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Design page layouts


The visual design is the appearance of the system interface. Although it is drawn on the basis of structural page patterns (wireframes), it is not just a fill of black and white drawings with color. The design should be modern and aesthetic, while not forgetting about ergonomics - it is important not to ruin the principles and ideas inherent in wireframes. The work is built in two stages - first, a creative design concept is created. And after its approval, the key pages of the system are drawn.

Design Layout Examples

  Design page layouts   Design page layouts


  • Appearance of the product. Design layouts define the appearance of the system. If necessary, in accordance with the brand of the client.
  • Setting a job for developers. Design layouts are part of the terms of reference for the layout designer of the interactive prototype and the development team.

What processes is involved in the document?

  •   Design page layouts

    Design and Interface Design

    Five stages, during which the collection of requirements for the product, design and design of its interface.


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design software UI and Web design

Terms: design software UI and Web design