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5.2. Systems philosophy - the principle of integrity


Axioms and the main theorem. The formula of the Integrity Principle is made up of the following statements, corresponding to the postulates of the holistic method of system technology.

Axiom 1 of the "general model of the whole":

For the formation and implementation of a holistic activity, a general model of the whole is necessary in the form of a holistic and whole system satisfying the conditions of the postulates of the whole and integrity.

A holistic and whole system is inherent in the balance of the action of the factors of the whole and the balance of the action of the factors of integrity.

The integral and whole system contains the core, which forms the direction of the whole towards its own survival, preservation and development, the core of the whole. All the conditions expressed by the relevant postulates of the holistic method of system technology are fulfilled.

For the formation and implementation of a holistic activity, the formation and implementation of a process of activity must be carried out with the help of a general model of a whole and integral system for such activity processes.

For the formation and implementation of a holistic activity, the formation and implementation of an activity structure must be carried out using a common model of an entire and integral system for such activity structures.

Axiom 2 "need of the object of activity":

For the formation and implementation of a holistic activity requires an object of activity.

Axiom 3 "general model of the object of activity":

For the formation and implementation of a holistic activity, the formation and implementation of an object of activity must be carried out in accordance with the general model of the whole for such objects of activity in the form of a holistic and whole system.

Axiom 4 “need of the subject of activity”:

For the formation and implementation of a holistic activity requires a subject of activity.

Axiom 5 "General Business Model":

For the formation and implementation of a holistic activity, the formation and implementation of a subject of activity must be carried out in accordance with the general model of the whole for such stakeholders in the form of a holistic and whole system.

Axiom 6 “need for performance”:

For the formation and implementation of a holistic activity requires an activity.

Axiom 7 "General Performance Model":

For the formation and implementation of a holistic activity, the formation and realization of the result of an activity must be carried out in accordance with the general model of the whole for such results of activity in the form of a holistic and whole system.

Axiom 8 "need triad activities":

For the formation and implementation of a holistic activity, a triad “object-subject-result” of activity is necessary.

Integrity theorem “on the general model of the triad of activity”:

For the formation and implementation of a holistic activity, the formation and implementation of the “object-subject-result” triad of activities must be carried out in accordance with the general model of the whole for such triads of activity in the form of a holistic and whole system.

The validity of this theorem is proved by axioms 1 - 8.

? The integrity of the thinking and practice specialist. The integrity of the thinking and practice of a specialist is the basis for the development of the professionalism of modern production teams. Narrow specialization practiced in teaching and in the practice of activity is necessary for the in-depth study of a specialty, but it does not contribute to the successful formation of the integrity of the thinking and practice of a specialist.

In modern conditions of large-scale and complex production and management systems, the requirement of consistency and integrity is constantly highlighted in all practical human activities.

The problem of forming the integrity of the specialist’s thinking and practice should be attributed to one of the most important problems of constructing a modern integrated advanced education.

The world around which the person is a part, is complete . By virtue of this, man, as a product and part of the surrounding world, bears in itself a reflection of integrity in the form of a certain “ gift of integrity ”. The gift of integrity, like any other “gift from nature,” is manifested in every person in varying degrees. Also, for example, how the gift of an organizer or a musician, a plowman or a poet, a blacksmith, a scientist or a teacher manifests itself to varying degrees. And just like, for example, the gift of a musician, the gift of integrity can only be developed with a combination of appropriate education and practice.

To develop and realize the gift of integrity of the specialist in practice, you need an appropriate education .

The need to form a holistic thinking in higher, postgraduate and additional professional education specialist is dictated by the complexity of management systems, design, expertise, science, marketing, business and other production systems. It is also dictated by the need to make production management decisions in the conditions of large-scale and interdependent objects of activity, the modern conditions of informatization and globalization of human activity, and many other known circumstances.

Knowledge of the characteristics of a holistic activity is an important aspect of the preparation of a modern specialist and manager, especially in ecology.

? It is necessary to purposefully form the holistic thinking of any specialist, especially an ecologist, at all stages of education - higher, postgraduate, and additional to ensure his successful practical work with systems of various nature.

It is also known that a modern manager, designer, expert, businessman, other specialists often have to start solving new professional problems. This is forced by the rapidly changing environment of modern professional activity, the need to switch to new technologies, the constant tightening of requirements for professional qualifications, the conditions of tough competition and other reasons. In particular, this condition is characteristic of industrial activity. A manufacturer or manager, like any specialist, is more prepared to solve new problems, if he knows the holistic method of system technology and has the appropriate training in its application. The reason is obvious - holistic thinking reflects the unity of knowledge, as well as areas of social practice using holistic and whole models of systems.

? For the formation of the integrity of the thinking and the practice of a specialist, the specialty “System technology” is necessary. There are a large number of specialties, which are trained specialists in the field of technology. In the nomenclature of higher education specialties, many specialties are directly devoted to such narrow-industry technologies as biotechnology, engineering technology, chemical technology, consumer goods technology, mechanical technology, various food technologies, pharmaceutical production technology, technology and exploration of mineral deposits, water and fuel technology , technology of livestock production and others.

At the same time, it is known that, as a rule, technological systems are complex, large, large-scale systems. It is obvious that in addition to industry specialties, there should be a technological specialty of industry-wide (system-wide) orientation. Such a specialist, especially in the production sphere, could solve system-wide issues of creating and implementing investment projects of innovative technologies in various sectors.

? In addition, modern enterprises are forced to constantly update production technologies. However, they often dramatically change the profile of production and move to new technologies. In the transition to new technologies, it is often necessary to replace specialists, thereby creating social problems. The transition to new production technologies would create less organizational and social problems if the company had specialists and managers with holistic training in technology . Such specialists effectively make the transition to new technologies. This is especially important for the formation and implementation of production programs for the development of small and medium-sized businesses.

Any modern production requires professionals who know the general laws and principles of the integrity of any technology - a system technology of activity.

? There is also a systemic feature of the production system, as well as the activities of an engineer, technologist, manager, economist, and any other modern specialist, which is often not taken into account in modern education. This feature consists in the fact that a modern production worker or manager, like any specialist, works, as a rule, in a group , in a team . The team, in turn, poses, along with narrow professional problems, general problems of the formation and implementation of holistic programs, projects, solutions in a particular field of activity.

For this reason, every focused group of production managers and specialists needs a specialist in the field of system technology who is able to develop a holistic basis of the proposed projects, programs, solutions and system technologies for their formation and implementation.

? So, for the formation of the integrity of the thinking and practical activities of a specialist, it is necessary to teach the discipline "System Technology" during the passage of higher and additional professional education. It is also advisable to train specialists in the innovative direction "System Technology".

The creation and use of this innovation in education will allow students to develop a systematic way of thinking and enable them to master modern technological ways in various fields of activity. At the same time, it is possible to use the achievements of domestic and foreign authors in the field of the whole, systems and technologies on a uniform educational and methodical basis. Using their trainee will form the information obtained in the university in the form of a complete and whole system of knowledge and skills. Such a system of knowledge and skills will allow it to effectively implement system technologies for future activities.

? The principle of integrity of thinking and practice specialist. Proposals for the formation of the integrity of the specialist’s thinking are based on the general Integrity Principle given in this section.

Specialist we can be considered as a subject, object, result of activity. So, a specialist can be considered as an object of activity - a designer, a project developer. The result of his activity is a certain project necessary to solve a specific problem. This may be, for example, a project of a dwelling house, which is necessary to resolve the problem of insufficient housing.

A specialist can be considered as a subject of activity - the head of a group of designers. The result of his activity is the compliance of the project with the requirements specification.

A specialist can also be viewed as the result of an activity, for example, as a graduate of an educational institution.

In all three cases, in accordance with the axioms 3, 5, 7 of the general principle of integrity, he must follow a condition that can be expressed as follows, as the principle of the integrity of the thinking and practice of a specialist:

For the formation and implementation of a holistic activity, the formation and implementation of a specialist’s thinking and practice must be carried out in accordance with the general model of the whole for such specialists in the form of a system technology.

It is proposed to solve individual tasks of constructing the axioms of this Integrity Principle during practical and seminar classes, in the process of independent and research work, and also to develop a set of axioms and the basic theorem of the Integrity Principle of the thinking and practice of a specialist and propose a regulation for its implementation. The corresponding tasks are proposed at the end of this chapter.

? The principle of integrity of innovation. Innovations must be holistic and, as will be shown when considering the Principles of Development, also technological. To consider the condition of the integrity of innovation, formulated from the standpoint of a systemic philosophy, you can use the following figurative description.

To improve the quality of fruit-bearing trees, branches (grafts) from other, “cultivated” tree varieties are grafted onto the “wild” stock. On the grafted branch grow leaves and fruits. The grafted branch will be fed with the help of the root system and the tree trunk, if the grafted branch is technologically advanced, i.e. does not violate the life technology of the stock or violates it in some acceptable limits. In this case, the grafted branch receives power from the stock, which significantly affects the result of the life of the grafted branch. And only once a year leaves and (not useful for various reasons) fruits fall from the grafted branch, which then affect the nutritional composition of the root system and the original tree itself.

This cycle repeats annually. As a result, the grafted cultural stock and the initial variety of the wild tree act as a new tree (unless, of course, the graft branch is technologically advanced for the stock and will be grafted, but not dead,). It can be said that the source tree and the grafted branch function as a result, as a new integral system. The graft branch is holistic with respect to the stock.

Like this example, innovations (innovations), “grafted” on social production, feed on the resources that social production has at the time of their appearance. But also social production should move to a state of new integrity under the influence of the innovation being introduced.

Of course, the mechanism for introducing and using innovations is much more complicated than the scheme described (as, by the way, is the life support process of a graft branch on a tree and the tree itself).

But the fact is indisputable: the effectiveness of innovation essentially depends on the previous state of social production and, in particular, on the state of the nation — its spirituality, morality, intelligence, and physical development. In turn, social production and the state of the nation develop under the influence of innovation, but more slowly than innovations themselves appear and develop under the influence of social production and the state of the nation. Therefore, it is very important to choose the innovations that are necessary for the development of social production in the foreseeable future, which, figuratively speaking, can most effectively influence the development of social production in the foreseeable future, from the whole set of innovations.

For the formation of the principle of integrity of innovation should apply the general principle of integrity, developed and proposed by the author, as part of a system philosophy. Based on the principle of integrity of innovation, modifications of the principle of integrity of innovation for types of production and specific industries can be developed.

From the standpoint of systemic philosophy, the basic statement of the principle of the integrity of innovation can be summarized as follows:

social production of the past, present-day innovations, as well as future social production must be described by one general model of the whole in the form of a complete and whole system.

Such a model of a general system describes the common features of existing and future social production, as well as the desired innovations as innovations. Using such a model for innovative programs would help ensure the integrity of the development of social production.

It is proposed to solve individual tasks of constructing the axioms of the principle of integrity of innovation in practical and seminar classes, in the process of independent research, as well as develop a full range of axioms and the basic theorem of the principle of integrity of innovation and propose a regulation for its implementation. The corresponding tasks are proposed at the end of this chapter.


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System analysis (systems philosophy, systems theory)

Terms: System analysis (systems philosophy, systems theory)