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12.2. Colonial system of European powers


In the 18th century, as before in the 17th century, the history of the peoples of the East was inextricably linked with the colonial policies of the European powers. During this period, the foundations of the colonial system, meeting the interests of the big trading bourgeoisie, were laid. If in the XVII century. The first steps of the colonial policy of the East India Companies were associated with the Netherlands, then in the XVIII century. the Dutch company was no longer able to maintain its monopoly position and ceded its position to England. Overtaking Holland in its development, England in a number of trade wars dealt her serious blows. English-Dutch war of 1780-1784 led to the loss of a number of colonial territories by Holland and the provision to the English courts of the right to pass through Indonesian waters. By this time, England had achieved significant success in India, expanded its ties with the Middle East and China.

Colonization of India and Indonesia. India has become one of the arenas of the Anglo-French struggle for hegemony. During the struggle for the Austrian legacy (1740-1748), the British company, relying on the strong support of the stronger bourgeoisie, pressed the French, but the outcome of the Anglo-French struggle for India was decided by the Seven-Year Warrior (1756-1763). The most important stage was the capture and submission of Bengal. The victory of the British provided the advantages of weapons, military organization, treachery, intrigue, bribes.

The robbery of India was an important point in the initial accumulation of capital, accelerated the beginning of the industrial revolution in England. Although still a significant part of India remained independent, at the end of the XVIII century. England captured key positions, European rivals were eliminated. The transformation of a huge semi-continent into an English colony was ensured.

An acute struggle for the possession of Indonesia, one of the richest countries in the East, unfolded between the Dutch and the British East India Companies. Here the British had to yield. By the middle of the XVIII century. Holland owned almost all of Java, as well as other islands, but the country was finally conquered only in the XIX century.

Colonization of Australia. Another way was the colonization of Australia before James Cook (1738-1779) examined the east coast of the fifth continent in 1770; the British government decided to make new lands a place of exile for convicts, since the former places of exile were convicts from England, Scotland and Ireland (American colonies ) after the start of their war of independence were “closed”. The first British colony in Australia - New South Wales - was formed in February 1788

An important milestone in the development of colonialism was the events of the end of the 18th century: the industrial revolution in Europe, the war of independence in North America, 1775-1783. and the French Revolution 1789-1794 Europe sought to transform its overseas possessions into industrial markets, a source of raw materials and food. Thus began the gradual drawing of colonies into the emerging world capitalist market relations.


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