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I am not talking here about race or people, even less about religion, officially recognized by law. Under Jewry we should understand only the spiritual direction, the psychic constitution, which is an opportunity for all people, but which has received its fullest realization in historical Jewry. That this is so is proved by nothing more than anti-Semitism.
The most real, the most Aryan of the Aryans, confidently aware of their Aryanism, are not anti-Semites. There is no doubt that they can be unpleasantly struck by the striking Jewish traits, but in general they cannot be completely comprehended by antisemitism in general, that anti-Semitism that is permeated by misanthropy. These are the people who are known among the defenders of Jewry under the name of "filosemitov."
In those cases when Jews are being killed or attacked, their opinions on anti-corruption law are rescued, opinions filled with extreme surprise and deep indignation3. On the contrary, in the aggressive anti-Semite one can always notice some Jewish features. They can also be imprinted on his physiognomy, even if his blood was pure from any Semitic impurity.
Yes, and can not be otherwise. Just as in another person we love exactly what we ourselves strive for and which we can never fully achieve, we hate in the other what we don’t want to see in ourselves, but that is all partly characteristic of us.
A man cannot hate that with which he has no resemblance. Only another person is often able to point out to us what unattractive and base features are characteristic of us.
This explains the fact that the most notorious anti-Semites are always among the Jews themselves. For only Jewish Jews, like completely Aryan Aryans, are not anti-Semitic. As for everyone else, lower natures show their anti-Semitism in relation to others, pronounce their verdict on them. never, however, exposing themselves in this direction to the court of their criticism. Only a few have anti-Semitism directed above all against their own identity.
One thing remains indisputable: who hates the Jewish essence. hates her primarily in himself.
The fact that he mercilessly pursues everything Jewish in another person is only an attempt to free himself from him in this way. He seeks to overthrow everything Jewish, concentrating him entirely in his neighbor, in order to be able for a moment to consider himself free from him. Hatred is a manifestation of projection, just like love: a person hates only one who causes unpleasant memories of himself in him.
The anti-Semitism of the Jews proves that no one who knows a Jew sees in him an object worthy of love — not even the Jew himself. The anti-Semitism of the Aryan leads us to an equally important conclusion: one should not mix Jewry and Jews. There are Aryans who contain significantly more Jewish than a real Jew.
There are also Jews who are more like Aryans than any Aryan. I will not list here the Semites, who contained a lot of Aryan - no less significant (like, for example, the famous Frederick Nicholas in the XVIII century), nor the more significant among them (Friedrich Schiller should be mentioned here), I also refuse a more detailed analysis their jews. Deepest anti-Semite Richard Wagner, and he is not completely free from a certain shade of Jewry, even in his art, no matter how much the feeling that he sees in him as a great artist outside the framework of a historical person, no matter how little we doubt that his Siegfried is the most non-Jewish work that one could create.
But for no reason, no one anti-Semite happens. As a negative attitude of Wagner to the big opera and the theater should be reduced to the strong attraction that he himself had for them, the attraction that clearly appears in his “Lohengrin” as well as his music, the only one in the world according to the power of thoughts expressed in the motif it would be difficult to recognize that obsessive, noisy, ignoble is free from something, because of the latter circumstance, Wagner’s extraordinary efforts are directed towards the external instrumentation of his works. Nor can it be denied that Wagner’s music makes the strongest impression on a Jew, an anti-Semite who cannot get rid of his Jewry in any way, and on the Indo-Germanic anti-Semitic who is afraid of falling into it.
created: 2015-12-24
updated: 2024-11-10

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