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90s of the 20th century in the history of computer science



In 1990, the World Wide Web was born. Tim Berners-Lee (Tim Bernes-Lee, 06/08/1955) developed the HTML language (Hupertext Markup Langauge - hypertext markup language; the main document format) and the prototype of the World Wide Web, as well as the editor of web pages and communication programs - all in the operating NextStep system on Next workstation.

At the European Elementary Particle Laboratory of the CERN Institute in Geneva, where Berners-Lee worked at the time , the first connection of the first Web-server took place on May 17, 1991 , and in one year the number of hosts reached 1 million.

90s of the 20th century in the history of computer science
First Web Server

90s of the 20th century in the history of computer science
Tim Berners-Lee

The first domestic network project was created at the IV Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy and united physicists and programmers.

On August 28, 1990, the first telecommunication session with Finland was held over the international telephone - the network, which would later be called “RELCOM”, for the first time connected to the global Internet.

On September 19, 1990, the UNIX User Association (SUUG - Soviet UNIX User's Group) registered the top-level domain SU (Soviet Union - Soviet Union) for use in the USSR. She also performed the domain administration functions.

The first Russian site was the resource of the Department of Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (today -

Microsoft released Windows 3.0 with support for 80286 and 80386 protected mode, which allowed application programs to access more memory.

Cray has released the Cray Y-MP C90 supercomputer, a vector-conveying computer that combines a maximum of 16 processors working on shared memory. The clock time of the CRAY Y-MP C90 computer is 4.1 ns, which corresponds to a clock frequency of almost 250 MHz.

90s of the 20th century in the history of computer science
Cray Y-MP C90

90s of the 20th century in the history of computer science
Thomas nol

90s of the 20th century in the history of computer science
John nol

The official release of the graphics program Photoshop 1.0 . The birth of this graphic package dates back to 1987, when it appeared as a private project by Thomas Knoll.

History reference
Since childhood, Thomas Nol has been interested in amateur photography, and later computers attracted his attention. In graduate school at the University of Michigan, Thomas writes the Display program as an appendix to his dissertation. After graduating from university, he acquires Apple Macintosh Plus, and continues to improve computer capabilities in the field of digital imaging. The impetus for this choice was the work of his brother and John Noll (John Knoll) in the division of Lucasfilm, dealing with computer special effects. John insisted on bringing Display to mind: the program gradually overgrown with new features and eventually overtook the already existing raster graphics editors. John is looking for investors, but only one agrees - BarneyScan delivers about 200 copies of the program to scanner buyers.
Meanwhile, John continues to search, during which he meets Russell Brown (Russell Brown), the artistic director of the Adobe corporation, who, after the demonstration of Photoshop, recognizes his undeniable advantages over other products. According to the deal, Adobe licensed the software from Brothers Nol. Under the terms of the agreement, they were to receive a fee of $ 250 thousand in the first two years.

90s of the 20th century in the history of computer science

Some programmers compare the influence of the package created by Thomas for the graphic processing of photographic images on computer graphics with the influence that Shakespeare's plays had on world literature.

90s of the 20th century in the history of computer science

90s of the 20th century in the history of computer science
386SL processor

October 15, 1990 released the first processor , designed specifically for the architecture of portable computers - 386SL with a frequency of 20 MHz. And on September 30, 1991, a new modification appeared with an operating frequency of 25 MHz. Thanks to the 1-micron production technology, 855 thousand transistors were “packaged” into the 386SL. At the same time, the 386SL has all the advantages of the 386SX, including the possibility of reducing power consumption, which is of great importance when powering the computer from batteries, and supporting a number of standby modes with reduced power consumption.


On May 20, 1991, Visual Basic 1.0 for Windows made its debut - a software development tool developed by Microsoft and including a programming language and development environment. The QBasic syntax was taken as the basis of the language, and the innovation that brought great popularity to the language was the principle of communication between the language and the graphical interface. This principle was developed by Alan Cooper . Initially, Visual Basic was perceived as a toy tool for quick, easy and visual development of user interfaces, prototype applications and management, but later turned into a serious software tool.

90s of the 20th century in the history of computer science
Alan Cooper

90s of the 20th century in the history of computer science

From now on, the Intel Inside® logo appeared on the body of each computer equipped with an Intel processor .

On September 16, 1991, a 486SX processor with a clock frequency of 16, 20 and 25 MHz was developed. A year later, on September 21, 1992, the light saw the 486SX, operating at 33 MHz. The processor is built on 0.8 micron technology, consists of 900 thousand transistors, allows you to address up to 4 GB of memory.

On December 2, 1991, QuickTime , an Apple technology developed in 1991 to play digital video, sound, text, animation, music and panoramic images in various formats, was introduced.

The QuickTime 1.0 program was introduced by the author - Bruce Leak in May 1991 as part of the Worldwide Developers Conference.

Apple Computer begins selling QuickTime 1.0 (codename Warhol), originally developed as a multimedia add-on to Mac OS 7.

A new creation of Apple - Macintosh Classic . Creating this computer, Apple decided to go back to basics: it was a compact machine, similar to the first Macintosh. But the lack of a hard disk, the complexity of connecting external devices only intensified the fall in Apple’s market demand.

90s of the 20th century in the history of computer science
Bruce face


90s of the 20th century in the history of computer science

Finnish student Linus Torvalds (Linus Torvalds, 12/28/1969) decided to experiment with the commands of the Intel 386 processor and put what he had done on the Internet. He sent an email to the open source community, which said that they had developed a Unix-like operating system for AT 386 computers as their hobby. Initially, the OS lacked a number of important functions, but it pleased the army of 7 million specialists which for the first time received a tool for their own development related to system software.

There was the first free operating system with great potential - Linux .

History is silent about who decided to call it Linux, but how this name appeared is quite understandable. "Linu" or "Lin" on behalf of the creator and "x" or "ux" - from UNIX, because The new OS was very similar to it, it just worked now on computers with x86 architecture.

In 2012, Linus Torvalds was awarded the Millennium Technology Award. This award (Millennium Technology Prize 2012) is awarded every two years to those people who have changed the quality of life of people and made a significant contribution to the development of technology.

Newspaper "INFORMATIKA" №2001 (Summer) LINUS

Weekly "Computerworld" №27-28-2000 LINUS AND HIS LINUX, №09-2001 LINUX ANNIVERSARY

DEC introduced the first 64-bit processor RISC Alpha.

1993 year

90s of the 20th century in the history of computer science
Leonardo Cerillone

Appeared video compression format MPEG - a group of standards for digital compression of audio and video taken MPEG.


In 1990, she was entrusted with the official mission of developing standards for encoding mobile video and related information for recording and reading from digital media. Since that time, it was called MPEG /
The MPEG father is rightly called Leonardo Chiariglione . The Cherilli group under the auspices of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO - Internation Standards Organization) was formed in 1988. In 1990, she was entrusted with the official mission of developing standards for encoding mobile video and related information for recording and reading from digital media. Since that time, she was named the Video Motion Expert Group (MPEG).

March 22, 1993 Microsoft Encarta - the first computer multimedia encyclopedia was published.

Intel has released a 64-bit Pentium microprocessor. Unable to patent the serial numbers, Intel introduces the name Pentium, thus excluding the copy of the numeric number of its new 586 chip by other manufacturers.

The Pentium was implemented a number of improvements aimed at solving several problems in previous processors, significantly limiting their performance. The main innovations were the 64-bit bus, two executive modules, a significantly improved floating-point unit (FPU) and a faster clock frequency. The initial frequency of the Pentium was 60 MHz, but subsequent processors could already operate at frequencies up to 233 MHz. During the production of Pentium, the manufacturing technology of these processors changed from 0.8 to 0.3 microns, thereby the number of transistors was increased from 3.1 to 4.5 million.

90s of the 20th century in the history of computer science
Clock frequency: 60MHz - 233MHz

On May 24, 1993, Windows NT (New Technology) appeared - an operating system originally designed for high-performance servers and workstations. Despite the visual similarity with the previously released versions of Windows 3.x, the system had a completely different architecture, which provided high security, stability of work and stability of the API interface. One of the advantages was the new NTFS file system (NT File System), which at a high level controls access to resources and is able to eliminate the unpleasant consequences of failures.
Windows NT is adapted for both classic Intel processors and RISC processors. Thanks to the OpenGL technology, the system allowed to manipulate three-dimensional objects, in addition, it supported symmetric multiprocessor data processing. Windows NT required serious hardware support: an Intel 386 processor, 90 MB of disk space and 12 MB of RAM. However, it was already a standalone, fully 32-bit operating system, rather than a graphic extension of MS-DOS.

Mosaic Communications Corporation introduced the first browser Mosaic 1.0 . Subsequently, the Mosaic developers created the Netscape Navigator browser. Having appreciated the growing popularity of the Internet, Microsoft soon introduced its version to the market - Internet Explorer. From that moment on, a protracted “browser war” was unleashed.

Jerry Yang (11/06/1968) and David Filo (04/20/1966), graduates of Stanford University, decided to compile a catalog of their favorite sites. Over time, more and more people began to look into the “guide”, and by the end of 1994 it had become a real compass for people wandering in the World Wide Web space - the number of website visitors reached one million people a day. Later, Young and Philo called it Yahoo! - in honor of the creatures from Swift's novel "Gulliver's Journey". Today, the authors are Yahoo! - Company owners with a turnover of hundreds of millions of dollars a year.

90s of the 20th century in the history of computer science


The first advertising banners appeared. They were identified on the pages of Banners represented the drink Zima and the company AT & T.

Epidemic file-boot encrypted virus infection, using a very unusual way of implementation in MS-DOS. Neither antivirus was not ready to meet with this type of monster.


90s of the 20th century in the history of computer science
James gosling

SUN introduced Java programming language , which was developed by James Gosling (James Arthur Gosling, 05/19/1955).

Appeared format RealAudio - alternative to MPEG .

Internet Explorer 2.0 has been released .

Intel claims the official name for the processor following the Pentium is the Pentium Pro .
Pentium Pro contained not just a set of improvements, but also a new architecture, and the Pro prefix “added” another million transistors (now there were 5.5 million). But more important was the addition of a primary cache of 256 KB, which was then increased to 1 MB. Not yet integrated directly into the processor core, the cache worked at the same frequency as the CPU — between 150 and 200 MHz.
But the introduction of a new cache, in addition to the positive aspects, brought problems to the processor: it was placed on a separate chip, which led to higher production costs. Nevertheless, the release of 32-bit Pentium Pro played a prominent role - the era of sunset of 16-bit processors and OS began.

90s of the 20th century in the history of computer science
Clock frequency: 150 MHz - 200 MHz

DEC has announced the release of five new models of personal computers Celebris XL .

The company NEC announced the completion of the development of the world's first crystal with a memory capacity of 1 GB.

Appeared operating system Windows 95 .

On October 3, 1995, Artemy Lebedev founds the WebDesign studio, later renamed the “Artemy Lebedev Studio” http: //WWW.DESIGN.RU/. The company became the first Internet design studio in Russia.


Microsoft has released:

  • Internet Explorer 3.0 is quite a serious competitor to Navigator;
  • operating system for handheld computers Windows CE 1.0.

In March 1996, Intel first introduced information about the MMX technology (Matrix Math Extensions [instruction set] - a set of commands for expanding matrix mathematical operations), originally Multimedia Extension [instruction set] - a set of commands for multimedia expansion. This Intel technology was implemented in 1997 in Pentium processors for multimedia support.

The emergence of Intel Video Phone technology, which enables remote interlocutors to hear and see each other, as part of the Intel Create & Share Camera Pack, allowed Internet users to fully communicate with a person anywhere in the world. Now, using a small camera installed on the monitor, a microphone and speakers, you can not only see and hear the interlocutor, but also communicate with him in real time. With the advent of the videophone, the procedure for video conferencing has become available. Of course, for communication requires a browser and Internet access.

December 6, 1996 the company "Party" opens the first free Internet cafe in Russia.

On December 14, 1996, the Russian anti-virus company DialogueScience for the first time in the Global Network (not only on the Runet) offered an online virus scan.

On September 26, 1996, the Rambler search system was opened HTTP://WWW.RAMBLER.RU/. The main developer is Dmitry Kryukov.

The technology of CD-RW recording for re-recording information has appeared. Developed by an industry consortium of Ricoh, Philips, Sony, Yamaha, Hewlett-Packard and Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation.

The name CD-RW - short for CD-ReWritable (in English “rewritable”) - underlines the main differences from the CD-R: the ability to record information, erase it, and then re-record any on the same disc. The number of rewriting cycles is quite large and reaches several thousand. It may seem interesting that the CD-RW laser operates in two modes, differing by the used thermal power and surface heating temperatures of the disk - 500-700 o С and 200 o С, respectively.


On September 23, 1997, the Yandex search engine HTTP://WWW.YANDEX.RU/ was officially opened.

Apple has released the operating system Macintosh OS 8 .

Intel announced the start of sales (since 1999) of a 64-bit processor called Merced.

On September 9, 1997, the first processor from the Pentium MMX Mobile series appeared. It is designed for mobile devices and laptops. This processor is made of 0.25 micron technology and contains about 4.5 million transistors.

On September 29, 1997, Microsoft introduced Windows CE 2.0 (codename Mercury). This version of the operating system for mobile devices was built on the modular principle, which allowed it to be used in PDAs of various manufacturers. Windows CE 2.0 came with Internet Explorer, office applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook) and provided for the ability to exchange data from personal computers.

Intel launches the first Pentium II processor (codenamed Klamath) with an improved chassis design that has a Slot 1 edge connector. The silicon wafer is placed in a 242-pin SECC cartridge (Single Edge Contact Cartridge).
The Pentium II family was modular and focused on a wide range of PCs, workstations and entry-level servers. The operating frequency of the first model was 233 MHz (the range for the entire family is 233-450 MHz). The processor was built on a 0.35 micron technology, had 7.5 million transistors, an internal non-blocking second-level cache with a capacity of 512 Kbytes, running at half a clock frequency, a first-level cache memory of 32 Kbytes (16 Kbytes accounted for data operations, 16 Kbytes - for command queues). The overall bit depth of the Pentium II was 32 bits.

90s of the 20th century in the history of computer science


90s of the 20th century in the history of computer science

Появление стандарта беспроводной передачи голоса и данных Bluetooth , разработанного группой компании Ericsson, IBM, Intel, Toshiba и Nokia. Bluetooth был призван обеспечить соединение компьютеров, карманных устройств, офисной техники, мобильных телефонов и т.п. на небольшом расстоянии (10-100 м) за счет радиосигналов малой мощности.

Слово Bluetooth - сформулированный на английском языке эпитет короля X века Харальда I (Harald I) из Дании и частей Норвегии, который объединил противоречащие датские племена в единое королевство. Смысл состоит в том, что Bluetooth делает то же самое с протоколами связи, объединяя их в один универсальный стандарт.

Выпущена вторая бета-версия Internet Explorer 5.0 , поддерживающая XML/XSL и некоторые свойства CSS.

25 июня 1998 года Microsoft выпускает Windows 98 — последнюю версию Windows на базе старого ядра, разработанного еще в 1988—1989 гг. Следующая версия Windows 2000 строилась уже на программном коде Windows NT.

1 октября 1998 года открылась бесплатная почтовая служба HTTP://WWW.MAIL.RU/.

20 октября 1998 года начал работать сервер « Кирилл и Мефодий » HTTP://WWW.KM.RU/ . В качестве основы использовались онлайновые версии мультимедийных энциклопедий.

1999 год

90s of the 20th century in the history of computer science
Тактовая частота: 450 МГц – 1.4 ГГц

26 февраля 1999 года появился Pentium III , предлагающий новые поточные SIMD-расширения: 70 новых команд, обеспечивающих улучшенные возможности обработки изображений, трехмерной графики, видео, аудио и распознавания речи.
Принципиальным новшеством Pentium III стала идентификация: каждый процессор имеет уникальный 96-разрядный регистрационный номер, заданный еще во время изготовления. Этот номер может быть считан программными средствами, однако в любом случае доступна полная блокировка указанной возможности на уровне настройки параметров BIOS системной платы.

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