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2.3. Image of the head.


An important element of managerial communication is to create an attractive image of a manager. This is a necessary prerequisite for the transformation of a manager into a true leader and arming him in addition to the main types of power (“carrot”, “carrot”, official status, authority) also with the power of personal charm.

The word “image” in translation means “image, halo, reputation”. Image is a self-presentation, the construction of a person’s image for others. In relation to the leader, this is an assessment of his moral, personal, intellectual, professional and ethical qualities by the people around him.

People seeking power, their ambitions should be supported by appropriate ammunition. It refers to the general culture, moral motivation of actions, professional competence, etc. Finding a favorable professional image is certainly not an end in itself for a manager. However, the possession of them constitutes a very significant personal and professional characteristic of it, has a deep practical meaning. The concept of image is close to the concept of personification, but includes not only the natural properties of the individual, but also specially created ones. In addition, it speaks of both the outward appearance and the inner world, the psychological type of person.

The meaning of the concept of "image manager" is made up of different components. Consider the most important of them.

1. Professionalism and competence.

The manager must be a talented person, and take his place by right. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for the reverse picture, which NA wrote about. Dobroliubov, pointing out that a person with the abilities of the minister is suffering on the coachman's box, while others, with the abilities of the coachman, are exhausted in the high ministerial chairs. An ironic joke: “Earlier, academics became directors, now directors become academicians,” fully reflects the realities of our time. Managerial activity requires a person dynamism, quick reaction, intuition and much more, defined as the requirement of competence. Every manager should know professionally how to do his job in the best possible way. This knowledge can be obtained if the manager is diligent and diligent enough to get them from books, sufficiently perceptive and self-critical to learn from their experience. And sensitive enough to extract them from the experience of others. The manager can not afford to learn only from their own mistakes.

At the same time, one should not forget about Peter’s famous principle: “In any hierarchy, each individual has a tendency to rise to his level of incompetence.” Indeed, in the existing system of production relations, competence is the basis, and incompetence is an obstacle to career growth, with the result that each manager risks achieving his own level of incompetence. This requires of him a great deal of exactingness and work on himself.

2. Moral reliability.

For a leader, the devaluation of the concept of “a man of honor” is impossible, which presupposes the existence of decency, high morality, generosity, and other remarkable properties of the soul.

3. Humanitarian education.

A leader is only capable of spiritual self-improvement when he is sufficiently developed in the humanities. This involves the assimilation of such ideological values ​​as the social security of people, their health, environmental safety, etc.

Insufficient humanitarian education badly affects the person. So the Japanese eye is able to distinguish 47 shades of color, and Russian - 7. This is a consequence of the decline in our level of humanitarian perception and the general educational course for the training of technocratic managers who, in the name of production achievements, can forget about the priceless life of their subordinates.

Only thanks to a high humanitarian culture, a person acquires the ability to absorb various information, subjecting it to not only rational, but also sensual processing.

4. Knowledge of psychotechnology.

Psychotechnology is the science of the practical use of psychological techniques for managing people. The mental activity of a manager is realized in the system of managerial communication and is a system of interconnected, internally motivated psychotechnics.

Psychotechnics is a system of interrelated operations aimed at changing the states, motives, attitudes of a person, which is affected by a manager. He should consider psychotechnology as a system of practical actions that are based on the system analysis of communication.

In this regard, the analysis of image creation principles requires serious attention. The main experts identify the following:

- The principle of repetition.

It relies on the property of human memory to memorize well what is repeated. Repeated repetition adapts the human psyche. - The principle of continuous impact enhancement.

It takes into account the peculiarity of the human sensory apparatus to resist sudden bursts of information. On the contrary, a gradual and continuous buildup of impact forces has a great positive effect.

- The principle of "double call".

It means that the message is perceived first of all not by the human mind, but by its subconsciousness. Consequently, when acting on a person, he must be “double challenged”, i.e. appeal to the subconscious and the conscious.

To play its role, the image must attract the attention of people, direct their activity in the right direction, and then manage the human behavior.

In England, it is said that the principles of three “A” should be maintained in the activities of a manager: APPEARANCE - appearance, APPROACH - approach, ATTITUDE - attitude.

AIDA formula gives an even more pronounced effect on people, where A (attention - from English “attention”) - attracts attention; I (interest) - the awakening of interest in the image; D (demand - from the English. "Requirement", "need") - the excitation of the need to implement the action; A (action) - the motivation to commit actions.

Thus, the scheme of step-by-step management of people with the help of image demonstration looks like this: attracting attention — awakening interest — creating demand — provoking action.

The so-called rule of "three twenty" says: the impression of a person is formed in the first minute of the meeting. During the first twenty seconds, we estimate how we look, twenty more - manner of speaking and finally the ability to communicate.

Appearance is not in vain in the first place ("by clothes they meet ..."). The ability to look good is the first and very important step to create an attractive image. Clothing should be comfortable, respectable and appropriate position and setting.

J. Scholz, a German psychologist who works at a human resources consulting agency, warns: “A few years ago, all this was viewed as a mere formality, but now when recruiting staff and at various stages of a career, dressing becomes more and more important. Clothing is a kind of "social signal", a kind of "calling card". Mastering the unwritten rules of how to dress is an integral part of the art of making a career. Many firms adhere to the rule: "Anyone who wants to look like a firm manager must have a well-groomed and representative appearance." After all, the overall impression of good taste, neatness and even some meticulousness in clothes makes you think that this person is just as “fit” and reliable.

For the manager, conservatism in clothing is preferable: a suit of calm tones and classic styles, plain light shirts, carefully selected ties and no jewelry (badges, rings, pins). A suit worn on official occasions should not be sporty, but a jacket and trousers of different colors.

It is necessary to retain a sense of proportion in everything, because any deviation irritates others and "works" against us.

We give examples of recommended clothing ensembles for men.

Suit Shirt Tie Boots Socks
Gray White, blue, pink, ivory. Any color Black In the tone of a tie
Blue White, light pink, ivory. Red and black Black Black
Dark green Ivory, light pink. Red green brown Brown Brown
Sand Light blue, pink. Dark blue Light brown Light blue
Dark brown White, beige, light pink. Green brown, red black Brown Coffee, Bordeaux
The black White Silver gray, red black


Black, dark purple

Add to this one general tip: you can wear a shirt for two days, but you should change your tie every day. People around have the impression that you are always in something new and very elegant.

The wardrobe of a business woman includes several elegant suits and blouses. The most appropriate colors, according to psychological studies - gray, blue, beige, reddish-brown. The most unsuitable colors for working clothes are green, orange, bright yellow, red and pink (especially bright gold, green, orange and violet colors are especially repulsive to many men).

A minimum of cosmetics (that make-up which is imperceptible is good), the delicate subtle aroma of expensive perfumes, is one, but stylish and expensive decoration - such, according to experts, is the equipment of a woman supervisor.

However, the most beautiful clothes mean nothing without a friendly smile and willingness to communicate.

The manager simply has to professionally be able to make a very favorable impression (“remember, you will never have a second chance to make a first impression!”).

Researchers claim that 92% of the impression made depends on how a person holds and “sounds” (gait, posture, facial expressions, gestures, diction and timbre of voice, etc.).

Here is a small test. In each of the four squares, mark the signs that you think are characteristic of you.

Non-verbal signals.

1. Sympathetic gestures

Calm voice

Squinting eyes

Open arms

Expansive gestures

Close distance when talking


2. Aggressive posture

Strong handshake

Closer "stared" look

Hard voice

Looking over the glasses

Tight mouth

Long distance when talking

3. Loud, fast speech

Habit of interrupting

Pointing finger

Hands behind your back

Controlled voice timbre

Unresponsive Responses

Upper hand position when shaking hands.

4. Eyes lowered relaxed manner of conversation

Rubbing hands

Quiet voice

Permission to interrupt yourself

Habit of sitting on the edge of a chair

Nervous gestures

- The predominance of signs from the first square means that, according to your verbal signals, people perceive you as a friendly person;

- the second square means aggressiveness;

- the third - dominance;

- Fourth - humility.

A leader who is attentive to his image should pay the most serious attention to body language. The ability to control your non-verbal signals is a very important quality manager. The technique of gestures and facial expressions, voice posing, the art of smiling are taught by image-makers - specialists in image formation.

In many cases, the image of a manager is the result of a skillful orientation in a particular situation, and therefore the correct choice of a model of behavior.

Goethe remarked that behavior is a mirror in which everyone reveals himself. And not only shows. There is a kind of talent to peer into this mirror, sensitively catch on it the attitude of others. This is one of the secrets of skillful imaging. Everyone masters those behaviors that bring success. The more objective the idea of ​​their behavior, based on the reaction of people, the more effective will be the strategy and tactics of this behavior.

Modeling behavior should be understood as the understanding of their actions in communication. If these actions are calculated in advance, and even more so “packed” in the appropriate models, communication will cost for everyone with minimal costs. In the words of I.P. Pavlov, the most powerful stimuli are people. The optimal choice of behavior can weaken this irritant. A model of behavior is vitally justified when it is recognized as a worthy way of interacting with people, optimally stimulating their personal qualities.

As studies show, the more effort is made in the manifestation of the ability to please people, the brighter highlights are the intellectual, artistic and informational characteristics of the individual. Especially when all this contributes to the propensity to communicate and lead.

To be charming is a kind of courage, as it requires continuous work on yourself. Doing yourself the most difficult job, but it certainly is of interest to each person. This is due to the fact that the image is a kind of brand name (the better it is presented, the higher the person’s reputation). Reputation is the key to solving many business and life problems.

Test questions.

1. What is included in the general model of the head?

2 What are the main psychological characteristics of the personality of the head.

3 What is included in the concept of "profile manager's personality" and how many such profiles can be built?

four. How can one measure the managerial potential of a manager?

five. What is the process of typologizing managerial qualities?

6. What is meant by professional competence of a manager?

7 What are the psychological characteristics of the personality of a good and bad leader?

8. What are the main signs of professional burnout that you know.

9. What are the manifestations of psychological defenses in the behavior of the head?

ten. What is the psychological specificity of labor leader?

Literature .

Malyshev K.B. Psychology of management. M., 2000.

Urbanovich A. Psychology of management. Minsk, 2005.

Samygin S.I., Stolyarenko LD Psychology of management. R. - on - Don, 1997.

Zhuravlev A.N. Psychology of management. M., 2003.


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