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Sound synthesizers


Original output devices - sound synthesizers . The simplest of them is in the arsenal of almost all personal computers and represent the usual compact speaker, the voltage of the signal on which with a high frequency varies by computer. In this way, it is possible to give a simple sound signal indicating the occurrence of any event. Many programming languages ​​are complemented by commands like BEEP, SOUND, which allow programming of a series of sounds. If the sound generator is physically implemented in such a way that the frequency of the sound is controllable, then you can program a simple melody, and if there are several independent sound generators, then the sound of the orchestra. For this purpose, a modern card is installed in a modern computer - a sound card - capable of converting an analog sound signal into a sequence of binary digits and vice versa. There are speech synthesizers, the purpose of which is clear from the name.

Sound synthesizers


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