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Stages of Design and development of interface design


the process of working on the creation of interface design

  • Design and Interface Design

    Five stages, during which the collection of requirements for the product, design and design of its interface.

  • Interactive Prototype

    Three stages, during which an interactive prototype of the product and its presentation video are created.

  • Usability consulting

    Three stages in which an existing product is analyzed and recommendations are made to improve its interface.


The result of each stage of the project is a set of documents describing the project. We distinguish five stages of work:

  1. 1 requirements collection
  2. 2 interface design
  3. 3 design
  4. 4 creating an interactive prototype
  5. 5 redesign an existing project

Requirements collection

  • Vision of the project (vision)

    A brief description of the essence of the future product. Briefly describes what kind of product it is, what are the goals and objectives of its creation, who are its users and what are the main features of the future system.

  • Description of the target audience (characters)

    A series of documents that give an idea of ​​the key types of users of the system. Each character is characterized by the context and purpose of its use of the system, expectations of it, as well as a general description.

  • Interaction scenarios, brief and detailed

    A description of how the system functions should work. They can tell about the essence and features of the work of functions both in general form and in detail - algorithmic.

  • Feature stories (user stories)

    A detailed list of what the user can do in the system. All the functionality of the future product is divided into the simplest possibilities in the form of " with what>". Each of the functions has a priority that determines the importance for the overall success of the product.

  • Specification

    Summary of requirements for the future system. This document describes the functional, architectural, operational, content and business requirements for the product. The specification includes most of the documents obtained at other design stages.

Interface Design

  • Sitemap and navigation scheme

    System structure It shows all sections, subsections and pages of the system in the form of a tree. This map allows you to build a convenient information architecture of the product.

  • Interaction Diagrams

    Schemes of the user with the functionality of the system. This diagram shows how the user performs one of their tasks, moving from page to page.

  • Page Layouts (wireframes)

    The main result of the design work. They show in detail what information and controls should be displayed on each page of the system. And also describe the behavior of dynamic and AJAX-elements of pages.


  • Design page layouts

    The appearance of the system interface. The design should be modern and aesthetic, while not forgetting about ergonomics - it is important not to ruin the principles and ideas inherent in wireframes.

  • Interface Style Guide

    Accompanying document to the page design layouts.
    It describes the standards for the design of the system interface - the appearance of interactive elements, the list and purpose of the used icons, colors, fonts, illustrations and images.

Interactive Prototype

  • Interactive Prototype

    The current user interface model.
    It simulates the operation of the system, so that it can be evaluated in action even before development has begun. Although the prototype does not save data and does not work with the database, otherwise it can be as close as possible to the future product.

  • Product presentation

    A video about the essence of the product, a business plan and containing a demonstration of an interactive prototype. The presentation is based on a clear scenario, which is built so as to briefly talk about the future system and at the same time not to tire the audience.

Redesign an existing project

  • Expert Usability Assessment Report

    One of the main results of the expert assessment of system usability. The report lists all the identified shortcomings in the ergonomics of the product and provides recommendations on how to eliminate them. The report also lists the positive aspects in the system interface.


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design software UI and Web design

Terms: design software UI and Web design