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THEME 2. The identity of the head.2.1. Psychological specifics of labor leader.


From the first days of work, the young manager faces a number of problems: production, plan, equipment, its maintenance and repair, improvement of technology, supply, cleaning, productivity, discipline, documentation, meetings, meetings, conversations. And they are all important, everything must be solved as soon as possible, at the same time. How to start a young leader? What is important in the work? Questions are not rhetorical, the correct answers to them determine the position of the leader, his strategy and tactics. The choice of an ineffective leadership strategy leads to a mismatch between the goals of some individuals and the organization.

There is a category of managers who believe that everything is important in the work of a manager, everything should be done equally quickly and well, nothing should be missed, that there are no trifles in the work of a manager. At first glance, it seems that such an approach is correct, but practice shows that such a point of view is erroneous. This is a superficial, "planar" view of management. Production and social trivia of every day, as a rule, overshadow the most important things in work, close complex deep-seated processes that are often not directly observed, and therefore will escape from the field of view and influence of a manager of this type that will affect the quality of work over time.

A very important quality of a manager is his ability to free himself from trifles. There is a real danger to drown in a whirlwind of small worries, in the routine of everyday events and to lose perspective if a system of socio-psychological management is not developed. It is necessary to ensure the analysis and unity of this control system.

Analysis as a management method - a way to study the object and subject of management, the nature of their interaction in the management process. Analysis of the socio-psychological system of management - the method of management activities, including the study, systematization, synthesis and evaluation of information about the structure, general and specific qualities of the subject and object of management. The unity of the socio-psychological management system is a property of the management system, expressing its ability to function and develop as an integral social organism.

The creative leader of the entire list of problems begins to highlight the main, to give them more attention. All the problems that a manager has to solve can be seen by him in various projections. It is fundamentally important for the manager to have a “volumetric”, or rather, systemic view. on the essence and content of his activity, so that he knows how to understand the causal-effect relationships of phenomena, then all the problems in his mind will line up in their real, essential dependence, he will see that in his work the main thing and what is secondary.

Having the right point of view, the head, planning and organizing daily activities, will be well aware of the significance of each step - actions, activities, and not in the sense of a sequence of affairs: some minor work can be absolutely urgent, but in the sense that the main the most important task must be constantly, persistently in sight; he will see, feel it through a dense network of everyday worries.

Speaking about the management of production in general, most often it is divided into three closely related parties: management of equipment and technology, management of information and economic processes, and management of the behavior of people in the labor process. The latter type of management, concerning the regulation of relationships between people, is called leadership. In other words, technology and economy are controlled, people are governed .

Production management is an economic category, since production itself develops and functions according to economic laws, as well as all aspects of this production will evolve according to technical, technological, cybernetic, informational, physical, chemical and other laws depending on its nature and specificity.

Leadership of people , a collective is a socio-psychological category, since the collective lives and develops according to the laws and norms of human relations - social, psychological, pedagogical, political, moral, aesthetic, legal, etc.

In the practical activities of the leader, these parties are closely interdependent, penetrate into each other, as a result of which the features and the logic of development of each of the parties and the causal dependence of economic factors on social factors in production management issues are hidden.

This point of view on the ratio of these factors was not always dominant. Due to objective reasons that have developed in some periods of the development of our economy - the war years, the restoration of the national economy, the beginning of the economic growth and development in the postwar period - the production side was the dominant one. It was a temporary and forced violation of objective causal relationships in the management of the economy. In this case, the logic of production management, technology, technology transferred to the management of people. Under these conditions, the so-called production type of manager was formed. For managers of this type, subordinates were identified with the production functions performed by them, and the personal qualities of the workers often receded into the background, were obscured. When giving a description to a subordinate, the manager most often limited himself to an assessment of his professional qualities, for example, “a good mechanic” or “an excellent mechanic”, as if only this characterizes him fully and comprehensively as a person.

This can explain many facts, when well-known production workers turned out to be bad leaders, did not know how to find the right tone and style in working with people, because the methods of controlling machinery and machines were transferred to work with people and, of course, did not receive the desired result.

Leadership is a social process; in content, it is more complex, multifaceted and deeper than the management of the most perfect production, and its feature lies in the fact that it is present and plays an important role along with the objective and subjective factor. If in the process of production management the quantitative parameters are decisive, and all of them are algorithmized, then when guiding the people, the determining factors are not quantitative, but qualitative, intellectual, emotional-volitional, physiological, moral, political, sociological, professional and many other factors, and first of all it is necessary to take into account the supervisor in the work. As for algorithmic tasks, they are more complex for social management psychology.

Algorithm of Social Management - a strictly consistent and clear statement of the rules (prescriptions) that must be followed in order to convert the original data into the desired result of solving a management task. The main characteristics of the social control algorithm are: determinism, discreteness, mass character. The determinism of social management is the uniqueness of the result of the transformation of the original data. Social Management Discretion - dismemberment of the algorithm for individual elementary operations. Mass social management - ensuring the solution of any task from the class of the same type tasks and initial data.

The process of managing people is carried out through direct communication, organization of joint activities, the formation of moral and psychological phenomena in the team, and in these areas the algorithms are very complex. Production management and people management are hierarchically subordinated processes, management of people and the team is supreme, and production management is a broader process, but subordinate. Mechanistic opposition here is also unacceptable: when leading people, the production side (equipment, technology, economics) does not disappear at all from the activities of managers, it is present, acting as an intermediary between a person and the final product of his activity. The management of production processes at the modern level of their development (flexible technological lines, robotics, automated workshops and production) is possible without human intervention, although it is very relative and within narrow limits. However, no matter how much the structure of individual production units improves and their organization, there are always questions whose solution requires the intervention of the manager.

With the correct understanding of the leading role of man in the production process, a new type of manager is formed; he places not the production factor, but the human factor as the basis of his management activities.

We often use phrases, enterprise management, shop, department, team, team, implying the equality of the entire set of processes, both technical and technological, and socio-psychological, but we must take into account the conventionality of such expressions so that the outdated phraseological structure does not obscure the objective causal investigative dependencies between these processes.

Functions and roles of the head.

Leader - a person entrusted with the functions of managing a team and organizing its activities. The management function thus encompasses all the diversity of jobs and responsibilities that a manager of any rank in daily and prospective activities should perform in the interests of his or her team. The concept of function in social and psychological phenomena is multivalued, multifaceted, it includes a meaningful (what should be achieved), procedural or operational (how, in what way it can be achieved) meaning. With a narrow, one-dimensional approach to the managerial function, the ambiguity of this concept is obscured and it is not always clear whether it is a matter of the content of the goal and actions of the manager or the process, i.e. about how to achieve results.

In this regard, in the literature on management there are different points of view on the understanding of the basic functions of a manager. Some authors believe that the main function is organizational (sometimes it is called administrative), which is based on the procedural side of the activity, others emphasize the substantive, semantic side of management activities and the main function is educational (upbringing, training, team building), still others - both sides put in one row, not making differences between them.

The educational function of the head - education and training of the individual, the formation and consolidation of the team, the organization of collective activities. Procedural function of the head - problem solving in all spheres of life and work of the team.

Of course, both the educational function (upbringing and education) and the procedural function reveal much in common. Ultimately, they perform a common task - to cause (determine) the socially necessary behavior (activity) of an individual. At the same time, these two aspects of the manager’s activities are qualitatively different, they are subordinate to each other: “you can neither educate a person nor educate him,” writes AI Kitov, “not knowing how to control his behavior and activities.” In this connection, the control problems, i.e. Impact and interaction, subordination and mutual understanding, coordination and coordination, monitoring and evaluation come to the head earlier and more acutely than the problems of training and education. Management, regulation of activity and behavior, carried out through direct or indirect communication, always act as a means to achieve the goals of production, educational, educational, etc.

The procedural function of a manager is sometimes called a decision-making function, but such a formulation is not accurate, because the main thing in a manager’s activity is not so much to make the right decisions, but to organize their unconditional implementation. More precisely, the main point of the activity of the leader is captured in the modern interpretation of this function: the leader solves problems in all areas of the life and work of the team. The difference between the words "makes a decision" and "solves problems" is obvious.

The content of the leader’s activities is infinitely diverse, as the collective life is infinitely diverse and multi-faceted. Questions of moral and cultural policy, family and everyday life, parenting and personal hobbies, recreation and health, behavior and relationships in a team, social activity and many others today cannot be separated from purely industrial activity of a person and excluded from the sphere of influence of a manager - they are closely intertwined and interconnected. All these and many other issues, sometimes unexpected levels, but they are quite natural in human relations, in the life of any team should be in the focus of attention of the head, and their solution is its function

the main the manager’s function in terms of the content of his activity is educational. A feature of the content (semantic) functions is that they are focused on the future, aimed at causal conditioning of future behavior and activities by forming relatively stable mental formations as a person (beliefs, skills, abilities, properties, habits) and of the collective (psychological climate, traditions, collective opinion), their ultimate goal is a change in the state of consciousness, conscious regulation of behavior and action elnosti

The managerial activity of the head, each of its functions is systemic, therefore, consists of elements - private functions, pursuing specific goals. Under certain conditions, some of the private functions may acquire social weight in management activities, become relevant, and some - lose their value. For example, a special function of the team leader is his work in selecting appropriate personnel, placing people according to their abilities and desires. . In addition, the head of the work collective is assigned another responsibility, called the function of the authorized representative.

The classification of substantive (semantic) functions of a manager can be carried out for various reasons; these can be functions of service and non-service, general and private, production and social, objective and subjective, strategic and short-term, major, relevant and secondary, definite and indefinite, unambiguous and multi-valued , favorable and unfavorable, etc.

Essentially, any responsibility of a manager, any need for activity, in overcoming difficulties becomes his function if it directly or indirectly affects the interests of the collective. More productive is the work of such a leader, in whose activities the greatest number of different functions are implemented, without dividing them into service and non-service, formal and non-formal, which indicates that the head of his influence covers a wide range of issues and problems of the life and work of the team, deeply and widely knows them, therefore, can successfully manage all intra-collective phenomena. However, the actual performance by each manager of his duties in a particular situation, taking into account his own abilities, individual characteristics of people and the psychological atmosphere in the team will be different, in this case the leader will play a social role.

The social role of the individual - a way of behavior of a person corresponding to accepted norms, depending on his status or position in society, in a team. Daily performing basic managerial functions of training, educating, team building and others, the head, having correctly assessed the situation in the team and taking into account the individual characteristics of people, can act in various roles, for example, teacher, politician, teacher, advisor, critic, mentor, director, organizer, coordinator, supervisor screenwriter, an agitator, a comrade, a psychologist, a diplomat, a comforter, protector, researchers, attorneys in the mysteries, the speaker, the personnel, the conductor, a strategist, an artist manager, we divisor, caregiver authorized representative, investigator, therapist, director, etc. narrator

In the case when a manager is not well-versed in a situation, does not take into account the individual characteristics of people, does not evaluate the psychological atmosphere in the team, as a result of which he is not able to find the right behavior, the right tone and style of communication with people, performing his functions, he may be в роли неприглядной, например, проповедника, прокурора, бюрократа, надзирателя, диктатора, обманщика, зажимщика критики.

Безусловно, ни один руководитель не хочет специально играть роль затейника или надзирателя, но жизненные ситуации так непредсказуемы, что любой человек может оказаться и в комической и в трагической ситуации, однако роль шута или бюрократа закрепится лишь за тем, кто систематически, раз за разом будет не способен оценить сложившуюся ситуацию и выйти из нее этично и профессионально грамотно Следовательно, для успешного выполнения руководителем своих функций, ему кроме знания своих обязанностей необходимо умение их выполнять, сообразуясь с обстановкой он должен обладать такими качествами, как находчивость, сноровка, чувство юмора, такт, опыт, свое! о рода артистизм, способность ощущать ситуацию и понимать позиции всех действующих лиц в ней Только в таком случае роль руководителем будет сыграна правильно, принесет пользу делу и моральное удовлетворение ему самому

Главная функция руководителя в плане процессуальном -решение проблем во всех сферах жизни и деятельности коллектива Деятельность руководителя, независимо от конкретного ее содержания, это прежде всего мотивированная деятельность, направленная на разрешение проблем, поиск и нахождение решений, организацию и контроль выполнения трудящимися перед обществом и предприятием целей и задач.

Процедура решения проблемы или конкретной задачи состоит из трех последовательных этапов:

1) изучение состояния дел, определение проблемы и прогноз ее решения,

2) выработка и принятие решения, составление программы деятельности подчиненных,

3) организация коллективной деятельности на выполнение намеченной программы.

Решение проблем может протекать как в спокойной обстановке при достаточном количестве данных, планово, предусмотрительно, всесторонне обоснованно, так и в ситуации экстремальности, т е при дефиците времени, неполноте данных, отсутствии возможностей. В работе руководителя возникает проблемная ситуация В первом случае процедура решения проблемы будет развернутой, масштабной и каждый из этапов может иметь свою структуру, во втором - свернутой, краткой, когда все этапы как бы спрессовываются до конкретного исполнительного действия.

На первом этапе решения проблемы - этапе подготовки, руководитель изучает всю возможную и необходимую информацию о возникшей ситуации, черпает ее из всех возможных источников, анализирует с учетом местных условий и ограничений, в рамках которых проблема должна и будет разрешаться, и предполагает реальную возможность ее разрешения (наличие сил, средств, времени, способных людей, условий).

Этапу подготовки на практике и в литературе по управлению придавалось незаслуженно мало внимания Имевший широкое распространение директивный стиль руководства, отличающийся чрезмерной централизацией власти и жесткой регламентацией деятельности подчиненных, принизил значение подготовительного этапа В условиях, когда все до мелочей санкционировано сверху и руководитель ориентирован на указания старшего начальника, у него не возникает потребности изучать положение дел самостоятельно и он даже во внутренних делах занимает выжидательную позицию, считая, что дело ещё не "горит", проблема не обострилась и не заявила о себе конфликтом или другим затруднением. Как показывают специальные исследования, такого типа руководители не очень тяготеют к кропотливому труду по выработке долгосрочной стратегии. Многие больше склонны к активным действиям, а неанализу, быстро переходя от решения к решению, тек волевым действиям.

Внимательное, постоянное изучение условий труда, быта, отношений, настроений, успехов, неудач и других вопросов, связанных с жизнью и деятельностью коллектива, понимание тенденций развития всех внутриколлективных явлений позволит руководителю заблаговременно, еще по мало заметным признакам видеть назревание каких-то затруднений, изменений, событий, проблем, конфликтов и принимать решения профилактические, перспективные, предупреждающие неблагоприятное развитие событий.

Второй этап решения проблемы - это принятие собственно решения, его формулирование, определение стратегии и тактики действии руководителя, выработка общей программы деятельности коллектива, постановка конкретных задач каждому подчиненному.

Третий этап решения проблемы является главным: побуждение подчиненных к исполнению намеченной программы, организация коллективной деятельности и ее всестороннее, в первую очередь, психологическое обеспечение с целью повышения эффективности этой деятельности. Этот этап настолько сложен, насыщен операциями, такими, как планирование, организация и согласование коллективной деятельности, корректирование решения и контроль за его выполнением, мобилизация и стимулирование деятельности работников, что его иногда считают самостоятельной деятельностью, а перечисленные операции специфическими функциями руководителя. Будет неправомерно обособлять последнее практическое, исполнительское звено от звеньевпредыдущих, интеллектуальных, менее заметных при анализе, но несущих основную смысловую нагрузку, так как это разрывает логическую связь элементов управленческого процесса.

Психологическая подготовленность руководителя.

Работа с людьми требует знания их психологических особенностей. Каждый человек в той или иной мере - психолог, так как он не может жить среди людей, не разбираясь в их внутреннем мире - чувствах и мыслях, настроениях и намерениях, не считаясь с ними, не умея общаться, строить деловые взаимоотношения. У одних это получается лучше, у других - хуже. Одни имеют тонкое чутье на человеческую душу, умеют видеть мельчайшие нюансы в настроении и поведении людей, другие глухи к этим интимным сторонам, плохо понимают людей, не умеют строить свои взаимоотношения с ними, оказываются неуживчивыми, конфликтными.

Until recently, ordinary psychological knowledge and skills were enough for any specialist - engineer, economist, operator to lead the workforce. Currently, everyday psychological observations for a manager are no longer enough. He needs a truly scientific psychological preparation.

В условиях научно-технического прогресса руководить людьми, управлять коллективом становится все сложнее вследствие целого ряда причин Усложнились хозяйственные связи современного производства. Руководителю в этих условиях нужно уметь убедить работников в целесообразности тех или иных управленческих решений, многих нововведений, сформировать у них положительное отношение к внутреннему принятию его замыслов. Для этого руководителю нужна не только профессиональная компетентность, но и определенная психологическая подготовленность, способность заинтересовывать, переубеждать, доказывать.

Изменился и духовный мир личности: всестороннее развитие получают способности, растут и развиваются потребности людей Все большее значение приобретают моральные стимулы труда, а это означает, что существенно изменились мотивы трудовой деятельности. У человека расширился круг интересов, выросли нравственные, политические, эстетические и другие духовныепотребности, люди стали более чутки, требовательны в общении друг с другом.

Сегодня в работе руководителя особую значимость приобретают знание коллектива и умение им управлять. Подбор людей, формирование между ними правильных взаимоотношений, сплочение их в единый трудовой коллектив, способность предвидеть возможные разногласия и предупреждать их, мобилизация коллективных усилий на выполнение производственных заданий и другие задачи, которые сегодня становятся в центре внимания руководителя, требуют от него глубоких знаний психологии коллектива, развитых умений руководства. Организация эффективной коллективной деятельности - главнейшая функция руководителя, поэтому ему важно сосредоточить свое внимание на психологических закономерностях, обусловливающих успешную совместнуюдеятельность людей.

Руководитель, управляя производством, определяет функции своих помощников и специалистов по направлениям (экономистов, плановиков, проектировщиков, эксплуатационников, наладчиков, контролеров и других), для выполнения каких-то конкретных задач он может давать необходимые полномочия отдельным специалистам на определенный период, но работу слюдьми руководитель перепоручить кому бы то ни было не может. Руководство людьми, организация коллективной деятельности - непосредственная функция руководителя, его личная прерогатива.

Психологическая компетентность руководителя предполагает:

- глубокое понимание особенностей психического отражения, знание законов психологического развития человека;

- умение по внешним признакам понимать психическое состояние человека в определенный момент, способность поставить себя на его место, сопереживать с ним;

- способность по внешним проявлениям, высказываниям и отношениям, действиям и поступкам человека определять устойчивые психические свойства, характер, способности, убеждения, взгляды, вкусы;

- умение отдельные поступки и действия человека выстраивать в систему, анализировать их и делать заключения о побудительных мотивах его поведения, о его планах и перспективах, целях и установках;

- умение наблюдать и анализировать поведение и деятельность человека за длительный период, видеть динамику изменений в психическом развитии, рост (или задержку) в профессиональной, нравственной, культурной и других сферах деятельности, умение помочь человеку в его совершенствовании, преодолении инерции;

- the ability to see what social roles a person performs in a team, what impact he has on the team's moral and psychological climate, the ability to help everyone find their place in the team;

- the ability to understand what social and psychological phenomena are maturing in the "depths" of the collective, to warn and skillfully resolve problematic situations that arise in human relations;

- understanding the psychological essence of communication among people of various categories, knowledge of its mechanism and "secrets";

- knowledge of their own psychological capabilities, the ability to anticipate the consequences of their actions and objectively evaluate their results.

Thus, the socio - psychological competence of the leader - a deep understanding of the psychology of individuals, the whole team, the ability to manage the mental state of people, to form a healthy moral - psychological climate in the team and on this basis to psychologically ensure the implementation of specific tasks by each person and team as a whole.


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Psychology of management

Terms: Psychology of management