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Internet site as part of the company's corporate identity



DEVELOPMENT OF FIRM STYLE, the essence, role and importance of corporate identity, in particular its graphic component, has already been said many times, we only emphasize that in the conditions of market relations and a sharp expansion of contacts with foreign partners, entrepreneurs of all types of activities are acutely aware of the need to create a brand ".
The graphic advertising branch of design creativity, in which the visual image of companies, firms and other organizations is projected, today firmly occupies one of the first places in Russia.
Corporate identity, the composition of the graphic part of the corporate identity, its main elements, their main carriers are projected on the basis of the methodological approach that has developed in the process of many years of international practice, and taking into account the characteristics of a particular company, the concept of its activities.
As stated in the dictionaries, corporate identity is a combination of visual, visual and informational tools, a collection of graphic elements with which the company emphasizes its individuality. The logo is used in the design of the products offered by the company, as advertising, labels that the company uses in letterheads, promotional materials, envelopes, and product packaging. A logo is a tool for promoting a company to the market, competing, attracting the attention of customers, a set of techniques that improve the memorability and perception of customers, partners and independent observers not only of the company's products, but also of all its activities, which allows the company to be identified among competitors. Individual corporate identity is an integral part of the organization’s image. The original corporate identity (corporate identity) will allow you to create a positive image of your company with the visitor, which contributes to enhancing the image and recognition of the brand, and accordingly - to increase sales.

Corporate identity development

Before proceeding to the development of corporate identity, it is necessary to conduct a visual analysis of the market for this type of service. Examine the corporate identity of similar companies, determine the initial conceptual points for the style of this company. Corporate identity should form the image of the company, be a specific information carrier, because its components should help the consumer, find the necessary services, form a positive attitude to a particular type of activity.
Consumers of new corporate identity will be not only customers and employees, but also people on the streets. The created logo will not remain in the walls of the company, it will be used on posters, billboards, in advertising on transport, etc. Elements of corporate identity can be included in special magazines as well as popular science and entertainment media. In addition to everyday use, corporate identity will come in handy at trade shows and presentations, it can take a strong place in the market of services thanks to a new graphic image with individual features that are not similar to other styles.
The main element of the style - a trademark is the face of the company, its main hallmark in advertising and on products. It helps to quickly navigate the market for such services.

Typically, the corporate identity includes business documentation, the so-called corporate unit: an envelope, a form, business cards, a package, and other elements. In addition, promotional products, including posters, are also being developed. The souvenir products are key chains, pens, mugs, bags, sportswear, etc.

Corporate Style Media

Corporate identity carriers can be: business card, letterhead, envelope, folder, information sheet, brochure, booklet, poster, souvenirs, wrapping paper, packages, as well as all forms of advertising, including outdoor advertising and advertising banners.

The main elements of corporate identity:

Verbal trademark - the name of the company, made in an individual graphic manner, (Russian, English)
Graphic trademark (symbol of the company or product)
Corporate block (sign + logo, postal, bank details, list of goods and services, advertising symbol, slogan)
Brand combination of colors = color gamut (color palette, brand combination of colors, which, in combination with the shape of the trademark, create a certain, memorable image)
A set of fonts = corporate font (a set of fonts for the design of printed materials can be selected a specific font)
Business card
Blank invoice, fax
Corporate envelope (European standard, A4, A5)
Also in the creation of corporate identity may include the development of additional elements:

Web site, CD presentation
Slogan (short phrase, company or product motto)
Advertising symbol of the company (a certain character or image assigned to the company and / or expressing the essence of its activities)
Folders and envelopes of various formats
Booklets, posters and calendars
Note paper and stickers
Price list template and price tags
Souvenirs, POS-materials, packaging (or wrapping paper)
Information sheet and price list
Outdoor advertising and ad templates
Interior and exterior elements, etc.
Additional elements of corporate identity (slogan, corporate character, writing advertising texts and articles) are developed at will, as well as advertising printing (leaflets, cards, booklets, catalogs, calendars), etc., but in any case, all the subtleties of the company's corporate style I take into account when further developing your web-representation on the Internet.

Professional development of corporate identity, emphasizing the individuality, needs and activities of your company - this is the minimum that I can offer. In addition, you are offered to solve issues related to the complex formation of the company's image - from choosing a company name, developing a logo, creating a corporate color palette, corporate font, and ending with developing and creating a web site, providing hosting and website promotion
The developed corporate style, color solutions of the logo and other graphic elements can be easily generated into the existing web site of your company, for a more successful presentation on the Internet and promoting your products to the market.
You can order the creation of corporate identity without leaving this site - send me an email with all your wishes for the design, on the basis of this application I will provide the necessary information necessary to create your corporate identity, the conditions and terms of development.

Form style
(Corporate Identity) is a combination and combination of all elements (graphic, informational, color, etc.) that provide unity to all products or events of the company, emphasize its individuality, improve memorability and perception of the company (brand) by customers.

Corporate identity Western advertisers define the words corporate ID, identity, brand ID, that is, the identification mark, difference, feature, identification.
Corporate Identity: Content

Corporate identity is internal identification - logo, fonts, corporate colors;
Corporate identity is representative elements - corporate and personal business cards;
Corporate identity is business documentation - documentation templates, price lists;
Corporate identity is advertising elements - print and other advertising layouts;
Corporate identity is a souvenir production - design of branded souvenirs - pens, lighters, calendars, etc .;
Corporate style - these are elements of corporate culture - branded clothing of employees;
Corporate style is the presentation elements - design of booklets, presentation disks;
Corporate style is the navigation elements - signs and signs on the doors;
Corporate identity is the elements of external identification - signs and transport design;
Corporate style is a visual communication - packaging (for manufacturing companies) and standards for the design of premises (for trading companies), guidelines for the use of corporate elements in the design of premises or points of sale;
Corporate style is a code of corporate ethics - rules of conduct for employees, guidelines for corporate activities.
Once developed corporate identity contributes to the creation of advertising "one handwriting." Corporate identity increases the efficiency, flexibility and relevance of brand advertising.

Corporate identity is an integral part of the company's image, confirming its reliability and allowing it to oppose the company to competitors.

Corporate identity allows the consumer to easily find the desired brand (company) by external signs, which subconsciously causes a sense of trust. And on the contrary, the absence of a clearly defined uniform corporate identity reduces recognition and loyalty to the brand (company).
Identity, corporate identity, corporate identity system, corporate identity, corporate ID, identity, brand ID - all this is corporate identity.

The original corporate identity will allow consumers to create a positive image of the company, which contributes to strengthening the image and recognition of the company (brand, brand), and, as a result, increasing sales.

Corporate style carriers can be:

• products of the company, means of its packaging, clearance, transportation;
• attributes of the company (letterheads, envelopes, printing company);
• advertising products (advertising printing, advertising in the press, on radio and television, on transport, outdoor advertising);
• company personnel clothing, badges, badges;
• corporate souvenirs with company symbolics;
• company website, made using corporate identity elements;
• the architectural environment of the company (especially the design and decoration of the interior, the facade of the building, the landscape).


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