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The question of the essence of the ethnos


As the main theoretical and methodological problem of modern ethnic conflictology, I would define the question of the essence of the ethnos, the phenomenon of ethnicity itself. The analysis of contemporary bibliography of foreign publications on the problems of ethnic relations is striking with an unusual surge of research interest in the problems of ethnicity. Moreover, practically in any of the works of foreign authors on the problems of ethnic conflicts there is a section devoted to the discussion of the phenomenon of ethnicity. This is even more surprising at first glance, given the enormous amount of publications on this issue in the 1970s – 1980s, when it would seem that the repertoire of possible views on the nature of this phenomenon was exhausted and dozens of people who received and did not receive it were suggested. recognition of ideas and concepts.

The very sharply increased interest in the problem of ethnic relations in this decade is quite understandable given the avalanche-like growth of ethnic conflicts in the post-communist world and some other parts of the world. In addition, the disappearance of the threat of world nuclear war, which had riveted public opinion and scientific interest to itself over several decades prior, gave an additional impetus to the study of less global events and processes, which, however, play an extremely important role in the lives of millions and millions of people. But can you say something new in the study of the very problem of ethnicity? And is this so important for the study of both the phenomenon of ethnic conflict and specific conflicts?
The first question can be given a negative rather than an affirmative answer, which we will try to justify below. The answer to the second question is definitely affirmative.

The fact is that the study of ethnic conflicts in modern literature is conducted not so much on the basis of a specific choice of conflictological concepts (many authors in ethnic conflict studies do not discuss them at all, despite the alternativeness and controversy of some, including fundamental, provisions of modern conflictology ), how much on the basis of the choice of a particular concept of ethnicity, which turns out to be decisive in all further scientific constructions. Moreover, experts often unite the concepts of ethnicity and ethnic conflict.


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Terms: Ethnopsychology