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1.1.Management as a social phenomenon.


In the most general form, management is defined as an elementary function of organized systems of various nature (biological, social, technical), ensuring the preservation of their specific structure, maintenance of the mode of activity, implementation of the program, goals of the activity. Representation of a real object as a set of interacting components is characteristic of a systems approach. The system approach allows to integrate and systematize knowledge, eliminate redundant redundancy in the accumulated information, overcome the shortcomings of the local approach, reduce the subjectivity in the interpretation of phenomena. A systematic approach helps to identify gaps in knowledge about the object, to detect their incompleteness, in some cases, to predict the properties of the missing parts of the description.

As part of a systematic approach, it is possible to implement the proposal of W. Ross Ashby: “Instead of examining first one system, then the second, third, etc., follow the opposite principle - consider the set of“ all conceivable systems ”, and then reduce this set to more rational limits. " The most complex types of systems include targeted and self-organizing. Purposeful are called systems whose behavior is subordinated to the achievement of certain goals, and self-organizing - systems that are capable of modifying their structures, defining new goals.

In any control system, two subsystems are distinguished: control and control, each of which can be considered as independent systems. The management subsystem or the subject of management is endowed with managerial powers and carry out management activities. a managed subsystem or a control object is a part of the control system to which the organized, systematic, systematic impacts of the control subject are directed.

An integral part of management systems are management functions , which are defined as specific forms and directions of management activities. By means of management, on the one hand, the unity, coherence and interrelation of the elements of the system r are provided on the basis of its purpose, and on the other, development, change. Improvement of the constituent elements of this system. This combination manifests the dual nature of the management functions, which are divided into target and organizational.

The purpose of the objective functions is to direct the control object to the achievement of a given goal of the system. Organizational functions ensure the use of optimal methods for combining the elements of a system to ensure the viability of all its substructures, the implementation of the objective function of the system. The role of certain functions depends on the type of systems. It is clear that in the case of a focused system, the target control functions come to the fore. In the limiting version, the control function is reduced to regulation, such as, for example, the activity of a dispatcher, who maintains the optimal parameters for the operation of an aggregate. In self-organizing systems, organizational management functions become decisive when the very purpose of a system is formed as a derivative of the realization of the potentials of its constituent elements. Then the management functions are similar to the guardianship functions. It is obvious that in practice there are a number of intermediate systems in which other types of target and organizational functions prevail.

For example, the forecasting function , that is, the prediction by the control subject of the final result of the system’s work in the future, the construction of an image of the goal and the methods necessary to achieve it. Thus, the element of forecasting is the process of goal setting. consisting in the designation of the desired result, which should be obtained after the implementation of control actions. Nothing negatively affects the entire system activity, as erroneous goal setting. Therefore, managers at all levels of the management system should clearly define the objectives of the activities in any conditions. The success of forecasting significantly depends on the diagnostic control function, by means of which the actual state of the control system as a whole or on some specific issues is revealed.

Another management function - planning is to develop a decision on what the results of activities should be, the means to achieve them, the stages of execution. Planning includes the ratio of the interests of the object and the subject of management, detailing by levels and types, foreseeing ways of realizing common interests through individual ones. A prerequisite for effective planning is the decision-making function of the subject of management based on the analysis and assessment of information about the state of the management system. Making a decision means moving from an analysis of the situation to a practical action, which is carried out in accordance with the plan.

The implementation of the plan requires the implementation of a number of special functions. These include the organization-wide function, which provides for the distribution of funds and resources between the executive elements of the system, setting them in front of specific tasks, determining the order of their implementation. This also includes the creation of new structures to perform certain tasks.

The material and technical functions determine the actual needs of the system and subsystems for material resources, identify the capabilities of the external environment to meet the needs of this system, distribute the available material and technical resources in accordance with their availability and the needs of the managed subsystems, ensure the rational and economical use of the corresponding funds. The implementation of the latter task is also determined by the financial and economic management function . Its implementation makes it possible to determine in a timely manner the real cost of the implementation of the tasks set, the costs of life support for the components of the control system.

The most important management functions include the function of accounting and control , which consists in ensuring the collection, transmission, storage and processing of accounting data, in registering and systematizing information on the activities of the system, on the implementation of management decisions, on the quantitative availability of finance and material resources. Accounting creates the basis of control, the essence of which is to identify compliance and non-compliance of the actual state of the controlled object with a given program. The control provides feedback, that is, it gives actual information about the achievement of the goals set by the control object.

The political and legal function allows the manager to navigate the political and legal environment of the managed system and at the same time ensures the management of subordinates within the organization in accordance with accepted political norms and laws. The social function of management is aimed at facilitating the effective resolution of emerging contradictions, which are caused by such social phenomena as heterogeneity of activity and its payment, social inequality of people, the presence of people requiring social protection, etc.

The incentive function is one of the most important factors for increasing the efficiency of the management system. The incentive function is aimed at ensuring a proper level of performance. To this end, the system creates conditions for the moral and material interest of the executive structures in carrying out their tasks.

These functions in the management process are closely interrelated and often carried out simultaneously. The effectiveness of their implementation depends on the experience of the manager, his professional training, his special knowledge and skills for solving managerial tasks, individual abilities, health, etc.

Goals and management functions form management relationships . The purpose of management acts as a common, mediated interest regarding the interests of the subjects of management relations. But at the same time, carriers of management functions have their own specific interests, which may conflict with common interests. Combining the satisfaction of conflicting interests is possible with the observance of the system of management relations.

Management relations are, first of all, the relationship between the subject and the object of management in the form of subordination . In the chain of command, the subordination of the structures of management systems is expressed and the attitude of centralism is embodied. The attitude of centralism arises from the existence of a hierarchy of governance structures, when higher authorities have the rights and obligations to determine the content and direction of the activities of lower structures in order to achieve the overall goal of the governance system. The relationship of subordination takes place both between management bodies, departments, divisions, and between managers at various levels, between a manager and a performer. Relationships of subordination, management by the subjects of management imply the need for relations of performance, subordination by the objects of management.

The content of management relations is not limited to relations between subjects and objects of management. It is also the relationship between elements of the system at the same hierarchical level that are not subject to each other. Such coordination relations are aimed at mutual coordination of actions, based on specific tasks and common goals. Coordination relations can connect not only individual performers, but also individual links of the control system that perform relatively independent, specific functions. In general, coordination relations are the embodiment of independence relations in management systems. Another form of communication between independent subjects of management relations is manifested in the form of competition relations , which encourage the growth of initiative and creativity, create incentives for the full disclosure of abilities.

The basis for the implementation of the entire structure of management relations is the relationship of responsibility , which ensures the operation of the mechanism for the implementation of rights and obligations to achieve management objectives. Relationships of responsibility are especially manifested in interactions of the subjects of management, when the activity of one of them damages the interests of the other. It can be said that neither centralism, nor independence, nor coordination can be ensured without establishing relations of responsibility. Relationships of responsibility are formed on the basis of the consolidation of the relevant legal, moral norms, planning tasks, the system of moral and material incentives, sanctions, which act to give the activity the right direction.

Separation of subordinate and coordination management relationships is based on the separation of vertical and horizontal links in management systems. Vertical links are relationships between equal, independent elements of a system. In addition, management relations can be divided into formal (formal) and informal (informal). Informal relations are established voluntarily on the basis of personal contacts and do not depend on authority.

Thus, management relations are a complex combination of objective and subjective components. On the one hand, managerial relations are determined by material, technical, economic factors, and on the other hand, managerial relations are formed between people and therefore reflect their psychological characteristics.

Another important element of management is management methods , in the form of which management functions are implemented. These include the techniques and procedures for the preparation, adoption, organization, monitoring the implementation of management decisions. So, for example, at the stage of preparing a decision, brainstorming, discussion, business games and other forms of group interaction of specialists can be applied. According to the nature of the impact on the object of management, it is customary to separate the methods of direct (direct) and indirect (indirect) actions: administrative, material and moral incentives. An example is the method of orders, manifested in the issuance of orders, plans, instructions, other documents, which are called acts of management. In this form, the method of orders can be classified as administrative methods, based on obedience to laws, law and order, senior officials who implement the power of motivation and implying mandatory execution. In general, in each case, the choice of management method should be determined by the characteristics of the subject and object of management. As a rule, in practice, an appropriate combination of methods is used, which ensures the complexity of the impact.

The basic rules, norms, guidelines, on the basis of which the management process is organized, a scientifically based organization of management functions, the choice of adequate management methods constitute the principles of management . The most common principles of management include:

- social orientation;

- legality in management activities;

- objectivity;

- consistency;

- publicity;

- connection collegiality and unity of command.

Social orientation - this is the need in the management, development and implementation of management decisions to take into account the interests of the whole society, certain social groups. The principle of legality in management is that it is governed by the rule of law, and any acts of management must be based on the requirements of the law, regardless of the need, local conditions, interests of the case, etc. The principle of objectivity requires knowledge and consideration of objective laws of interaction between the subject and the object of management, taking into account the existing possibilities, the real state of social processes, that is, directed against subjectivism and voluntarism, arbitrary decisions, hasty actions that do not take into account real situations and contradictions. The principle of consistency implies that the subject of management when choosing methods, forms of influence on an object must take into account all the changes that are carried out in the environment of the management system, limited to the limits of its operation and development. The principle of complexity in management is that in every rather complex phenomenon it is necessary to take into account all its aspects: technological, economic. social, ideological, psychological, organizational, political. The principle of publicity ensures the availability of discussion and competent participation of employees in decision-making based on wide awareness and taking into account public opinion, which allows it to become a tool in the implementation of direct and feedback links in management systems.

Social management acts as a set of organizationally formed entities and managerial ties between them., The implementation of which allows for the realization of managerial influence between individuals, social groups and communities, and various institutions of society. Since management is carried out through the interaction of people, the leader in his work must take into account the laws that determine the dynamics of social and psychological processes in the system of interpersonal relations and group behavior.


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Psychology of management

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