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6.2. Semantic data modeling, ER charts


The widespread use of relational DBMSs and their use in a wide variety of applications shows that the relational data model is sufficient to model subject areas. However, designing a relational database in terms of relationships based on the normalization mechanism we briefly considered is often a very complicated and inconvenient process for the designer.

At the same time, the limitations of the relational data model are manifested in the following aspects:

  • The model does not provide sufficient means to represent the meaning of the data. The semantics of the real subject area should be presented in a model-independent way, independent of the model. In particular, this refers to the issue of representing integrity constraints that we mentioned.
  • For many applications, it is difficult to model the subject area on the basis of flat tables. In some cases, at the very initial design stage, the designer has to perform violence against himself in order to describe the subject area in the form of a single (possibly even unnormalized) table.
  • Although the entire design process is based on dependency accounting, the relational model does not provide any means to represent these dependencies.
  • Despite the fact that the design process begins with the selection of some essential for the application domain objects ("entities") and identifying relationships between these entities, the relational data model does not offer any apparatus for separating entities and relationships.
6.2.1. Semantic data models

The needs of database designers for more convenient and powerful domain modeling tools have brought to life the direction of semantic data models. While any developed semantic data model, like the relational model, includes structural, manipulative, and integral parts, the main purpose of semantic models is to enable the expression of data semantics.

Before we briefly consider the features of one of the common semantic models, let us dwell on their possible applications.

Most often in practice, semantic modeling is used in the first stage of database design. In this case, in terms of the semantic model, a conceptual database schema is produced, which is then manually converted to a relational (or some other) schema. This process is carried out under the control of methods in which all the stages of such a transformation are clearly stated.

Less often, automated compilation of a conceptual scheme into a relational one is implemented. Two approaches are known: based on the explicit presentation of the conceptual scheme as background information for the compiler and the construction of integrated design systems with automated creation of a conceptual scheme based on interviews with subject matter experts. In both cases, the result is a relational database schema in third normal form (it would be more accurate to say that the author does not know the systems that provide a higher level of normalization).

Finally, the third possibility, which has not yet gone (or just beyond) the limits of research and experimental projects, is to work with a database in a semantic model, i.e. DBMS based on semantic data models. In this case, two options are considered again: providing a user interface based on a semantic data model with automatic mapping of structures into a relational data model (this task is about the same level of complexity as automatic compiling a conceptual database schema into a relational schema) and a direct implementation of the DBMS based on any semantic data model. Most closely to the second approach are modern object-oriented DBMS, data models of which in many ways are close to semantic models (although in some aspects they are more powerful and in some cases they are weaker).

6.2.2. Basic Entity-Relationship Model Concepts

Next, we briefly consider some features of one of the most popular semantic data models - the Entity-Relationship model (often referred to as the ER-model for short).

The use of varieties of the ER-model is based on most modern approaches to database design (mainly relational). The model was proposed by Chen (Chen) in 1976. The domain modeling is based on the use of graphical diagrams that include a small number of heterogeneous components. Due to the visibility of the conceptual database schemas, ER-models are widely used in CASE systems that support automated design of relational databases. Among the many varieties of ER-models, one of the most developed is used in the CASE system by ORACLE. We will consider it. More precisely, we will focus on the structural part of this model.

The basic concepts of the ER-model are the essence, relationship and attribute.

An entity is a real or represented object, information about which should be stored and be accessible. In the ER-model diagrams, an entity is represented as a rectangle containing the name of the entity. The entity name is the name of the type, and not of a specific instance of this type. For greater expressiveness and better understanding, the name of the entity may be accompanied by examples of specific objects of this type.

The essence of the AIRPORT with the approximate objects Sheremetyevo and Heathrow is shown below:

  6.2.  Semantic data modeling, ER charts

Each instance of an entity must be distinguishable from any other instance of the same entity (this requirement is somewhat similar to the requirement of the absence of duplicate tuples in relational tables).

A relationship is a graphically depicted association established between two entities. This association is always binary and can exist between two different entities or between an entity and itself (recursive connection). In any connection, there are two ends (in accordance with the existing pair of connected entities), each of which indicates the name of the end of the link, the degree of the end of the link (how many instances of this entity are linked), the binding nature of the link (i.e., any instance of this entity must participate in this regard).

A relationship is represented as a line connecting two entities or leading from an entity to itself. In this case, a three-point entry into the entity rectangle is used in the “docking” connection with the entity, if many (many) instances of the entity can be used for the entity, and a single-point entry, if only one instance of the entity can participate in the association. The required end of the connection is depicted as a solid line, and the optional end is shown as a broken line.

Like an entity, a relationship is a typical concept, all instances of both pairs of connected entities obey the rules of binding.

In the example shown below, the link between the entities TICKET and PASSENGER links tickets and passengers. In this case, the end of the entity with the name "for" allows you to associate with one passenger more than one ticket, each ticket must be associated with any passenger. The end of the entity with the name "has" means that each ticket can belong to only one passenger, and the passenger is not required to have at least one ticket.

  6.2.  Semantic data modeling, ER charts

Laconic oral interpretation of the diagram is as follows:

  • Each TICKET is for one and only one PASSENGER;
  • Each PASSENGER may have one or more TICKETS.

The following example depicts a recursive relationship linking the essence of a MAN with herself. The end of the relationship with the name "son" determines the fact that one father can have more than one son. The end of the connection with the name "father" means that not every person can have sons.

  6.2.  Semantic data modeling, ER charts

Laconic oral interpretation of the diagram is as follows:

  • Every PERSON is the son of one and only one PERSON;
  • Each person can be a father to one or more PEOPLE ("PERSONS").

An entity attribute is any part that serves to clarify, identify, classify, numeric, or express the state of an entity. The names of the attributes are entered in a rectangle depicting the entity, under the name of the entity and depicted in small letters, possibly with examples.


A unique identifier of an entity is an attribute, a combination of attributes, a combination of relationships, or a combination of relationships and attributes that uniquely distinguishes any entity instance from other entity instances of the same type.

6.2.3. Normal forms of ER-schemes

As in relational database schemas, the notion of normal forms is introduced in ER schemas, and their meaning very closely matches the meaning of relational normal forms. Note that the formulations of normal forms of ER-schemes make more clear the meaning of the normalization of relational schemes. We present only very brief and informal definitions of the first three normal forms.

In the first normal form, the ER schema eliminates duplicate attributes or attribute groups, i.e. Implicit entities that are "masked" under attributes are detected.

In the second normal form, attributes that depend only on a part of the unique identifier are eliminated. This part of the unique identifier defines a separate entity.

In the third normal form, attributes that depend on attributes that are not part of a unique identifier are eliminated. These attributes are the basis of a single entity.

6.2.4. More complex elements of the ER-model

We dwelt only on the most basic and most obvious notions of the ER data model. The more complex elements of the model include the following:

  • Subtypes and supertypes of entities. As in programming languages ​​with developed type systems (for example, in object-oriented programming languages), the possibility of inheriting an entity type is introduced, based on one or several supertypes. Interesting nuances are connected with the necessity of graphic representation of this mechanism.
  • Many-to-many links. Sometimes it is necessary to link entities in such a way that from both ends of the link there can be several instances of the entity (for example, all members of a cooperative collectively own the property of a cooperative). For this, a kind of many-to-many relationship is introduced.
  • Refined degree of communication. Sometimes it is useful to determine the possible number of instances of an entity involved in this connection (for example, an employee is allowed to participate in no more than three projects at the same time). To express this semantic constraint, it is allowed to indicate at the end of a relationship its maximum or mandatory degree.
  • Cascading deletion of instances of entities. Some links are so strong (of course, in the case of a one-to-many connection) that when you delete a reference instance of an entity (corresponding to the end of the one-connection), you also need to delete all instances of the entity that correspond to the end of the many connection. The corresponding requirement of "cascade deletion" can be formulated when defining an entity.
  • Domains. As in the case of the relational data model, it is useful to be able to determine the potentially acceptable set of values ​​for an attribute of an entity (domain).

These and other more complex elements of the Essence-Link data model make it significantly more powerful, but at the same time somewhat complicate its use. Of course, if you actually use ER-diagrams for database design, you need to familiarize yourself with all the possibilities.

In our lecture, we will examine in a little more detail only one of the mentioned elements - the subtype of entity.

An entity may be split into two or more mutually exclusive subtypes, each of which includes common attributes and / or relationships. These common attributes and / or relationships are explicitly defined once at a higher level. Subtypes can define their own attributes and / or relationships. In principle, subtyping can continue at lower levels, but experience shows that in most cases two or three levels are enough.

The entity on the basis of which the subtypes are determined is called the supertype. Subtypes must form a complete set, i.e. any instance of a supertype must refer to a subtype. Sometimes for completeness it is necessary to define an additional subtype OTHERS.

Example: Supertype AIRCRAFT

  6.2.  Semantic data modeling, ER charts

How is it supposed to read? From the supertype: AIRCRAFT, which should be an AIRPLAN, HELICOPTER, POULTRY, or OTHER AIRCRAFT. From subtype: HELICOPTER, which refers to the type of AIRCRAFT. From a subtype that is also a supertype: AIRPLAN, which belongs to the type of AIRPLANE and must be a PLANER or MOTOR AIRPLANE.

It is sometimes convenient to have two or more different partitions of an entity into subtypes. For example, the essence of a PERSON can be broken down into subtypes according to their professional characteristics (PROGRAMMER, DOYARK, etc.), and maybe according to their gender (MAN, WOMAN).

6.2.5. Getting the relational schema from the ER schema

Step 1. Each simple entity turns into a table. A simple entity is an entity that is not a subtype and has no subtypes. The entity name becomes the name of the table.

Step 2. Each attribute becomes a possible column with the same name; a more accurate format may be chosen. Columns corresponding to optional attributes may contain null values; columns corresponding to mandatory attributes cannot.

Step 3. The components of the unique identifier of the entity become the primary key of the table. If there are several possible unique identifiers, the most used one is selected. If links are included in the unique identifier, a copy of the unique identifier of the entity at the far end of the link is added to the number of columns in the primary key (this process can continue recursively). For the naming of these columns, the names of the ends of links and / or the names of entities are used.

Step 4. Many-to-one (and one-to-one) relationships become foreign keys. Those. a copy of the unique identifier is made from the end of the one connection, and the corresponding columns make up the foreign key. Optional links correspond to columns that allow undefined values; required links - columns that do not allow undefined values.

Step 5. Indexes are created for the primary key (unique index), foreign keys, and those attributes on which it is supposed to basically base the queries.

Step 6. If there are subtypes in the conceptual scheme, then there are two ways:

  • all subtypes in one table (a)
  • for each subtype - a separate table (b)

When applying method (a), a table is created for the most external supertype, and views can be created for subtypes. At least one column containing the TYPE code is added to the table; it becomes part of the primary key.

When using method (b) for each subtype of the first level (for the lower ones, representations), the supertype is recreated using the UNION view (common columns are selected from all subtype tables — supertype columns).

All in one table Table - per subtype
Everything is stored together
Easy access to supertype and subtype
Fewer tables required
Subtyping rules are clearer
Programs work only with the necessary tables.
Too general solution
Requires additional logic to work with different sets of columns and different constraints.
Potential bottleneck (due to blocking)
Subtype columns must be optional
Some DBMSs require additional memory to store ambiguous values.
Too many tables
Embarrassing columns in a UNION view
Potential loss of productivity when working through UNION
No modifications are possible on the supertype.

Step 7. There are two ways to work when there are exclusive links:

  • common domain (s)
  • explicit foreign keys (b)

If the remaining foreign keys are all in the same domain, i.e. have a common format (method (a)), then two columns are created: a connection identifier and an entity identifier. The link identifier column is used to distinguish between links covered by the exception arc. An entity identifier column is used to store the values ​​of the unique identifier of the entity at the far end of the corresponding link.

If the resulting foreign keys do not belong to the same domain, then for each link covered by the exception arc, explicit foreign key columns are created; all of these columns may contain null values.

Shared domain Explicit foreign keys
Only need two columns Connection conditions - explicit
Both optional attributes must be used in connections. Too many columns

Alternative Entity Models:

Option 1 (bad)

  6.2.  Semantic data modeling, ER charts

Option 2 (much better if subtypes do exist)
  6.2.  Semantic data modeling, ER charts

Option 3 (suitable if there is a sensible supertype D).

  6.2.  Semantic data modeling, ER charts


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