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Ways of presenting information and laws of perception.


I will tell you how to structure, how to submit information, what methods exist, what would be understandable, intelligible and work.

How information will get to the one for whom it is intended

Before you think about how to form information, you need to understand in what mode a person will work with it. How it will reach him. Whether the person will personally disassemble it somewhere at home, whether it will be in the audience on the screen with the presenter, whether it will be on a huge panel in the city without any accompaniment. Each method has its own characteristics. They need to be taken into account.

On the big screen is not perceived a lot of text. What you yourself just convinced. The less contact, the more people work at the same time, the brighter, larger compressed images must be, the less actual information should be.

For example, if you need to transfer the history of a state, the big screen is not a very suitable option. It is better to figure out how this can be done for personal familiarization, to issue, make it so that it would be interesting, that it would be read at home, you will not tell it from the screen. On the other hand, the big screen is convenient for transferring some common concepts, some new ways of thinking, some key information. How poer point do. And the speaker says - point one, point two.

Purpose of submitting information

It needs to be very clearly formulated, because it depends on all further actions. The same information. For example - a list of works. It can be submitted in different ways depending on why we do it. If we need to show examples of what the presentations are, then we better show these pictures here, make them larger. And then we tell that presentations happen such, such and such. If we need to tell the same information for other purposes, for example, to show that the Internet laboratory "Ksan" successfully solves the business problem, then we immediately need some additional explanations and details.

This must be taken into account. It is always necessary to set a clear goal, for which we will all demonstrate, show.

Audience motivation

It is also important to take into account the state and motivation of the audience. If these are people who are very interested in what you want to tell them - there is no need to invent any special ways. They will listen to you and will listen to you. If they are less interested or, for example, they are interested in something else, then you need to look for ways, you need to come up with some moves, you need to dilute the information with what the audience understands. If we speak, for example, before programmers, we need to insert programmer humor, what they will be interested in is to speak their language.

Mechanisms of perception and information processing

Further, when all these three points are passed, approximately understood, the next very large area comes into effect - these are the mechanisms of perception and processing of information by the human brain. There are several key sections here.

How the eye works
The first is how the eye works. Now we are talking mainly about the visual part. The eye moves in any image, in any object. This movement has its own laws. If it will be necessary for you in the future, if it will be useful to you in your work, you can simply track how you leave here and you will understand a lot.

The eye is in motion all the time, as soon as the eye stops, the picture disappears altogether. Without training, this is difficult to achieve, but if you succeed, then you simply will have nothing before your eyes. It is in the eye movement that everything perceives. And the trajectory of the eye, on the screen in this case - this is something to concentrate on when submitting visual information.

Europeans are starting to look at any picture from the top left corner. It usually contains the very first, important, key information. Further scanning begins. Accordingly, from top to right and top - down. As we used to read. But he does not just go - evenly, vaguely - he scans.

It is arranged, as in the movie "Terminator" show such an overlay and there is such a thing. This is exactly how the human pupil moves. Therefore, with any organization of information on the screen, it is necessary to structure it very clearly visually. For example, if even such a small amount of information is simply laid out evenly - it will not be perceived at all - there are no landmarks, no keys - it is not clear what to do. A person looking at such a thing is immediately lost. Therefore, it needs to be broken down, structured. Those. make anchors - the eye moves along the anchors.

The first thing the eye attracts moving objects, as you know. Next - large, bright objects. All texts also need to be broken - some title, subtitle ... Now I’ll draw two things. Here is just a text, here inside there are some small selections - blots, buttons. And the second option. I take this text - I imagine its structure in my head - how it works, what large blocks it has. As in the city - there is a city, there are areas, there are quarters. And I do the following - heading, subtitle, subtitle, subtitle, heading.

These things are visually heavier and attract much more attention because they are large. And any person will take a look at such a thing. The gaze moves along such headings, anchors. It comes to the first — it evaluates — it’s not necessary, it’s useful — it’s not useful. Moves to the next. As soon as he comes to the right, he goes deep.

For example, he found a first level heading — he starts scanning second level headings. As soon as I found the right heading for the second level, it is included in the text. If not found, then leaves.

What needs to be structured is understandable. How to structure? Visual accents. Brighter, more contrasting with the background objects, larger objects stand out, much more noticeable. Next, you need to pay attention to the field, an empty space. This is a very important tool. Those who dealt with visual materials a little, usually forget about it - do not pay attention. But, nevertheless, it is he who allows to divide these areas among themselves. Therefore, the field must be made large enough everywhere and not be afraid. In all modern books. In the West, in particular, very large fields - both on the left and on the right and between the headings. An empty place is what separates this lump into blocks that you can ride.

The next point is the selection. Any way of highlighting any information that may be. Such a mistake is being made now, I observe when a lot of things stand out. Highlighting is contrasts. It is not like the rest. Therefore, if you select 50% of the information, your selection does not make sense - it will not be perceived - only it will confuse everything more. Therefore, you need to highlight the key points - a small, small percentage of information.

How to submit information

We said that you need to choose a method depending on the goals. I will now briefly describe what happens there. There are many different ways and metaphors. It is possible to submit the same information in different ways.

For example, we have statistics on the income of a business. Suppose four businesses in 10 years. And we need to show it. To understand how to show it, first of all, you need to understand why we need to show it.

For example, we want to show the separation of market shares. If we just draw in the tsiferki plate - it is not clear. If we even build some kind of graphics and even multi-colored ones, we will build four graphics, or even eight. Also. Well, something is moving there.

If our goal is to show the separation of the market, there are two standard, most convenient moves. These are histograms and pie charts. Sector stand out. It is immediately visible here, this is a lot - this is not enough.

Again, if you have 20 businesses, the pie chart loses all its meaning. Because as soon as we divide it all into 20 pieces, everything - nothing can be seen again. Again everything enters a level noise.

This is a general law. It is necessary to clearly separate the signal from the noise. It is very clear to define what your signal is and keep it in your head all the time, all the time it is separated from the noise by all possible means. And when inventing there are mechanisms developed by mankind for years, how information is presented. These are tables, graphs, several types of diagrams - this is not all that is possible. There are many different ways. And in each case, something new can be invented, something more suitable, especially since all this can be supported emotionally with your theme and with your audience.

For example, the same diagram can be used to draw an elephant and a mouse instead of columns. Write 83% on an elephant, and 4% on a mouse. This appeal, therefore, to metaphors, associations, to human archetypes, stereotypes in consciousness.

He looks and immediately realizes that the elephant is huge, and the mouse is small. Our goal is fulfilled. If you do the same thing with two columns of the histogram, it will have a much smaller effect.


The next, very big thing is interactivity, interactive features. They can be very useful for learning for the following reasons:

The first

Any active perception of information is much higher than the passive one. For example, if a person watches TV, he watches it like this. But if something depends on him, on his decisions, on his actions. If he needs to do something, he is fully involved there, 100% involved in the process, i.e. the efficiency of assimilation of information is much higher.

The second

Before the advent of interactive, virtual, electronic pieces, it was almost impossible to imagine any complex processes, objects, systems. Everything had to be painted, reduced here to such some forms: text, plus some graphics. And those who are very interested, or seven spans in their foreheads - they understand this.

With the advent of interactive pieces, the threshold of understanding and the necessary abilities and desires can be abruptly dropped. For example, we explain the device of electromagnetic fields, we can make a model - live, which will act. In which will be highlighted, shows the key objects about which we are talking. Their relationship will be shown, and all this will be shown in life, in the process. Here such a field arises - an electron arises.

Then, if we still introduce here an element of interaction with the model. And what will happen if ... Ie we give some tools to influence the system we represent. And the player on the fine experience is trained, and it is always much better perceived. When you yourself burned about the iron, and not when your mother said: "Look, you will burn yourself." He can see how it all happens.

It is very interesting to this computer games are being tied up and actively developing. Those. they have not yet entered this area for training, it has just begun. But, for example, a certain historical process or economic structure of a state can be represented very easily. And you can see live how it really works. Ie remove from some models in my head and show on something material. And give it to participate.

The convenience of use

We talked about the perception of information. Now let's talk about action. How is he going to act. What he needs for further action. How to make it so that he is not confused. What would he understand what opportunities there are in front of him. What should he do next and what will happen after that? Here I will give a couple of general recommendations only.

There is such a rule - 7 plus, minus 2. It refers to everything that I have said so far - structuring information. It is about the following. Short-term memory of a person keeps in memory up to seven objects. As soon as there are more, that's all. From there it starts to take off. If we have a menu of 20 items - it is not possible to understand.

He has to look at the little thing and all the time to strain that you missed something, you do not understand something. The same with the content. Why is the content divided into several levels, into several hierarchies? Same with these goals. Those. at the same time more than seven, and most likely five or six objects in consciousness are almost impossible to hold.


All buttons that a person must press must be contrasting enough and large enough. They must be separated from the rest. There is a plan - the larger the object, the easier it is to get into it, and the less time it takes. Inscriptions must also be talking about the action that will occur.

For example, if we have a button that should tell us something. If we write a help system there, then it is worse than writing “help”. Help is worse than a hint. Spur - the most good. If we are talking about students.

It covers several mechanisms at once. First, she speaks in plain language. Secondly, it captures an emotional kind of contact. And third, it is absolutely accurate. Why is it needed - everyone knows that.


Music greatly affects the emotional background of a person. Which in turn greatly affects the perception. If he feels bad, he will not understand anything. If he doesn't like this music, then he will think: “What are they telling me here?”

But on the other hand, too strong music, too bright draws much attention to itself. Therefore, if our product has an informational goal, not an emotional one, then it’s good if there is music, but it should be unsharp, not bright - soft, quiet in the background. And it should create the emotion you need. And unrecognizable. Because she can pull impressions, distract.


Colors are conventionally divided into warm and cold. The warmest colors are red and orange. They are very aggressive. If you make large areas of such colors, your eyes get tired very quickly. But on the other hand, they add to the emotional background of warmth, energy, and openness.

Cold colors - blue, purple. On the contrary, they create some kind of detachment.

For the perception of information it is best to neutral tones - it is mostly white. Or if you have a thematic presentation, about space - you can be black, about the sea - you can be blue, but these should be muffled tones, not bright.

Very good color is green. It is completely neutral and it creates something soft. Now, if you have a piece of green background, then this is some kind of comfort, if red, then stress. This may not be very noticeable if you do not pay attention to it, but subconsciously it greatly influences the perception of what is happening.

For educational programs it is best to take a contrasting combination, quite strongly contrasting. White background with black letters, for example. But you can take a background that will fit the feeling that you want to create. On the one hand - information is the most advantageous combination, but on the other hand, it leaves indifferent. It does not create any emotions. Therefore, you can use the color solution that suits you best on the topic.

The general recommendations are that the background should be dull, muffled. Letters should be strongly contrasted to the background. Moreover, the contrast is not only in shade, but also in brightness. Because if you take, for example, yellow and crimson. They seem to be very different, but if you put them together, you will not notice the difference. There will be some kind of dirty spot.

The number of animation in the presentation

There is no universal percentage.
The first is that it is very dependent on the state and desire of the audience.
The second is important, what is this information.
Here we assume the eastern languages.
I can assume that your audience is interested in some kind of oriental spirit, culture there, philosophy. That, respectively, that must be done in this case. If you are making materials designed in accordance with this culture, if there is Oriental music there, but again not sharp, not loud, somewhere in the intervals, between the topics - quiet-silent - background. Which will create the right mood. If there will be Chinese sages say something. That is enough. Ie arrange the epic battles in the style of John Woo - it will tighten all the attention from what you want to convey.


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