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Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample


We consider this approach separately because it is quite versatile in its properties. In addition to estimating (restoring) distributions, it allows you to simultaneously solve the problem of taxonomy, optimized management of a sequential feature measurement procedure, even if they are statistically dependent, makes it easier to evaluate the informativeness of features and to solve some experimental data analysis problems.

The method is based on the assumption that the unknown (recoverable) distribution of the characteristic values ​​of each image is well approximated by a mixture of basic distributions of a fairly simple and previously known form.

  Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample

Where   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample - set (vector) of parameters   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample of the base distribution,   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample - weights that satisfy the condition   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample . In order not to overload the formula, it omits the index of the image number, which is described by this distribution of attribute values.

The representation of the unknown distribution as a series is used, for example, in the method of potential functions. However there   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample are elements of a complete orthogonal system of functions. On the one hand, this is good, because the calculation   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample first values   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample guarantees the minimum of the standard deviation of the restored distribution from the true one. But in other way,   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample are not distributions, can be alternating, that when   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample usually leads to an unacceptable effect when for some values   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample recovered distribution   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample is negative. Attempts to avoid this effect are not always successful. This disadvantage is devoid of the considered approach, when the desired distribution is represented by a mixture of basic ones. Wherein   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample called the component component distributions, and   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample and   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample - its parameters. This approach with obvious merits has disadvantages. In particular, the solution of the problem of estimating the mixture parameters is, generally speaking, multi-extremal, and there are no guarantees that the solution found is in global extremum, if we exclude an unacceptable in practice complete enumeration of the mixture splitting into components.

Concepts such as “mixture”, “component” are usually used in solving taxonomy problems, but this does not interfere with the description in the form of a mixture of a fairly general form of the distribution of the values ​​of attributes of a particular image. The approximation method is intermediate between parametric and nonparametric estimation of distributions. Indeed, the sample has to evaluate the values ​​of the parameters.   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample and   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample , and at the same time, the type of distribution law is not known in advance; only the most general restrictions are imposed on it. For example, if the component is a normal law, then the probability density   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample should not be zero for all   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample and be fairly smooth. If the component is a binomial law, then   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample can be almost any discrete distribution.

At the same time, it is not possible to determine the parameters of the mixture using classical parametric estimation methods (for example, the method of moments or maximum likelihood function) with rare exceptions (special cases). In this regard, it is advisable to refer to the methods used in solving taxonomy problems.   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample

As components, it is convenient to use binomial laws for discrete features and normal probability densities for continuous features, since the properties and theory of these distributions are well studied. In addition, they, as practical applications show, as a component adequately adequately describe a very wide class of distributions.

The normal law, as is known, is characterized by a vector of mean values ​​of features and a covariance matrix. A special place in a number of tasks is occupied by normal laws with diagonal covariance matrices (in the components, the signs are statistically independent). At the same time, it is possible to optimize a consistent procedure for measuring signs, even if in the restored distribution   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample signs are addicted. Consideration of this issue is beyond the scope of the course. Those interested can refer to the recommended literature [2].

To facilitate the understanding of the approximation method, we will consider a simplified version, namely, one-dimensional distributions.


  Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample

Where   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample

  Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample - for continuous signs,
  Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample - for discrete features,

  Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample - vector of parameters of the base distribution (components),

  Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample - weight coefficient   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample components,

  Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample - expected value   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample normal component,

  Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample - standard deviation   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample normal component,

  Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample - parameter   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample th binomial component

  Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample - the number of graduations of a discrete characteristic,

  Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample

  Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample

  Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample - number of combinations of   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample by   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample .

When large enough   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample instead of the binomial law, you can use the normal one.

Now we have to evaluate the values ​​of the parameters. If we consider a mixture of normal laws, then it should be noted that the maximum likelihood method is not applicable when all the parameters of the mixture are unknown. In this case, you can use reasonably organized iterative procedures. Consider one of them.

To begin, fix   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample , that is, we will consider it given. Each object   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample the samples we assign the posterior probability   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample his accessories   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample th component of the mixture:

  Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample

It is easy to see that for all   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample conditions are met   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample and   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample . If known   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample for all   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample then you can define   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample maximum likelihood method   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample .

Likelihood function   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample the th components of the mixture will be defined as follows   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample and maximum likelihood estimates   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample can be obtained from the equation   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample

So knowing   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample and   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample can define   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample and vice versa knowing   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample can define   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample and   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample , that is, the parameters of the mixture. But neither is unknown. In this regard, we use the following procedure of successive approximations:

  Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample

Where   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample ,   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample - arbitrarily specified initial values ​​of the parameters of the mixture, the superscript is the iteration number in a sequential calculation procedure.

It is known that this procedure is convergent and   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample the limits are estimates of unknown parameters.   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample mixtures giving maximum likelihood functions

  Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample ,

and   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample and   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample tends to zero at   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample .

For one-dimensional normal law

  Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample .

Solving the equation   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample and   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample get for   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample th step   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample ,   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample

After completing the sequential procedure,   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample . The corresponding computational formulas for multidimensional normal distributions can be found in [2].

The values ​​of the parameters obtained as a result of the sequential procedure considered are estimates of the maximum likelihood of both the component and the mixture as a whole.

If a   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample has several maxima, the iteration process depending on the given initial values   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample converges to one of them, not necessarily global. To overcome this drawback inherent in almost all methods of estimating the parameters of multidimensional distributions (at least, mixtures) is quite difficult. In particular, you can repeat the sequential procedure several times with different   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample and choose the best solution. Selection of various   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample carried out either randomly or using various kinds of procedures. Rate of convergence   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample the higher the higher, the more strongly the components are separated in the attribute space and the closer the selected   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample to meanings   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample corresponding to maximum likelihood function.

We considered a method for estimating the parameters of a mixture with a fixed number of components.   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample . But in the approximation method and   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample should be determined by optimizing any criterion. The following approach is proposed. Parameters are evaluated consistently.   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample at   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample . From the resulting series   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample selected in some sense the best value   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample .

We use the measure of uncertainty K. Shannon   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample for searching   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample :

  Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample

Where   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample - distribution entropy   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample ,

  Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample - a sign of mathematical expectation

  Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample - probability density values ​​of continuous features.

With a consistent increase in values   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample There are two trends:

· A decrease in entropy due to the separation of the sample into parts with a decreasing scatter of the values ​​of the observed values   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample inside subsamples (mixture component);

· An increase in entropy due to a decrease in the volume of subsamples and the associated increase in statistics describing the variation of values   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample .

The presence of these two trends determines the existence   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample by the criterion of the smallest value of the differential entropy (Fig. 23). In order to use this criterion in practice, it is necessary to explicitly express the evaluation of the components of the mixture through the volume of the subsample that forms this component. Such relations are obtained for normal and binomial distributions. For simplicity, consider a one-dimensional normal distribution. We use its Bayesian estimate.

  Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample

Where   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample - domain   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample ,

  Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample - domain   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample ,

  Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample - selective estimates   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample and   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample .

According to the Bayes formula

  Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample

  Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample

Fig. 23. Illustration of trends shaping   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample

If the prior distribution is   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample unknown, it is advisable to use a uniform distribution throughout the region  Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample

Omitting all the calculations that are given in [2], we only report that a distribution is obtained that is not Gaussian, but asymptotically converges to it (for   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample ). Average value   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample equal to the average value determined by the sample, and the variance is equal to the sample variance   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample multiplied by the coefficient  Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample

It can be shown that it is   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample well approximated by a normal law with a mathematical expectation equal to   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample - the sample mean, and a dispersion equal to the sample dispersion   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample multiplied by  Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample . Как видно из формулы,   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample стремится к единице при   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample , возрастает с уменьшением   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample и накладывает ограничения на объём выборки   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample (рис. 24).

  Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample

Fig. 24. Зависимость поправочного коэффициента b
от объёма выборки N

Таким образом, нам удалось в явной форме выразить зависимость параметров компонент смеси от объёма подвыборок, что, в свою очередь, позволяет реализовать процедуру поиска   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample .

Объём подвыборки для q -й компоненты смеси определяется по формуле   Approximation method for estimating distributions by sample .

Итак, рассмотрен вариант оценки параметров смеси. Он не является статистически строго обоснованным, но все вычислительные процедуры опираются на критерии, принятые в математической статистике. Многочисленные практические приложения аппроксимационного метода в различных предметных областях показали его эффективность и не противоречат ни одному из допущений, изложенных в данном разделе.

Более подробное и углублённое изложение аппроксимационного метода желающие могут найти в рекомендованной литературе [2], [4].


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