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Lecture 21. Next generation database management systems


This section very briefly discusses the main directions of research and development in the field of so-called post-relational systems, i.e. systems belonging to the next generation (although the term "next-generation DBMS" is reserved for a subclass of modern systems).

Although the assignment of a DBMS to a particular class at the present time can only be done conditionally (for example, sometimes object-oriented DBMS O2 belongs to the next generation systems), it is possible to note three directions in the field of the next generation DBMS. In order not to invent names, we will designate them with the names of the most characteristic DBMS.

  1. Postgres direction . Main characteristic: maximum adherence (as far as possible taking into account new requirements) to known principles of DBMS organization (except for the radical rework of the external memory management system).
  2. Direction Exodus / Genesis . Main characteristic: the creation of the actual system, and the generator of systems that best meet the needs of applications. The solution is achieved by creating sets of modules with standardized interfaces, and the idea extends right up to the basic layers of the system.
  3. Direction Starburst . Main characteristic: achieving the extensibility of the system and its adaptability to the needs of specific applications by using the standard rules management mechanism. In essence, a system is some interpreter of a system of rules and a set of module-actions called in accordance with these rules. You can change rule sets (there is a special language for setting rules) or change actions by substituting other modules with the same interface.

In general, it can be said that the next generation DBMSs are direct heirs of relational systems. However, the different directions of third-generation systems should be considered separately, since they have some different characteristics.


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