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- History of Google company 6


Это окончание невероятной информации про .


containing all the sites and pages that have ever appeared on the Web (since 1996). A link to this archive can be found when searching on Google. This archive contains, for example, early versions of Google, as well as the home pages of doctoral students at Stanford Page and Brin.

Of course, it would be possible not to attach importance to the threats posed by indiscriminate googling, but this is a matter of basic human rights. Job seekers who have had problems with the law and want to erase reckless actions or criminal past from memory may find that they are defenseless against any googler. Meanwhile, the reach and influence of Google continue to grow, and it remains to be hoped that the competent authorities will become interested in cyber-perceptions and laws will be developed and adopted that regulate investigative activities on the Web.

New realities were subtly noticed by the author of a humorous drawing published in one of the issues of New Yorker magazine in December 2002: one man in the bar behind a glass of whiskey says to another: “I find it difficult to explain this, but I had a strange feeling that I was googling”.

Students of all ages are actively using Google, despite the fact that teachers and professors strongly advise their wards to give preference to highly specialized search engines, to work with literature in the library, to go to consultations and to use other traditional, time-tested ways of collecting information.

There is no consensus among teachers on the merits of Google. Some argue that it corrupts students, because thanks to it, you can quickly find and “download” finished work, and has a negative impact on the learning process itself, as it promotes not diligent study of materials, but a quick study of web resources. Others praise her, noting that because of her simplicity, searching for original documents and analytical materials is possible at any time of the day and that it minimizes social differences due to which university students study, what their financial situation is, what library they have visit. They support Google’s commitment to providing free access to information, including research.

No matter how teachers treat Google, most students think that it helps a lot in their studies. So, Daniel Sabido, a sophomore at the University of Pennsylvania, writes:

I started using Google, even when this server was in beta testing, and almost every week I learn something new. And recently I began to use it as a calculator, because I found out that if you type in, say, “3 + 4 =”, Google will calculate and produce the result. He also helps a lot in the kitchen, especially for foreign students familiar with the metric system, like me. If you type "4 gallons in pints," it gives the number in pints.

Laura Kunihen, a student at the University of Pennsylvania:

The world is full of many different questions. Is it true that swans are fierce? Did Jennifer Lopez really change her nose shape at the very beginning of her career with the help of plastic surgery? What does the phrase "dead knightly spirit" mean?Google has the answers to these questions. I use this search engine several times a day.

Student and Joanna Murray of the University of Pennsylvania:

Every year our department should provide information about the current place of work of each graduate. Our alumni database contains only the information that they themselves provide (besides, many of them are “hiding” from us!). Search on Google gives more accurate results, and less time is spent.

Peter Fader, a professor of marketing at the Wharton Business School at the University of Pennsylvania, calls himself a “Google fan”, but believes that students should not completely rely on a search engine. “He is so good that you have the impression that you can grasp the immensity,” he says. “This is not entirely true, especially if you are engaged in serious scientific research.” Most of the Internet is hidden from ordinary users, and therefore it is important to know when another resource - for example, a highly specialized database - will give more complete results. “I absolutely trust Google in everything that it does, but I’m not asking her to make me a crouton.”

What Fader is asking for — almost daily — is the pictures that he uses as illustrations in marketing lectures. “In each lecture, I show my students six to seven pictures found using Google,” Fader notes. Since Google can quickly find links to research papers, it is also used when hiring teachers to determine what kind of employment they should be offered - temporary or permanent. “With Google,” says Fader, “you can get acquainted with the main points of the research you are interested in.”

On the planet of Google users, there is a small group of fans who closely monitor every step of their idol and play the role of editorial and advisory council.

Most of them (and almost all of them are men) have a main job and do not seek a career in journalism, but they have a keen interest in search technology and a website where they share their thoughts on various issues.

Phillip Lensen, a 28-year-old programmer from Germany, joined the ranks of "professional Google watchers" during his forced inactivity in Kuching, Malaysia, where he came to work. Being in limbo because of problems with work permits, he whiled away the time at local Internet cafes, working on his projects and reading articles about search engines. When he began to write in his online diary entries related to Google - mainly about what he would like to know - he found that others were reading them. At first, Lensen dubbed his blog “Googlosophy Blogoscoped” (“Blogoscopic guglosophy”). The name in the style of the comic troupe "Monty Python" perfectly corresponded to the pseudoscientific, humorous tone of his entries. But later, in order to avoid conflict with Google (its marketing policy does not allow the use of google words in the titles), he shortened it to Google Blogoscoped.

Thanks to the original name, the Lensen website stood out against the background of other blogs, of which there are a great many on the Web. Blogs (and the word “blog” comes from the merger of the words “web” - the network and “log” - the magazine) are a personalized homepage where the user makes notes on various topics from time to time, from gardening to traveling. Most blogs for their owners are just a hobby, but some A-list diaries have a solid readership. On Google’s popular partner blogs, advertisements are posted, thematically related to content pages that bring real income to their owners.

The number of visitors to the site Lensen grew, and he concluded an agreement with Google on advertising. Initially, the income was small, but after some time the site began to bring good profits. By eliminating the need for companies to acquire a sales department and eliminating restrictions that prevented small businesses from developing, Google created a qualitatively new structure that embraced small and independent Internet companies.

“I am pleased not only with the fact that I receive money (from Google), but also with the fact that it delivers relevant advertising links to me,” says Lensen. As the Armani and Donna Karon New York inscriptions showcase the attractiveness of the boutique on the display, the presence of text ads from Google makes the content of any blog more attractive. According to Lensen, those thousands of users who constantly read his “Google Blogoscoped”, live in different parts of the globe. He posts on the site his comments, analytical materials, news, interviews with specialists, as well as “first-hand” messages that other bloggers are happy to pick up. The message about an employee of Google, who in his online diary opened the veil over the company's office life, caused the greatest resonance, for which he was immediately dismissed. “Of course, it didn’t draw on Googlegate,” notes Lensen, “but my message was picked up and spread by the leading information portals.”

When Google launched its official blog, Lensen’s website along with the websites of two dozen other bloggers could be found in the section “What We're Reading” (“What we read”). Mentioning on Google’s blog was for them a sort of coronation on the part of the company that they are watching so closely. Lensen and other Google fans have their fans, their site traffic is growing, and thanks to their participation in Google, they make a real profit.


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See also

created: 2021-03-13
updated: 2024-11-14

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