type of representation of the whole is models applied in various fields of special scientific knowledge and practice. These models include the most diverse models that we discussed in Chapter 2: physical models, communication models, safety models, motivation models, behavior models, economic growth model, voter model, electrical model, gravity model, learning model, price model, management model , other models. All these models in one way or another are models of systems of highly specialized scientific and practical purposes. Such models can be converted to whole and holistic models using holistic and whole system models. The models thus transformed are convenient for the application of system technology in various fields of special scientific knowledge.

Along with the well-known special and general models, the system technology uses its own models of specially-scientific knowledge and practices created using whole and complete models of systems. This is, for example, a holistic and whole DNIF activity model.

? The third type of representation of the whole - the technology used to implement a variety of activities. These highly specialized technologies include the most diverse technologies discussed in Chapter 2: information, film, military, management, chemical, material production, dual use, humanitarian, critical, metals, commerce, programming, social, managerial decision making, psychological and pedagogical , socio-economic, cognitive, legislative and other technologies.

All these technologies in one way or another are technologies of a highly specialized scientific and practical purpose. Models of such technologies can be transformed into whole and complete models with the help of integral and whole system models. Technology models transformed in this way are the basis for the application of system technology in various areas of human activity.

The application of the specified whole and integral models of technologies is quite natural due to the fact that they satisfy the postulates of the whole and integrity. First of all - the postulate of the general model of the whole, the postulate of the balance of factors, the postulate of the general model of the process and the structure of the whole, as well as the rest.

The above information once again confirms the validity of the name of the studied scientific field “system technology”, since the greatest contribution to the implementation of the holistic method in this direction is made by the results obtained from the study of systems and technologies. In turn, all known types of models of highly specialized scientific and practical purposes can be supplemented to complete and whole models of systems.

? General principles for the implementation of a holistic method. The system philosophy contains, along with the holistic method of system technology, a set of Principles, Laws, and Rules intended to implement the holistic method of system technology in special scientific fields and in practical activities. The formulas and logic for constructing each component of the specified complex is shown in the subsequent sections of this chapter.

The general principles of building this complex implementation of the holistic method are:

in the use of models of holistic and whole systems that correspond to the postulates of a holistic whole,

in the use of the Laws of industrialization, technologization, machinization and principles for the development of technology activities,

as well as in the application of highly specialized models and technologies transformed into models of complete and whole systems for the fields of special scientific knowledge and practice.

For each component of the set of Principles, rules, Laws, there are also examples of its formulas for various fields of special scientific or practical application.


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System analysis (systems philosophy, systems theory)

Terms: System analysis (systems philosophy, systems theory)