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8.3. Communicative competence of the head.


Communicative competence of a manager implies the development of certain skills in him:

one)    give a socio-psychological forecast of the communicative situation in which to communicate;

2)    to socially and psychologically program the process of communication, based on the peculiarity of the communicative situation;

3)    “Get used to” the socio-psychological atmosphere of the communicative situation;

four)    to carry out socio-psychological management of communicative processes.

In other words, communicative competence in managerial communication requires from a manager knowledge of the basic laws and rules of interpersonal interaction, good adaptability and freedom of ownership of all means of communication, flexibility and adequacy in the choice of psychological positions, developed communicative abilities and skills. Communicative competence of a manager is an integral quality synthesizing in oneself the common culture and its specific manifestations in professional management activities.

In communicating with subordinates, the leader needs the ability to find the right word, the right tone, the right extension to the partner, so that the desire to convince of something has achieved the necessary goal. This implies, first of all, the opportunity for the manager to give an accurate socio-psychological forecast of the communicative situation. Such a forecast is formed in the process of analyzing the situation in which communication is to be organized, at the levels of: a) partners' communicative attitudes (i.e. programs of individual behavior in the process of communication); b) the involvement of partners in the system of interpersonal interaction; c) emotional assessments of the forms of communication.

With this approach to the characterization of the communicative competence of a manager, it clearly distinguishes the main components: diagnostic, prognostic, programming, organizational, and performing. The communicative-performing skills of the individual certainly deserve special attention, in which the communicative potential of a person is most fully revealed.

Communicative potential is the unity of its three components:

-       communicative personality traits (characterize the attitude to the mode of communication, the development of the need for communication);

-       communication skills (determine the activity and initiative in communication, emotional response to the partner’s condition, the possibility of implementing an individual communication program);

-       communicative competence (knowledge of the norms and rules of communication, possession of psychotechnics and technology in general).

The communicative potential of a person is a characteristic of his capabilities and abilities, which determine the quality of communication.

Communicative and performance mastery of a manager means that he is fluent in a complex of skills: emotional and psychological self-regulation, perceptual, and expressive.

Emotional-psychological self-regulation creates a mood for communication in appropriate situations (meetings, conversations, meetings, discussions, negotiations, etc.). In modern conditions of business communication, it becomes necessary to plan an “emotional score” of both individual acts of communication and the entire system of interactions. The determining factor here is the psychological attitude of the leader, that is, the translation of everyday emotions into a tone corresponding to the situation of communication. Emotional-psychological self-regulation consists in preliminary emotional “infection” with the problems of the upcoming interaction, psychological identification at the stage of developing a model of one’s behavior and communication program, and operational emotional-psychological restructuring in the communicative process.

Emotional-psychological self-regulation is directly manifested in the ability to react flexibly to changes in the atmosphere of communication and to restructure itself in the light of changes in the emotional mood of the partners. This is possible only if you have developed perceptual skills.

Perceptual personality skills are manifested in the ability to:

one)    manage your perception and organize it;

2)    correctly assess the psychological attitude of partners and adapt to it.

Perceptual skills are so closely intertwined with communicative abilities that they can be considered both as processes proper and as personality traits. The main ones are the following processes and personal qualities that are formed on their basis.

Identification as a communicative process literally means assimilating oneself to another (“the ability to walk in other people's shoes”). Indeed, one of the easiest ways to understand the other is to be like him. A person at the same time transfers himself, immerses himself into the personal space of another, his system of values ​​and characteristics.

Projection and decentralization processes are closely related to identification.

Decentration means the conditional abandonment of one’s “I” and the adoption of the image of the “I” of another person as the “center” of one’s personality. The world outlook is built on the principle of “as if ...” —that is, how another would have done it, proceeding from the features of his “I”.

Projection means that when identifying oneself with another, this “other” is simultaneously endowed with the features that the person himself has in identifying. Simply put, identifying himself with someone, a person unwittingly transfers some of his features to him. Therefore, identification is never complete, exact, or "objective." The necessary correction of perception helps empathy.

Empathy - penetration into the inner state of another person, comprehension of him, the art of sympathy and empathy. This is a special way to penetrate into the personality traits of another, based not so much on rational understanding as on the desire to respond emotionally and delve into the problems of a person. The effectiveness of empathy processes increases with the increase of past experience, in the case of the similarity of communication partners; compatibility of their attitudes, values, orientation of the individual, as well as cultural and educational level. The everyday equivalent of empathy is often insight, which, although not reduced to it, is still largely based on it, suggesting developed reflection.

Reflection (if viewed in the context of communication) provides an understanding of oneself and others, the formation of images of one’s own and others ’selves. The process of reflection includes consideration of communication with other people, analysis of one’s own “I” through the eyes of another, reasoning for another person and understanding of another. Reflection is like a mirror in the hands of a person, which allows to understand how he is actually perceived and evaluated by others. In this regard, there are two forms of reflection: reflection of one’s own activity and reflection of the inner world of another person.

Reflexive processes occupy a leading position in the implementation of any of the basic managerial functions, because they provide, firstly, forecasting and anticipating the response actions of subordinates by putting themselves in the position of others, secondly, the ability to understand what other people think, and the realization that how he himself is perceived by his communication partners.

Established some psychological features of the structure of self-consciousness of the head. So, an integral part of communication in any management activity is the process of receiving feedback, which implies self-awareness through correlation with others. As a result, in the manager’s self-consciousness, the “I” is intertwined (looking at others - “what I did and how it affected people”) and “I” are mirroring (looking at myself through the eyes of others - “how my subordinates and the authorities assess my actions”). A model of possible deviations that must be avoided in order to maintain the necessary level of self-esteem (the “fork” of the “I” of the current and the “I” of the mirror) is formed in the manager's mind. Self-correction of the internal connections between the “I” actual and the “I” mirror is the basis for managing a leader by his behavior, a condition for successful managerial activity.

It should be noted that there is no direct connection between the level of reflexivity and the efficiency of management activities and there is a more complex pattern. The best in their business are managers who have a “reflexivity index” at an average level. Professionally ineffective as leaders with unexpressed reflection (inadequate in relationships with people), and leaders with a strongly pronounced "tendency to think" (anxious and not efficient in decision-making). The requirements of the managerial profession spontaneously exclude those who have an excessively high level of reflexivity.

An important role in management is played by expressive communication skills , representing a system of skills that create a unity of voice, mimic, visual and motor means of communication. A general idea of ​​the specifics and diversity of non-verbal means of communication give the table figure.

  8.3.  Communicative competence of the head.


. Classification of non-verbal communication


Mimic codes of emotional states

  8.3.  Communicative competence of the head.

Parts and elements of the face

Emotional states




Fear, wonder


Mouth position


is open


is closed


is open

Mouth usually
is closed


Lip corners down

The corners of the lips are raised

Eye shape

Eyes open or

narrowed down

narrowed down


Eyes narrowed or opened

Eye brightness




Glitter eyes
not pronounced

Eyes sparkle

Eyebrow position

Brows shifted
to the nose

Eyebrows raised up



The outer corners of the eyebrows
raised up

Inner corners of the eyebrows

raised up


Vertical folds on the forehead and nose

wrinkles on the forehead

Mobility of the face and his

Face dynamic





A drawing provides an opportunity to self-test the ability to "read the faces" of people .


Reflection of emotions in facial expressions


In the process of interpersonal interaction, the language of words and body language are equally important. The expressive skills of a leader are manifested in the culture of speech and its high standard, intonational richness of tone of statements, plasticity and expressiveness of postures and facial expressions, correct spatial organization of communication.

Communicative culture of the head involves the development of certain qualities, among which the absolutely necessary are:

-       the culture of speech (literacy, simplicity and clarity of presentation of thoughts, figurative expressiveness and clear argument, tone adequate to the situation of communication, dynamics of the sound of the voice, tempo, intonation, good diction);

-       culture of gestures and plastic movements;

-       culture of emotions (as expressions of emotional and evaluative judgments in communication);

-       culture of self-tuning in communication and psycho-emotional regulation of one’s state.

This provides the leader with the opportunity to bring to his subordinates his ideas, decisions, dispositions in such a linguistic and expressive form that ensures the understanding, assimilation, processing of the information necessary for effective work and trust in it.

All forms of the communicative behavior of the head are based on certain psychological phenomena and patterns that objectively arise in the processes of communication. They are denoted by the concept of communicative phenomena . The main among them are infection, suggestion, persuasion, imitation. Each of them has its own sphere of action and its own specific laws. On how fully and correctly it is taken into account in management communication, depends on its overall effectiveness.

Infection is defined as the process of transmitting an emotional state from one individual to another, mainly at an unconscious level — either in addition to or in addition to the main contact. A person does not experience an organized intentional impact, he simply unconsciously learns the patterns of the behavior of others and their condition, obeys them.

Infection begins at some point, either causing a shock or starting a commonality of assessments. It is easier for a person to become infected with emotions associated with a connected need (i.e., being in a state of expectation) or with a significant need that can be easily actualized (research reflex, curiosity and interest, safety, aggression, acquiring). Based on this, the manager should consider three points when analyzing his partner:

one)       what he expects;

2)       what is in common with him;

3)       what is possible to update from this.

Suggestion is the process of influencing the mental sphere of a person, associated with a deliberate decrease in the consciousness and criticality of his perception of information and its implementation in actions, with a lack of purposeful and active understanding, logical analysis, evaluation and connection with past experience. The content of the instilled information is inherently intrusive in the future, it is difficult to comprehend and correct, and takes the form of “inspired behavioral attitudes”. The effectiveness of the suggestion depends, first of all, on the authority of the suggestive (suggestor) and the nature of the relationship between people (trust, dependence, etc.).

Conviction , unlike suggestion, is built on the fact that, with the help of logical, rational justification, to achieve free and informed consent from a person. With suggestion, it is not agreement that is achieved, but simply the acceptance of information containing a ready-made conclusion; when convincing, the conclusion must be made by the recipient of information independently. Therefore, persuasion is a predominantly intellectual influence, whereas a suggestion is predominantly emotional-volitional. The basis of the method of persuasion is the selection, logical ordering of facts and conclusions according to a single functional task, the distribution of facts and relationships according to their comparative significance (hierarchy, sequence, dependence).

Imitation has the main specific feature that as a result not only the acceptance of any information, the behavior of other people or groups, but also the active reproduction of it in their practice. There are several main types of imitation: logical and extralogical, internal and external, imitation – fashion and imitation – custom, intra- and intergroup imitation. Imitation is one of the forms of group pressure on an individual and therefore is one of the main mechanisms of conformist behavior.

Psychological mechanisms of all these communicative phenomena are associated with the existence of specific mental processes and are determined by the general context in which they unfold.

The effectiveness of managerial communication implies the ability to organically fit into the structure of the communicative cycle and skillfully create a sequence of a number of basic communicative actions. The main components of the communicative cycle are as follows:

-       the initiation phase (awakening interest in the beginning of the communicative act and the choice of its form);

-       “Challenge” of a partner (establishing contact with a partner);

-       information transfer (i.e. communication);

-       end of contact;

-       possible interruption of communication.

The choice of the only correct communication style and correct tactics at all stages of the communicative cycle presupposes that the manager has a special communicative state, when they are active and balanced, on the one hand, willingness to accept influence from partners, and on the other, readiness for their own energetic actions. This is what characterizes the measure and the fullness of the individual's involvement in communication, its capabilities and activity in it. This is what determines the communicative competence of the head, which allows to effectively carry out management activities. Communicative competence is most fully manifested in those situations when interpersonal communication comes to the fore, being the main form of organizing the interaction of a manager with subordinates or with other managers.

Language is the main system with which we encode information and the main communication tool. With the help of words we make clear the meaning of events and events, express our thoughts, emotions, our worldview. Man, his consciousness and his language are inseparable. At the same time, most people regard language as air - they use it without noticing it. The language is often ahead of thoughts or does not obey them at all when Winnie the Pooh was asked how he composes his “noisemakers”, he said that the principle is simple: the word was asked for this place, and he let it go. The word can “break off”, a person can “blurt out” something or constantly “wag tongue”, almost without thinking about what this creates for others, encourages them to specific reactions and specific behavior - “it goes around comes around and will respond. " And this response with the proper use of words can be predicted in advance and even form. This art is owned by people who know how to be convincing and effective in human relations.

Коммуникационное мастерство проявляется, прежде всего, в умении найти наиболее точное, а, следовательно, и наиболее подходящее для конкретной ситуации слово. М. Монтень в своих "Опытах" отмечал: "Дар речи - одна из самых удивительных и самых человеческих способностей. Мы настолько привыкли постоянно пользоваться этим чудесным даром природы, что даже не замечаем, насколько он совершенен, сложен и загадочен. У человека рождается мысль. Чтобы передать ее другому, он произносит слова. Не удивительно ли, что акустическая волна, рожденная голосом человека, несет в себе все оттенки его мыслей и чувств, достигает слуха другого человека, и тотчас все мысли и чувства становятся доступными этому человеку, он постигает их потаенный смысл и значение".

Многие эффективные коммуникативные особенности слова замечены, описаны и проанализированы. Так, несомненно, внимания заслуживает номинализация, т.е. замена глагола отглагольным существительным. Это способствует искажению предаваемой человеку информации, ибо глагол выражает процесс, существительное же статично и как бы оторвано от процесса. Глагол - всегда более сильная часть речи и задает систему отношений, точкой отсчета которых является называемое им действие. Существительное больше оторвано от эмоций и ощущений, только фиксирует положение вещей и не показывает возможных вариантов изменения этого положения. Замечено, что люди, предпочитающие употреблять в своей речи существительные-номинализации, гораздо в меньшей степени способны на решительные поступки и мобильные реакции, чем те, кто предпочитают глаголы.

Номинализацию используют тогда, когда хотят воздействовать на подсознание человека. Сравните: "Вы поймете…" и "Вы обретете понимание…"

В первом случае партнер ждет продолжения ваших слов и, возможно, будет с вами не соглашаться.

Во втором случае подсознание вашего партнера наполняет фразу собственным контекстом, и он не требует от вас дополнительных пояснений.

Номинализация эффективно используется в различных случаях. К примеру, явно предпочитают номинализации гипнотизеры, т.к. их слова приобретают некоторую расплывчатость. Что позволяет снять ощущение давления и каждому человеку наполнить их собственным содержанием, не противоречащим его ощущениям и опыту. Вкрадчивое обращение: "Вы находитесь здесь, чтобы найти решение ваших проблем и произвести положительные изменения" вместо требовательно-решительных слов: "решить" и "изменить" безусловно даст больший эффект суггестии.

То же самое делают многие политики, скрыто формируя определенное восприятие избирателей, передавая им некоторую команду в завуалированной форме, вызывающей меньшее сопротивление. Сравните: "Выбирайте Иванова, чтобы покончить с беззаконием и произволом!" и "Избрание Иванова означает конец беззакония и произвола". Вместо призыва к решительному действию передается только констатация как бы уже очевидного факта, что значительно снижает критичность восприятия. "Петров будет требовать мира во всем мире, и бороться с коррупцией!" - воспринимается как еще одно обещание, вызывающее скепсис и недоверие. В другом случае человек легче "проглатывает" ту же информацию, выраженную гораздо нейтральнее, скорее, как уже свершившийся факт: "Программа Петрова - это комплекс продуманных мер по поддержанию мира во всем мире и борьбе с коррупцией".

Напротив, врачи, знакомые с психолингвистикой, предпочитают говорить пациентам вместо привычного: "У вас гипертония" - странное на первый взгляд "Вы гипертонируете", что серьезно влияет на отношение больных к состоянию своего здоровья.

Аналогично призывает нас реклама: "Сникерсни!" - формируя в подсознании покупательную активность.

Стремясь к эффективному общению, разумнее чаще использовать глаголы, а не существительные, т.к. использование глаголов помогает формировать из неясного представления конкретную картину, привносит в речь дополнительную значимость, динамизм, эмоциональность, авторитетность. При этом следует учитывать, что глагол становится более живым, если вы в своем высказывании используете его активную форму, а не пассивную. Например: "Я пригласил его", а не "Он был мною приглашен". Пассив воздействует безлично, создает дистанцию между партнерами и несет минимальную эмоциональную нагрузку.

Гасит решительность действий и создает дистанцию между собеседниками сослагательное наклонение: "Я бы сказал…", "Я бы полагал…", "Я должен был бы…" и пр.

Отрицательно воздействует на человека глаголы "пробовать" и "пытаться", ибо дают два ответа на один вопрос ("надо бы…, но не получится"), и подсознательно программируют на неудачу. Поэтому не только желательной, но и необходимой является их замена глаголом "делать" с явно позитивным акцентом.

Внутренняя чуткость нашего сознания к смысловым нюансам слов заставляют тщательно следить за их использованием. Существенную помощь оказывают рекомендации специалистов - коммуникаторов, подметивших определенные закономерности восприятия некоторых общеупотребительных слов. Рассмотрим некоторые из них.

Отрицательно воспринимается вопрос "Зачем?", поскольку обычно приводит в замешательство (ведь многие поступки и действия интуитивны) и воспринимается как выражение недоверия.

Негативную реакцию программирует вопрос "Почему?", поскольку чаще всего воспринимается как критика. По мудрому замечанию писателя, "все мы - родом из детства", а ребенок в процессе своей социализации часто сталкивается с подобного рода вопросами: "Почему ты это сказал?" либо "Почему ты это не сделал?". Обычно это упреки, и побуждают они оправдываться или защищаться. Неудивительно, что подсознание программирует эмоциональное возбуждение и раздражение на неприятное для нас своей повышенной критичностью "Почему?".

Разумнее использовать конкретные вопросы: "как?", "когда?", "где?", "кто?", "каким образом?" and etc.

Заслуживают внимания слова-связки ("но", "но и", "однако, "между прочим" и др.), которые используются в тех случаях, когда человек, амортизируя общее впечатление от своих слов, начинает речь с какой-то бесспорной либо несущественной информации, а затем переходит к тому, что действительно хочет сказать.

Очень нежелательно использование слова "но", которое в сознании человека выступает в роли своеобразного переключателя на оборонительную позицию, поскольку это коротенькое слово перечеркивает то, что было высказано до него и придает откровенно негативный смысл всему сообщению, фиксирует несогласие с мнением собеседника. Примечательно выражение "отлично, но…", которое подобно ножу проводит четкий водораздел по принципу "разделяй и властвуй". Изрекающий это сначала вздымается с помощью похвалы "отлично" до уровня мэтра, извещающего своего ученика о благосклонном к нему отношении, а затем, погладив его льстивым признанием, выдает последующее "но" в виде пришпоривающей критики и еще удивляется тому, что порожденные им же самим противоречия и отклонения отвергаются и выпячиваются собеседником.

Умелый коммуникатор устраняет "но" из своей речи, заменяя его на союз "и". Порой это может выглядеть парадоксально: "Мне понятна ваша точка зрения, и я думаю, что нужно сделать так, как я сказал", но тем не менее дает положительный эффект. Механизм воздействия на подсознание человека очень прост: высказывается бесспорная (либо приятная) мысль и к ней присоединяется другая (желательная, необходимая для вас). В итоге наживка в виде этого своеобразного "пакетирования" почти всегда "заглатывается" достаточно легко, без особого сопротивления. Переходное "и" сглаживает смысловое несоответствие и связь воспринимается как реально существующая (излюбленный трюк рекламистов!) "Купите машинку для стрижки газоном - и ваша жизнь станет радостнее".

Для связи существенной и несущественной информации используются также выражения "в данном случае", "между прочим", "ну и …". Сначала сообщается информация, которую человеку принять легко, а затем вслед за небрежным "ну и", идут неприятные сведения. Ослабить значение неприятной информации обычно помогают слова-амортизаторы: "всего лишь", "конечно", "откровенно говоря", "определенно", "буквально" и пр. Но к использованию таких слов надо подходить очень осторожно. Бывают случаи, когда их употребление наводит на мысль о недостоверности последующей информации.

Practice shows that you should not use words that cause psychological resistance of the interlocutor. Thus, the source of creating an atmosphere of misunderstanding and mistrust is often the indisputable generalized words: "always", "never", "everything", "every time", "constantly" and others. If they appear in speech, a person involuntarily begins to look for opposite examples, and if they are not found, the person simply doubts what he heard. In any case, the first intuitive reaction to the categoricalness of generalizations is mistrust and internal resistance of our “I”. Considering this, it is wiser to use flexible words and phrases: “possible”, “in a certain sense”, “facts testify”, “most of the time”, etc.

Especially unfortunate is the expression "I always ...", because the word "always" gives the behavior a meaning of absoluteness, not allowing any deviations. For many people, the excessively frequent use of the phrase "I am always ..." prevents the manifestation of initiative, creativity, as well as the realization and realization of their potential. This, ultimately, can lead to lower self-esteem and lack of self-confidence.

If we take into account the semantic subtext of the statement "I am always ..." and replace it with more specific expressions, then it will be possible to more positively evaluate our behavior (as well as the behavior of others).

Using the concept of "always" leads to the fact that we consider someone's behavior in too general, non-specific terms. This way of thinking leaves out the positive, reaching the goal behavior of a person.

To improve psychological self-esteem and create a favorable emotional background for the interaction, it is recommended to replace words of absolute categorical nature with more moderate words that the human psyche perceives favorably.

A modified version of these words and statements creates a more favorable attitude in human behavior, contributes to problem solving and the emergence of positive sensations.

It makes sense to optimize communication (including with oneself) to avoid the so-called "terrible, destructive" words, i.e. those who impose on us an exorbitant burden of duty, necessity, alarm, etc. It is especially important to learn how to find more "quiet" verbal equivalents for people who are too emotional. So, in some cases the following substitution is appropriate: "should" to "would like", "necessary" - to "would prefer", "need" - to "desirable", "terrible" - to "could be better", " failure "- to" incomplete victory "," failure "- to" predicament ", etc.

Changing the emotional coloring of words helps to control emotions in interpersonal interaction, increase stress resistance and create a favorable psychological background of communication.

Among the linguistic features that make it possible to influence other people, euphemisms are of great interest, i.e. soft equivalents of harsh words. They allow you to maintain a friendly atmosphere of contact, reduce the negative manifestation of emotions as a reaction to the words - "red flags" that cause negative flashes.

Euphemisms are widespread in speech and are extremely useful in communication. They allow, without offending anyone, to say exactly what we want to say. So, the tragic “died” is usually replaced with softer expressions: “the heart stopped beating”, “ordered to live long”, “put on a wooden mac”, “usop”, “lay down” and others. Instead of “poor man” we say “in need”, instead of "moron" - "a person with underdeveloped abilities", etc.

The use of euphemisms, i.e. reducing the criticality and sharpness of statements is not only desirable, but simply necessary. Experts in the field of psychology of communication proved that if a person explains or proves something in harsh expressions and raised voices, then the understanding will be blocked almost immediately and the more sensitive the personality is, the more clearly it will manifest. The reason for the misunderstanding and bitter dispute here will be as follows. All the attention of the person to whom the flow of indignant words is directed, does not concentrate on the sense of explanation and proof, but on the attitude of the speaker to the partner. As a result (as a defensive reaction) attention shifts. It blocks the analyzing activity of the brain, and the words addressed to the listening partner are not recognized by them. understanding is blocked. To change this situation, you should change the tone of the conversation, and its vocabulary, the benefit, polysemy and richness of the vocabulary of the language allows you to do this quite easily.

Speech dynamics plays a very important role in communication (softness and strength of voice, richness of intonation characteristics, pause, skillful accentuation, etc.). “The human word has meaning and sound.” Listen to the meaning - and you don’t recognize the person, listen to the sound and you recognize the person, ”taught KS Stanislavsky.

The acoustic spectrum of speech is very complex and has great suggestive (inspiring) capabilities. So, certain sound combinations not only evoke certain emotions, but are subconsciously perceived as some images. Psychologists have found that the presence or predominance of the vowel "I" in the words evokes the impression of something small, insignificant. An experiment was conducted: children and adults were presented with two identical in shape, but different in size abstract figures made of cardboard. At the same time warned that one of them is called "PIM", and the other - "PIP". Then the subjects were asked to determine which of them was “we drink” and which one was “pumas”. More than 80% of the respondents were convinced that a small one - “pim”, and a large “puma”. Similarly: figures were presented with the names "Li" and "Lau". The effect was the same: “Lee” - small, and “Lau” - large.

You can highlight features and other sounds. So, for example, the sound "O" gives the impression of softness and relaxation, even emotional warmth (with-o-o-lntse, b-o-o-p). The predominance of sounds "A" and "E" in the speaker's speech, as a rule, is associated with an emotional lift ("it is necessary", "stand up", "enthusiasm").

The sound "Y" is associated with something gloomy, unpleasant ("howl", "whining", "roar"), a similar feeling arises from the abundance of consonants, especially sizzling ("strikebreaker", "frenchayz", "penal battalion", " consumer goods ").

All these features a person who feels the functional and psychological nuances of the word, usually uses as a closed (imperceptible, uncontrollable) suggestion, thereby achieving a high effectiveness of communication.

Personality speech signals are a secret and secret emotional lifestyle of a person. The one who is able to consciously perceive these signals, he understands the language of motives, the language of actions. It can be said that he understands much more than it could be simply expressed in words.

Having mastered this language of motives, he can himself, ultimately, send signals and thus contribute to the rapid and effective achievement of goals. And, on the contrary, according to D.I. Pisarev, "The incorrect use of words leads to errors in thought and then in the practice of life."


Test questions.

one.       What is the essence of the delegation of authority?

2       What are the principles for the implementation of the law of delegation of authority?

3       How is the law of uncertainty of response implemented in management practice?

four.       Explain the essence of the law of inadequate self-esteem.

five.       How should a manager use the compensation law?



Borozdina G.V. Psychology of business communication. M., 2004.

Kurbatov V.I. The art of managing communication. Rostov-on-Don, 1997.

Nightmaster N.M. Psychology of communication and business. M., 1995.

Panasyuk A.Yu. Managerial communication. M., 1990.

Panfilova A.P. Business communication in professional activities. SPb., 2001.

Pankratov V.N. Psychology of people management. M., 2001.

Rudensky E.V. Fundamentals of psychology of communication manager. M., 1998.

Semenov A.K., Maslova E.L. Psychology and ethics of management and business. M., 2002.

created: 2015-01-29
updated: 2024-11-14

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