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Religious psychotherapy


Religious psychotherapy differs from the scientific and medical not only through the use of various symbols, the special ritual setting of the temple, etc. In fact, a religion-oriented psychotherapist has behind him not only and not so much the power of the church as an organizational, cultural, etc. Institute.

The third element is included in the dual physician-patient system (however, perhaps the first two are included in this third) - God. It is God who makes the life of a religious person unlimited and endless. In such a life, everything can be corrected, if you believe, try not to sin, timely repent of your sins, endure, wait ...

For a non-believer, such a model of life and responsibility is unacceptable. Infinity and infinity of the world and life for an atheist, sometimes - fortunately, sometimes - to the charm, only in his own affairs and actions, actions irreversible, non-corrected - the word is not a sparrow ... "The atheist’s life is finite and is given to him once. There will be no second attempt.

This concept, of course, is more difficult because of its self-responsibility, it is necessary every day, again and again to fulfill the moral imperative “Behave Yourself”, bequeathed by parents. In such a life it is more difficult to see a certain Universal meaning ... To be born to die. To be born - to give birth - to work - to die - to cry. It's difficult. Not “for God's sake”, but for the sake of some much more “horizontal” target ... Or "I am responsible for this, for this, and for this ..." Responsibility to myself. Lights of Prometheus ... To each his own ... To everyone his own meaning in life ...
In the hands of a scientific medical psychotherapist, an atheist and a treating atheist, there is no psychological support for God that their religious colleagues have. In this sense, we need to make God in every patient, "Buddha in every speck of dust."

Different sects require special discussion, in which the leader of the sect plays the role of an activator and censor as such or through some kind of “idol”, including those requiring actions, in one form or another that interferes with non-adherents. Life in a sect, of course, is accompanied by the integrity (isolation) of mental activity and the transfer of causes of trouble to those responsible outside, which, to put it in legal terms, is negligible.


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Terms: Ethnopsychology