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80s of the 20th century in the history of computer science



January 4, 1980, Hewlett-Packard introduces an integrated development - HP-85 microcomputer (codename “Project Capricorn”). The HP-85 had a 0.6-MHz 8-bit processor, 16 KB of RAM and 32 KB of ROM, an embedded 5-inch monochrome display, a thermal printer, a tape drive and a keyboard, plus four I / O ports. The price was $ 3250.

80s of the 20th century in the history of computer science

In 1980, the ADA language appeared, named in memory of HELL LAVLACE - the first programmer in the history of computing. It was created in France by order of the US Department of Defense as a universal programming language. It includes features such as system programming, parallelism, etc.

For the first time there was a message about the Japanese project to create computers of the fifth generation.


David Bradley (04/01/1949), a former member of the engineering team, recalls: “The system could hang, and the only way to cope with this was to turn it off. That's why I built the command for the "hot" reboot into the keyboard code and came up with + + , and Bill Gates made this combination famous. "

80s of the 20th century in the history of computer science
David Bradley

Magazines World PC №09-2001 PC AGE 20 YEARS

In 1981, there were floppy disks with a diameter of 3.5 inches , issued by Sony.

The weekly "Computerworld" №02-2002 FLEXIBLE DISKS

80s of the 20th century in the history of computer science
3.5 inch floppy disk

In the late summer of 1981, the media announced the release by IBM of "its most compact and inexpensive computer system - IBM Personal Computer ." It was noted that "designed specifically for use in business, school and home, this easy-to-use system is priced at just $ 1,565", and "many advanced features are offered, and hundreds of popular applications can be used with additional software."
For the first time at the semi-official level, the phrase Personal Computer (PC) was used , which soon became so popular all over the world.

80s of the 20th century in the history of computer science
The first personal computer IBM 5150

Niklaus Wirth has developed a programming language MODULA-2 .

Created the first portable computer - Osborne 1 weighing about 12 kg. Despite a fairly successful start, the company went bankrupt two years later.

80s of the 20th century in the history of computer science
Osborne Laptop 1

Apple is showing off its first 5 MB ProFile hard drive for $ 3,500.


The American company for the production of computing equipment IBM, which previously occupied a leading position in the production of large computers, began to manufacture professional personal computers IBM PC with the operating system MS DOS .

Sun began producing first workstations.

The English firm Inmos, based on the ideas of Oxford University professor Tony Hoare about the "interacting sequential processes" and the concept of the experimental programming language David May, OCAM language was created.

Peter Norton wrote the program Unerase .

The appearance of the first version of AutoCAD and PostScript language .

Screw Cerf (Vinton Gray Cerf, 06/23/1943) and Robert Kahn (Robert Elliot Kahn, 12/23/1938) create a draft TCP / IP (a language that allows you to exchange information on the network). Around the same time, the term Internet appears.

80s of the 20th century in the history of computer science
Vint Cerf and Robert Kahn

In November 1982, Compaq announced its first product, a portable IBM PC compatible personal computer Compaq Portable . It was released in March 1983 and cost 2995 US dollars, much cheaper than competitors' offers at that time. Compaq Portable was one of the forerunners of modern portable computers .

80s of the 20th century in the history of computer science
Compaq Portable, 1982

February 1, 1982 is the birth of the Intel 80286 processor - a 16-bit processor built using 1.5-micron technology and containing 134 thousand transistors. The initial price was set at $ 360 in batches of 100 pieces. The processor worked at a frequency of 6 MHz, and in subsequent models, the frequency increased to 10 and 12 MHz.
The main feature of the 80286 is the ability to work in two modes: real and protected .

80s of the 20th century in the history of computer science
Clock frequency: 6.0 MHz - 12.5 MHz

The operation of the processor 286 in real mode is equivalent to the operation of the processor 8086. The processor 286 executes programs and system commands intended for the 8086 and 8088 without modification.

Protected mode offered access to the entire area of ​​a computer's system memory as a whole. He envisaged the allocation of separate sections for specific programs in such a way that if any of them hung, all the rest would continue to work. Theoretically, what is happening in one area of ​​memory should not affect the rest of the work, but to completely isolate multitasking programs from each other, the 80286 processor and subsequent models should work with the operating system providing such protection.
At the same time, 80286 could not programmatically (without a hardware reset) switch from protected mode to real mode. And therefore, only the appearance of the 80386 processor, which could easily switch from mode to mode, and also offered a new, virtual mode (several programs protected one from another in real modes each are running at once).

Commodore Business Machines announces Commodore 64 , or C64, which became one of the most popular home computers in the 1980s. In September, the computer appears on the market at a price of $ 595. The technical characteristics of the Commodore 64 are as follows: MOS Technology 6510 processor, 64 KB of RAM, 20 KB of ROM with Microsoft's BASIC, two coprocessors (VIC-II for video and SID for audio). C64 was the first home computer with very high-quality graphic and sound capabilities, while being quite inexpensive. In 1993, the C64 computer model was discontinued.

80s of the 20th century in the history of computer science
Commodore 64


Microsoft released its first Bus Mouse for the IBM PC. Included were Microsoft Word, Notepad, a program that teaches how to use the mouse, as well as the Game of Life simulation game, which teaches how to use the command line. And then this mouse cost $ 195.

Three years later, another appeared - InPort Mouse, in addition, the company developed an interface and driver.

80s of the 20th century in the history of computer science
Microsoft mouse, 1983

IBM, improving computers IBM PC, produces compatible models of IBM PC / XT (XT - Extended Technology).

80s of the 20th century in the history of computer science

80s of the 20th century in the history of computer science
Anders Hejlsberg

On November 20, 1983, Borland released Turbo Pascal 1.0 , the progenitor of Delphi, and the famous compiler Anders Hejlsberg, from which the new era of interactive programming systems began its reading.

At the California Institute of Technology C. Zeitz and his colleagues built a 64-processor computer "Cosmic Cube".

The FidoNet network has emerged - an international non-profit computer network built using point-to-point technologies.

November 10, 1983, Microsoft introduced the Microsoft Windows market as a graphical application for the MS-DOS operating system.

Atari, Inc. represents the home computer Atari 1200XL , equipped with 64 KB of RAM and a very high-quality keyboard. Meanwhile, due to a number of technical problems, he failed to take a worthy place in the market. Price Atari 1200XL was $ 900

80s of the 20th century in the history of computer science
Atari 1200XL

Mike Muuss, a US Army Ballistics Research Laboratory employee, is developing a Ping utility to test connections on TCP / IP networks. It (from the English. "Whistling, buzz") got its name by analogy with the sound produced by a locator or radar, which Mike Muuss was fond of at one time.

80s of the 20th century in the history of computer science
Mitchell Kepor (young)

January 26, 1983 Lotus Development Corporation began selling a Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet version 1.0 under MS-DOS. Written by Mitchell David Kapor, 11/01/1950.

Convenient keyboard commands and context-sensitive hints are the distinguishing features of Lotus 1-2-3.
A number of court hearings are associated with Lotus 1-2-3. For example, the Borland Quattro Pro spreadsheet uses the same keyboard shortcuts as the Lotus. There is a copyright violation on the user interface.
Meanwhile, Lotus had to make quite a push in the market, although not immediately. The fact is that the company management somehow did not pay attention to Excel, slowly but surely making its way through Microsoft Windows. Lotus was more focused on the OS / 2 market. Now Lotus and its descendants are used mostly in the corporate environment of large companies.

80s of the 20th century in the history of computer science

80s of the 20th century in the history of computer science
Mitchell Kapor

Visicorp launches Visi On , an integrated operating environment for personal computer applications for $ 1,795.

History reference

Life Visi On was completely short. The contribution of this system to the development of graphical user interfaces for operating systems is quite weighty. Analysis of Visi On leads to the conclusion: this product appeared on the market too early, when neither the technical capacities of personal computers, nor the consciousness of users were ready for this. The technical requirements for hardware resources imposed by the Visi On environment can be called clearly overstated. So, to run Visi On, you needed an Intel 8086 based computer with 512 KB of RAM and 5 MB of free hard disk space. The graphical presentation of information was realized by a CGA monitor in monochrome mode with a resolution of 640x200. Evil tongues claimed that a demonstration of the possibilities of Visi On at COMDEX'82 led Bill Gates to the wise decision to release his own graphic system - Windows. In 1984, the assets of Visicorp were sold to Control Data and the Visi On system ceased to exist.

On November 11, 1983, an American student from the University of Southern California, Fred Cohen, compiled a program that demonstrated the possibility of infecting a computer with a virus multiplication rate from 5 minutes to 1 hour.

The following year, Cohen wrote a paper in which he not only anticipated the danger of spreading viruses over computer networks, but also spoke about the possibility of creating anti-virus programs.

Interesting information
In January 1986, the first non-laboratory virus "Brain" appeared, capable of infecting only floppy disks, it was of Pakistani origin.
In 1988, the first antivirus program was developed.


The company Microsoft introduced the first version of the operating shell Windows .

The first hardware implementation of the PROLOG language - D.Warren developed the SRI pipeline processor.

Sony and Philips are developing a CD-ROM standard . MIDI and DNS standards are also developed.

MS-DOS 3.1 is released - the first version of MS-DOS that supports local area network.

Franuzsky mathematician Philippe Kahn founded Borland International and began selling the Turbo Pascal compiler for personal computers.

NIKLAUS VIRT AND LANGUAGES (Author of the algorithmic language PASCAL)
SAXOPHONIST (Philip Kahn did not like the existing compilers for Pascal, and he decided to create Turbo Pascal)

On May 17, 1984, Hewlett-Packard launched the first LaserJet printer series. The device printed 8 lines per minute with a resolution of 300 tnd. The productivity per month was 12 thousand pages, the cost of each of which was estimated at $ 0.041. The printer was sold at a price of $ 3,500.

IBM has released a personal computer IBM PC / AT .

80s of the 20th century in the history of computer science

January 22, 1984 is considered to be the birthday of Macintosh computers .

Steve Jobs (Steve Jobs) demonstrated the computer LISA2.

Its characteristics: Motorola 6800 processor with a frequency of 7.83 MHz, 128 Kbytes of RAM, a built-in 9-inch monochrome display that supports 512x342 pixel graphics resolution, a 3.5-inch drive from Sony with 400-KB floppy disks, a keyboard, a mouse. The weight of the model was 9 kg, the price ranged from 1995 to 2495 dollars.
At the same time, Lisa 2 had two more modifications: Lisa 2/5 (5 MB hard disk) and Lisa 2/10 (10 MB hard disk). However, incompatible OS and high cost led to a drop in sales. Apple executives solved this problem in an original way by “crossing” names L

isa and Mac, - the computer began to be called Macintosh XL. Also, for a complete metamorphosis of Lisa 2 in Macintosh XL, it was required to change the ROM to a new version.

Macintosh was the first commercially successful personal computer with a full-fledged graphical user interface. In 1985, a Macintosh symbiosis with the Aldus PageMaker environment and the Apple's LaserWriter printer created the prerequisites for strengthening the Macintosh position in the field of desktop publishing. And so far, Macs are the de facto standard in this area: it is for computers on the Apple platform that almost all versions of well-known graphic applications are originally released.

80s of the 20th century in the history of computer science


80s of the 20th century in the history of computer science
80386 processor

Intel has released a 32-bit microprocessor 80386 .
The Intel 386 processor, which, unlike the more “budget” version of the 386SX, later became known as the 386DX, initially worked with a clock frequency of 16 MHz. Then the speed was doubled to 33 MHz, and the number of transistors to 275,000. Thus, the 386 became the first 32-bit Intel processor. He could already use 4 GB of memory, as well as switch between protected and real modes. A virtual mode was also added, which allowed to run applications that did not work in protected mode.

Seymour Cray created a supercomputer CRAY-2 with a capacity of 1 billion operations per second.

Microsoft has released the first version of the graphical Windows operating environment.

In the summer of 1985, IBM shut down its latest card punch card factory - this storage medium has almost become obsolete.

The first Russian word processor Lexicon appeared . The author EVGENIY VESELOV.

In May 1985, Microsoft officially announced the creation of an Excel spreadsheet system (for both the Macintoch and the IBM PC). After another three months, the system finally entered the market, and soon Excel became (and still remains) one of the most popular computer programs.

November 20, 1985 began selling Microsoft Windows 1.0.

On October 17, 1985, Intel launched the 386DX line with the release of a 16-MHz processor. Subsequently, Intel 80386DX versions with frequencies of 20, 25 and 33 MHz were developed. The processor is manufactured using 1.5-micron technology with 275 thousand transistors. Cost $ 299. The Intel 386DX processor is fully 32-bit, and it has internal registers, as well as internal and external data buses are also 32-bit.

80s of the 20th century in the history of computer science
Bjarne stroustrup

A new programming language C ++ has appeared . Posted by Bjarne Straustrup (Bjarne Stroustrup, 1950).

LANGUAGE OF THE SOFTWARE INDUSTRY (The C ++ language made it disappear into the shadow of its eminent predecessor, the C language)


Under the auspices of the IAB (Internet Activities Board - Internet Coordination Council), IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force - Internet Research Task Force) and Internet Research Task Force (Internet Research Task Force) ( IRTF ) technical groups are formed, each with its own tasks.

The IETF is responsible for solving engineering problems of the Network; it releases most of the RFC documents used by manufacturers to introduce standards into the TCP / IP protocol architecture.

The IRTF does research and develop a suite of Internet protocols.

September 17, 1986 is the date of birth of Turbo Pascal 3.02 (distribution size is 318 Kbytes). He was preparing a wonderful bright life. Being the most advanced compiler at the time, Turbo Pascal made, one might say, a revolution in the programming industry for the IBM PC.

Apple has developed a Hyper Card system.

The first experimental 4- and 16-megabyte memory chips appear.

On the keyboard, the cursor keys appear for the first time (they did without them before!) And a separate block with number keys . Thanks Apple.

SUN introduced the first SPARC RISC processor.

Daniel Hillis (William Daniel (Danny) Hillis, 09/25/1956), chief designer of Thinking Machines, built the Connection Machine supercomputer with massive parallel processing (MPR - massive multiprocessing). The system, called the Connection Machine (CM-1), was equipped with 64 thousand processors, each of which had its own memory. By separating the task into many independent fragments and processing these fragments simultaneously and independently on these processors, the SM-1 was able to perform complex calculations and solve other computer tasks in the small amount of time it took to perform the same tasks with traditional symmetric processing.

80s of the 20th century in the history of computer science
Daniel hillis

1987 year

December 18 released and announced version 1 of the Perl language - a high-level interpreted dynamic general-purpose programming language created by Larry Wall (Larry Wall, 09/27/1954), a linguist by training.

80s of the 20th century in the history of computer science
Larry Wall

On April 7, 1987, IBM announced it had entered the market with a family of computers named Personal System / 2 (Personal System / 2, PS / 2), and a joint development with OS - 2 (Operating System / 2) with Microsoft.

Microsoft представляет первую реализацию электронной таблицы под Windows — Microsoft Excel 2.0 . Это программа, позволявшая определять внешний вид (шрифты и атрибуты) ячеек. Кроме того, Excel обладала механизмом интеллектуального перевычисления ячеек (в автоматическом режиме обновлялось содержимое только тех ячеек, которые действительно этого требовали). Конкурирующие программы либо перерасчитывали всю таблицу при изменении любой из ячеек, либо ожидали для этого явную команду пользователя.

1988 year

Билл Аткинсон (Bill Atkinson) разработал прикладную программу HyperCard для фирмы Apple.

Она представляла собой новый способ хранения и организации информации в виде заметок, которые можно было связывать между собой в единый файл или "стек". Например, при помощи HyperCard вы могли создать адресную книгу, в которой кликнув на имя человека, можно было перейти к его биографии или показать фотографию. Для своего времени это была настоящая революция, которая позднее привела к появлению HTTP и Интернета.

80s of the 20th century in the history of computer science

Появилось сообщение о новом языке программирования Никлауса Вирта - ОБЕРОН .

Демонстрация компьютера NeXT Стивена Джобса.

28 июня вышла Windows 2.1, позже переименованная в Windows/286.

В Сибирском отделении АН состоялся запуск МРСа (Ммодульная асинхронная расширенная система), созданная коллективом, руководимым В.Е.Котовым.

17 ноября 1988 года — первый выход в свет антивирусной программы Дмитрия Николаевича Лозинского Aidstest.

Создание IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) — Агентства по выделению имен и уникальных параметров протоколов Интернета, полномочного органа Общества Интернет (Internet Society, ISOC) и Федерального Совета Сети (Federal Networking Council, FNC).

В задачи IANA входит наблюдение и координирование назначения каждого уникального идентификатора протокола, применяемого в Интернете. Директором выступил Джон Постел (Jon Postel), много лет также исполнявший функции редактора документов RFC и регистратора доменов в США.

80s of the 20th century in the history of computer science

3 ноября 1988 года случился «черный четверг», когда компьютерная программа (в последствии названная «Червь» ) заблокировала более чем на сутки тысячи компьютеров Америки. «Червь» «прошелся» по всей планете. Военные компьютерные центры, научные, учебные и коммерческие — все оказались выведены из строя.
Автором программы «Червь», способной самостоятельно «размножаться» по серверам электронной почты, был Роберт Таппан Моррис.
Эта история послужила уроком для создателей компьютерных сетей. Она заставила задуматься о сетевой безопасности, профессионализме и аккуратности системных администраторов.


В марте 1989 г. Тим Бернерс-Ли (Tim Berners-Lee, 08.06.1955) из CERN предложил руководству этого международного европейского научного центра концепцию новой распределенной информационной системы, которую назвал World Wide Web . Свои соображения он изложил в проекте Гипертекст, направленных руководству CERN. Он считал, что информационная система, построенная на принципах гипертекста, должна объединить все множество информационных ресурсов CERN, которое состояло из базы данных отчетов, компьютерной документации, списков почтовых адресов, информационной реферативной системы, наборов данных результатов экспериментов и т. п. Гипертекстовая технология должна была позволить легко "перепрыгивать": из одного документа в другой. В 1990 году эти предложения были приняты, и проект стартовал.

80s of the 20th century in the history of computer science
Tim berners-lee

80s of the 20th century in the history of computer science
Clock frequency: 25 MHz - 100 MHz

Creative Labs release the Sound Blaster sound card , the name of which will later become a household name.

Microsoft has released the word processor WORD .

The format of graphic files GIF is developed .

By the end of the 80s, Intel released a processor - 486DX . It became the first processor with a built-in math coprocessor and the first to break the 1 million transistor bar — the number of transistors in it was 1.2 million. Like 386, 486DX could address up to 4 GB of memory, it had a built-in cache, an optimized instruction set and a larger bus bandwidth. The new processor has found application not only in PCs, but also in servers.

S. Scott Cramp, the founder of Stratasys, first developed the technology of three-dimensional printing with plastic string (Fused Deposition Modeling) and patented it in 1989. The first commercial devices working on this technology were released in the 90s of the XX century.

The principle of three-dimensional printing technology

On the working surface layer by layer through a thin nozzle (0.5mm or less), a thermoplastic melted to a liquid state is deposited in three dimensions with a thin string, which is melted to a liquid state. As the plastic quickly cools down to a semi-solid state, extruded on the working surface and the string pressed to it by the nozzle retains the shape and position in space given to it. Sequential application of new and new layers welded to each other, allows you to make a part more or less of any shape, woven from welded together thin threads. In this technology, despite the apparent simplicity, there are many unexpected subtleties, but most of them are related to the properties of thermoplastics themselves, and not to the accuracy of the mechanisms, which makes it possible to repeat it even at home, with the quality of the results quite comparable with factory counterparts.


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