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Interactive interface prototypes


Stage I. Creation of a prototype

Work on the creation of an interactive prototype of the interface will begin immediately after the completion of the design and design process. The composition of the prototype is determined - which pages will be included in it, what user work processes it should show. To include absolutely all pages in its structure is not very appropriate - otherwise the prototyping process becomes expensive and not flexible. Composition depends on the purpose for which the client needs a prototype - demonstration to investors, usability testing with potential users or elaboration of the concept.

In most cases, an interactive prototype is a collection of interconnected HTML pages. They are made on the basis of page design layouts and an interface style guide. The prototype does not work with the database - it cannot read and save information at the user's request. But most of these things can be simulated using JavaScript, like other user interactions with the system. The page layout takes one to two weeks.

Stage II. Prototype Pooling and Filling

After all the necessary pages are laid out, they are connected to each other and filled with content. It is better if the content is provided by the client - it is important that the prototype not only works as a future system, but also contains texts and illustrations close to reality. After the prototype is put together, it is tested and, after correcting errors, is given to the client. This stage takes a couple of days.

Stage III. Prototype revision

Further developments depend on the purpose for which the prototype was created. If it is only needed to demonstrate to investors, the work usually ends there. Although in addition to the prototype, a presentation of the system can be prepared.

If usability testing is planned with potential users or further elaboration of the concept, the prototype changes based on the feedback received. All changes are reflected in the documents received at the design and design stage.

The final stage. Acceptance

Acceptance of work by the client can take place in one large package of comments or be divided into several smaller stages. The deadlines in which the comments must be submitted, evaluated and corrected are stipulated in the contract.

We also provide authoring support for an interactive interface prototype. This means that as system requirements change, we update the interactive prototype and the package of interface documents with these revisions. In modern projects such changes occur constantly and support allows you to maintain the integrity, convenience and efficiency of the designed interface.


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design software UI and Web design

Terms: design software UI and Web design