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Introduction to Radio Systems


Historically, before the invention of the radio, telegraph, telephone, and various electrical devices and systems became widespread. As the radio developed, a number of devices from these areas “migrated” to radio engineering systems and became also a part of radio engineering. With the advent of digital computing and digital technology, their elements are firmly embedded in radio engineering complexes. Today, the radar complex is the most complex conglomerate of electrical, electromechanical, electronic, radio, digital and other devices. The radar complex is also a radio engineering complex. Consider the possible options for radio systems systems and devices.

A radio system in a broad sense is a collection of radio systems that perform a common task and work in a mutually connected information network.

  Introduction to Radio Systems

The figure shows    example of a large radio satellite television broadcasting system. In this large system there is a whole range of second level radio engineering systems.

1. These are transmitting and receiving antenna systems for satellite tracking, television broadcasting antennas.

2. Transmitting systems (transmitters) of satellite channels and television broadcasting.

3. Terrestrial and orbital receiving systems.

4. Radio communication and telecommunication systems.

5. Systems of centralized and autonomous power supply.

6. Ground and on-board computers and digital systems, etc.

A large radar system may contain the same means and systems of the second level.

The main advantages of radio systems are as follows.

one.        All -weather and all-weather.

2        The ability to transmit information over long distances without wires.

3        Work as part of large radio systems.

The main disadvantages.

one.        The impact of all kinds of radio interference on communication channels.

2        The dependence of the quality of information transfer on the distance between correspondents.

created: 2014-09-11
updated: 2024-11-12

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Radio Engineering Systems

Terms: Radio Engineering Systems