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Behavior pattern


STEREOTYPE OF BEHAVIOR - a system of behavioral skills, passed down from generation to generation through signal heredity , specific to each ethnic group. The stereotype of behavior is formed in the process of adaptation of the ethnic system to its environment. This environment (landscape and ethnic) defines the unique appearance of each ethnos . The personal stereotype of behavior is perceived by members of the ethnic collective as the only possible, normal standard of relationships, lifestyle and actions of people. If this team is in a healthy (not deformed or tipping) condition, the accepted norms of behavior are completely unprofitable for its members (although it may seem unnatural or cruel to neighbors). Alien S.p. at the ordinary level, they are perceived as eccentricities or wildness, cause surprise, ridicule or anger. Moreover, some ethnic groups manage to find a common language quite easily (if another Sp. Does not seem dangerous or disgusting), but often there are also cases of complete mutual rejection. As a rule, other people's stereotypes in the field of gender relations, attitudes towards the dead, rules of honor, etc., cause an especially acute reaction.
S. p. ethnos has an internal structure that includes strictly defined norms of relations: a) between the team and the individual, b) individuals between themselves, c) intra-ethnic groups between themselves, d) between the ethnos and intra-ethnic groups. S. p. also includes adaptation skills in the landscape and norms of attitude towards foreigners.
In the dynamic ethnos S.p. extremely changeable. In each new phase of ethnogenesis, ethnos is made different from itself, although the continuity of tradition is preserved (if there is no bias). As a clerk of the City of London XIX century. unlike the corsair Francis Drake, so Dostoevsky’s contemporaries are different from the companions of Alexander Nevsky or Dmitry Donskoy. Only in homeostatic ethnos ( persistents ) S. p. it is stable and transmitted from generation to generation almost unchanged, but in the case of a strong external influence it can quickly collapse (for example, the spread of European civilization led to the assimilation and disappearance of many small nations living in ethnic homeostasis .
In the face of unfavorable ethnic contact ( chimera ), stereotypes of people's behavior lose their internal structure. In place of complex systems of adaptive skills that allow monolithic ethnic groups to exist and develop in a fluid environment, chaos of behavioral traits that are not coordinated with each other comes. Adaptability in the landscape decreases, which often leads to its predatory use and destruction, mutual understanding between different groups of the population is lost, people are deprived of value orientations, cultural traditions, antisystems arise and grow.
In cases of fruitful ethnic contact , on the contrary, the formation of a new, original behavior stereotype may occur, which suggests the emergence of a new ethnic community. A typical example is Latin America, where the descendants of mixed Spaniards and Indians formed new ethnic groups.
created: 2016-09-26
updated: 2021-12-03

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Terms: Ethnopsychology