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Pulse radar. Main types


Pulse radar. Main types

Scope classification

one.        Ground - based radars search ground targets:

-            short range (up to 6 km);

-            medium range deyatviya (up to 10-15 km);

-            long range (up to 50 km).

2        Ground-based radar search and tracking of ballistic objects:

-            station serif shooting positions on the shot;

-            Radar search and tracking of ballistic missiles.

3        Meteorological radar.

four.        Airfield driving radar systems.

five.        Aircraft radar "blind" navigation.

6        Radars of guided and ballistic missiles.

Radar classification by transportation method

one.        Hand held

2        Wearable

3        Portable.

four.        Mobile.

five.        Aviation.

6        Helicopter.

7        Satellite

Classification by type of signals:

one.        Non coherent - impulsive.

2        Coherently - pulsed.

3        Coherently pulsed with a complex probing signal.

Classification by the method of processing the reflected signal:

one.        Radar with analog primary signal processing.

2        Digital radar. At the output of the detector detectors, the signal is digitized and further processing is performed on a computer.


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