Steganography is the science of the hidden transfer of information by keeping secret the fact of transmission. The main task is to ensure that a person does not suspect that there is hidden valuable information inside the transmitted information that does not represent outwardly absolutely no value. Thus, steganography allows transmitting secret information through open channels, hiding the very fact of its transmission. Cryptography protects the message, making it useless in the event of interception, and steganography tends to make the message transmission itself hidden. Cryptography and steganography can be used together: then the message is first encrypted and then secretly transmitted. If you use cryptography without steganography, then there is a risk that the observer who intercepted the message will force the sender or recipient to decipher it.
Stegoanalysis or steganalysis is a section of steganography; the science of identifying the fact of the transfer of hidden information in the analyzed message. In some cases, steganalysis also refers to the extraction of hidden information from the message containing it and (if necessary) its further decryption. The latter definition should be used with the appropriate reservation.
Steganography today
● Big Data - very, very much data
● A huge number of data transfer and storage protocols, file systems, operating systems
● Internet
● Internet - IoT
● Internet - a large number of participants, data channels
All of the above creates a good support for steganography.
Three goals of information hiding
● Hidden transmission or storage of data (SPD) - only this is steganography (“concealment”) in the strict sense
● Watermarks (OT, “digital watermarking”)
- certain labels that are the same for each copy
● Tsiforovye prints (TSO, "stego fingerprinting") - certain labels, different for each copy.
CO vs OT
● It is necessary to distinguish between CO and OT! At least because of the attack by collusion. VZ can be steganography: steganographic VZ (SVZ), CO - no.
● Attack by collusion. Take n copies of the container and create one copy of them - a bitwise XOR of each of them.
Remark 1. The term “informational concealment” is not established in Russian-language literature and is often the Central Organ, OT also called “steganography”
Note 2. There is a term “CEH” (digital watermark). This is the central organ, the OT. Sometimes both simultaneously in one article;)
Practical use
1. Imperceptible information transfer (SPD)
2. Hidden storage of information (SPD)
3. Non-declared information storage (SPD)
4. Protection of exclusive rights (AC)
5. Copyright Protection (OT)
6. Protection of authenticity of documents (OT)
7. Individual imprint in SEDO (CO)
8. Watermark in DLP systems
9. Hidden transmission of the control signal (SPD)
10. Steganographic botnet network (SPD)
11. Inalienability of information (OT)
12. Confirmation of the accuracy of the information transmitted (AC)
13. Funkspiel (“Radio Game”) (SPD)
14. Steganographic Tracking (SPD)
15. Steganographic distraction.
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Stegoanalysis or steganalysis is a section of steganography; the science of identifying the fact of the transfer of hidden information in the analyzed message. In some cases, steganalysis also refers to the extraction of hidden information from the message containing it and (if necessary) its further decryption. The latter definition should be used with the appropriate reservation.
The intruder (analyst) seeks to crack the steganographic system, that is, to detect the fact of the message being transmitted, to extract the message and either modify the message or prohibit the message transmission [1]. Usually analysts spend several stages hacking the system [1]:
In this case, the system is considered hacked if the analyst succeeds in proving at least the presence of a hidden message. [1]
During the first two stages, analysts can usually hold such events [2]:
There are several types of offenders [2]:
Some attacks on steganosystems are similar to cryptographic attacks [1]:
But there are also attacks that have no direct analogues in cryptography [3]:
There are specific attacks on digital watermark systems [2]:
Head shave
An attack based on a well-known filled container against an ancient messaging system on the skin of a slave’s head. A tattoo message was put on the head of the slave and they waited for the hair to grow back. Then the slave was sent to the recipient of the message. The attack of the system is primitive - to shave the slave again and read the message [4].
An attack based on a well-known filled container against a message transfer system with a letter written in sympathetic ink. During World War II, analysts drove brushes moistened with developers by writing and read the messages that were shown. Transmission by ultraviolet or infrared radiation has also been used [4].
Subjective attack
Attack based on known filled container. The algorithm is simple: the analyst examines the container without the help of special tools, trying "by eye" to determine if it contains stego. That is, if the container is an image, then looks at it, if the audio is, then it listens. Despite the fact that such an attack is effective only against almost unprotected steganographic systems, the attack is widespread at the initial stage of opening the system [2].
Histogram image analysis
Attack based on known LSB-filled container. Andreas Fitzmann and Andreas Westfeld noted [5] that if the embedded message has a uniform distribution, the frequencies the appearance of color
before embedding were related by
then frequency
after embedding, they are associated with frequencies prior to embedding in such a relation:
That is, the introduction of a uniform message reduces the difference between the frequencies of the distribution of neighboring colors that have the difference in the smallest bit. It is also noted that during the LSB implementation, the sum of the frequency distribution of neighboring pairs remains unchanged. On these facts, an analysis method is built using the Chi-square test:
Usually, a series of probability measurements are carried out for the image fragments in order to also measure the length of the intended message by the probability jump.
In the case when the container is not an image with color indexation, but a JPEG image, instead of color indices, the coefficients of the discrete cosine transform are used for the analysis [5].
RS image analysis
An attack based on a well-known filled container on the system for embedding stego into an image using the LSB method. Regular-Singular analysis was proposed in 2001 by a team of researchers from Binghamton University [5].
The method is based on the division of the image into related groups. by
pixels For each group, the value of the regularity or smoothness function is determined.
. Most often, the regularity function is the sum of the differences of neighboring pixels in a group [5].
Flipping function is introduced - function such that
. In this analysis, three functions of flipping are used [5]:
Inside the group, you can use different flipping functions for different pixels, so they write a mask -
-dimensional vector in space}
indicating which pixel in the group corresponds to which flipping:
All received groups divided into three types [5]:
Next, count the number number of regular groups
singular groups for the mask M and similar quantities
for the inverted {-M} mask. The statistical hypothesis of researchers, confirmed by the study of a sample of real photographs, is that the inversion of the mask almost does not change the number of regular and singular groups for an empty container [5]:
At the same time, the researchers noticed that introducing random distortions into this ratio violates this ratio so that random distortions reduce the difference between and
with increasing the length of the message being injected. This fact is based on the method of RS-analysis [5]:
Machine learning method for image analysis
The method coined by Sewie Liu and Honey Farid in 2002 in response to the improvement of message embedding algorithms. They suggested using the support vector method, well-known in machine learning. As a feature vector, the method uses a vector calculated on the basis of the statistical regularities of the distribution of groups of image pixels: expectation, variance, standard deviation, etc. [5]
Attack using compression algorithms for analyzing audio files
It is noted [6] that files containing hidden messages can be compressed using compression algorithms worse than not containing messages. This remark is based on a group of attacks using compression methods. One of these attacks is the WAVE format audio file analysis method.
The analysis algorithm [6] assuming that the file (empty container), the algorithm for implementing the stego message, and the data compression algorithm are known:
The threshold values depending on the content of the audio file and the archiver used are determined experimentally and lie in the range from 0.05% to 0.2% [6].
Attack using compression algorithms for analyzing text files
The attack is based on the same fact as an attack on audio files using compression algorithms. Let there be three texts: ,
, and
contain hidden messages. If you write
at the end of each text
, compress the resulting texts with the archiver and measure the dimensions that the text occupies in the received archives
then it turns out that in the archive received from the texts
takes up less space. This can be interpreted as a sign of the presence of a stego message in the container
An attack using a compression algorithm for analyzing executable files [
The attack is based on the same facts as other attacks based on compression algorithms, but uses the features of the PE executable file format and the specific implementation algorithm [8] of the message for which analysis is used. [9]
Attacks on video files [
As one of the examples of the analysis of video files, one can cite a statistical analysis similar to histogram image analysis. The analyst in this case checks the statistical properties of the signal and compares them with the expected ones: for example, for the lower bits of the signals, the distribution is similar to the noise. The Chi-square test works well for comparison. [10]
To destroy the message, you can use various transformations [10]:
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Information security, Cryptography and cryptanalysis, Steganography and Stegoanalysis
Terms: Information security, Cryptography and cryptanalysis, Steganography and Stegoanalysis