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Universal computer


Microprocessors in cameras, cars and watches are “experts”, each of which is programmed to perform several well-defined functions. In contrast, a personal computer is a wagon. Some of its microcircuits are similar to those used, for example, in a camera. They perform a limited set of instructions, ensuring the functioning of certain components of the machine. The chip, which makes a personal computer such a powerful and flexible tool, is a universal microprocessor operating according to commands sent by the user. This so-called CPU allows the computer to easily switch from a fascinating video game to rearranging paragraphs in a business document. Each of its roles is defined by a set of coded instructions, the totality of which constitutes the so-called software, or program.

Light beam making

Using special programs, for example, a music game program shown here, a person gets another opportunity to interact with a computer - using a light pen, which allows you to compose simple melodies, draw rather complex pictures or select the desired object from those shown on the screen without using a keyboard. The photosensitive element located at the tip of the “pen” interacts with the screen, thus informing the computer where it is pointing at the “pen” at the moment. Whenever the user (in our example) points with a light pen to a note from among those presented on the screen, the program generates a sound corresponding to that note. If you touch the “pen” of the block labeled PLAY (play), the computer speaker will play the whole piece from beginning to end.

Universal computer

Some people working with computers are happy to make up the programs themselves, but most are content with choosing the right programs from thousands of software packages, or, as they are called, software packages that are commercially available. With these programs, a personal computer owner can monitor the effectiveness of their investments, keep records regarding taxes, store lists and addresses of people who should send Christmas cards, or study French verb forms. He can, without leaving home, make banking transactions, purchases and conduct any other business. If you wish, you can learn all sorts of games, say chess or bridge, or learn some useful skills, such as learning to type blindly. With the help of the phone, the owner of a personal computer can connect with databases that are served by large computers, and conduct a variety of research, browse electronic catalogs and abstracts stored somewhere far from the comfort of their office or home. In other words, a personal computer is a servant with many talents, among whom the last is not that even a six-year-old child can cope with it.


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History of computer technology and IT technology

Terms: History of computer technology and IT technology