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Radio control


Radio control is the control of objects by radio. There are many different radio control systems.

Conventional classification systems may look like this:

1 . - radio inclusion systems;

2. - Radio control systems for moving objects.

  Radio activation systems can include ammunition detonation devices by radio or door-opening devices, for example, a garage using a key fob button. This type of system refers to open-loop control systems. And in terms of automatic control is easy to understand. The most difficult issues will be false alarms from noise and active interference. Radio power engineering is based on the general theory of radio communications.

  Systems of the second type developed in different directions. Among them, the following became very common.

2.1. Command radionavigation

2.1.1. Three-point command control

  Radio control

Distance to target is not required to measure

2.1.2. Three point self-government (homing)

a) homing at the source of radiation (the "chase" method)


  Radio control

Measure distance is not required. The disadvantage is a large overload on the rocket

2.1.4. Proportional command control

  Radio control

  Radio control Requires two radars. Distances to the rocket and target must be measured. Virtue -

small overload on the rocket.

2.1.5. Semi-active homing according to the proportional navigation method

  Radio control

Fig. 5. The method of homing with "pre-emption"


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Radio Engineering Systems

Terms: Radio Engineering Systems