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3.2. Leadership and leadership.


Often, even in professional literature, authors mix up the notions of “ leader ” and “ leader ”, using them separated by commas as synonyms. “It’s not right to do that, since leadership and leadership are phenomena that differ on a number of grounds.

By leadership, the scientists who studied this question usually had in mind the characteristic psychological relationships that arise in the group “vertically,” that is, in terms of domination and subordination.

The concept of leadership refers to the organization of the group and the process of managing it. The differences between these concepts
for clarity, are summarized in the table:

Differences between leadership and leadership



By organization

Designed to regulate interpersonal relations in the group.

Organizes the official relations of the group as a social organization.

By scale

Leadership can be stated in the microenvironment (it is a small troupe).

The manual is an element of the macro environment, i.e. it is connected with the system of social relations.

By origin.

Leadership arises naturally in the sense that it is the result of intragroup processes in a small group.

The leader is most often either appointed or elected from a higher level of management, and the new leader may not belong to this group of people at all.

By stability.

Leadership is less stable. Leadership is more dependent on the mood in the group.

The leader is a stable phenomenon.

By way of making decisions.

Leadership functions are often informal. They are not prescribed anywhere, the leader’s orders are not written down by anyone in orders, which, however, does not mean that their implementation is not necessary for the group members. Sometimes they are more effective and efficient, and sanctions for non-compliance can come with much greater efficiency and inevitability.

At the same time, the manager is obliged to formalize his orders, since the management of subordinates has a system of a much more specific system of various sanctions.

By sphere of influence.

The leader’s business is mainly a small group, where he is a leader. As a rule, the boundary of the leader’s influence passes not only in the physical, but also in the mental spaces. If a person does not consider himself a member of any small group, then the influence of its leader does not apply to him.

The head's activity is broader, as he represents a small group in a wider social system, where a subordinate may not internally consider himself loyal to this unit, but this does not reduce the influence of his formal boss’s orders on him.

There are differences in leadership and leadership, but there is also a common one:

1. Leadership and leadership - a means of coordinating the relations of members of a social group.

2. Both phenomena implement the processes of social influence in the team.

3. Leadership, as well as leadership, has a certain subordination of relations. In the first case, the relationship is clearly defined and secured by job descriptions. and in the second - the relationship is not outlined

Often, leadership can translate into leadership, and leadership often becomes leadership.

Thus, these differences can be summarized by distinguishing the concepts of “formal” and “informal” aspects of a group. Each real-interacting group has formal and informal structures that may or may not coincide. For each of these structures there is a person or persons who perform coordinating functions, which are a kind of "cement" that holds other people in the group. For the formal structure of such a leader is, and for the informal - the leader. The most idle time to consider is the case when the formal and informal structures coincide. In this case, we can talk about the leader - the leader. Being such a person is a great success both for him and for a member of such a group. Such a leader - a leader has a wider range of tools to influence group members. There is no need to use formal sanctions to fulfill his instructions, the group is much more manageable.

In practice, however, most often it is different. Formal and informal aspects do not coincide, and a more competent leader needs to establish and maintain good relations with informal leaders of the groups in his organization. A less competent manager is forced to make the most of his power. provided to him from above, in order to achieve the solution of external tasks in relation to the group and its members. This leads to different leadership styles.


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Psychology of management

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