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Design history. Prerequisites for the emergence of the concept of design. Goals and objectives of the design.


Design history.


Many principles of modern design have come to us from the world of art: for example, composition is one of the concepts used in the art world, along with the following concepts - space, color, light / shade, and many others.

The most interesting thing for us, from the point of view of history, happened quite recently, in the 19th century, when many young artists abandoned the old principles of fine art, based on the exact copying of the surrounding world in paintings. Their works were further and further removed from the photographic image of reality, they became more and more schematic, two-dimensional, the form and color sometimes existed in them separately from each other so that it was difficult to concentrate on these two components of the picture at once. Art became more and more abstract, impertinent. The artist expressed in a similar way himself and his vision of the world.

  Design history.  Prerequisites for the emergence of the concept of design.  Goals and objectives of the design.   Design history.  Prerequisites for the emergence of the concept of design.  Goals and objectives of the design.
Balla. Patriotic song on
Square of Siena.
Malevich. Half figure
In yellow.

That crazy time is the birth of many modern theories, for example, a new concept of color, based on the scientific discoveries of that time, which infected many creative people and reflected in art, as well as later in design, which itself can also considered basically the aftermath of that crazy time.

  Design history.  Prerequisites for the emergence of the concept of design.  Goals and objectives of the design.   Design history.  Prerequisites for the emergence of the concept of design.  Goals and objectives of the design.
Kandinsky. Black and
Mondrian. Composition with Yellow,
Red and Blue

Naturally, I do not want to say that at that time the new completely absorbed the old, and the subject that interests us is based only on what the new wave has brought. Far from it. The principles of the old world are also not forgotten by modern design. Paying attention to the new views that destroyed the old classic world, I just wanted to show that it was this important break that was responsible for the fact that such an area as design eventually came into being. Despite its substantial pedigree, modern design is still young, and some of its principles periodically change, our views and concepts change, and some postulates that were relevant yesterday died today, and some are still alive and no one has canceled them.

Goals and objectives of the design.

Directly to the topic.

The most important thing that the head should remember when embarking on the creative process: this is what it is all about - the ultimate goal. When we begin to evaluate our work, or someone begins to evaluate our work, we look first at the fact whether the designer has achieved the goal set for him, whether his work fulfills his task. If not, then no matter how good your work on execution, no matter how good it is, consider that you have failed - your time was wasted, and your work has a place in the trash can.

Tale about the goal.

... and in the beginning there was a field. And this field was working. And a man sat thoughtfully over this field, not knowing how to approach this field and what to do with it. And time flew in vain, because man had no purpose.

And the chief came to the man and said:

- Petrovich, why are you wasting your salary in vain, staring at the monitor, come on, stir up the advertisement of our new product - a red tie for the pioneers in a white speck, so that all the pioneers run urgently to the store and buy our tie.

And Petrovich sat down obediently and began to pore over the advertisement of a tie, having previously studied how the competitors of his company, adversaries, are such, position their ties on the market. All the pioneers in their ties were exemplary and smoothed.

“And here is the idea,” Petrovich said to himself, and he began to draw the progressive modern pioneer: “Be different!” - Petrovich called his pioneer.

  Design history.  Prerequisites for the emergence of the concept of design.  Goals and objectives of the design.

And completed Petrovich advertisements, and let her into circulation. Everywhere there was advertising, on every wall in the city, but the pioneers didn’t come to the store for ties, because they were a decent and public organization, not hooligans, and in general ties have long gone out of fashion, and pioneers too ... 10 years - how to ...


Sorry for Petrovich, he tried, he tried, and nothing came of it. But why? After all, he began to approach his task correctly: he had precisely set the goal, and he studied the market, and he approached the execution of his task fully armed.

But the fact is that the advertising concept invented by Petrovich was not functional, he did not take into account the convictions and preferences of his audience (pioneers). Perhaps his concept would have worked, give it Petrovich differently, because to be different doesn’t mean to be a bully, but we won’t find out because Petrovich, among other things, turned out to be also a poor designer, and in the end he did not cope with his task.

But let's leave Petrovich and the informative and entertaining part of our story, and try to speak seriously, focus on the subject of our study.

So, we already know that your work, as a designer, must be subordinated to a specific goal, and your task, as future designers, is to achieve it, and for this your creation must be functional. You must take into account the tastes and preferences of your audience, throwing away your personal addictions, if any. The task of the designer is not to create beauty, but to make his creation functional, but at the same time not without aesthetics.

Option: a beautifully designed bottle, from which you can not drink - this is the extreme of beauty, in pursuit of which, we forgot that a bottle is, first of all, a bottle, and from it it should be possible to drink.

Another option: we created a bottle, from which it is very convenient to drink, but the appearance of it leaves much to be desired - this is also extreme, because we have forgotten about aesthetics. Of course, a bottle is needed, first of all, in order to be able to drink from it, but you also need to be eager to drink from it.


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