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Common questions for web programmer interviews


  • What is the coolest thing you have ever done and proud of?
  • Do you know the secret gesture of the HTML5 gang?
  • (untranslatable humor) Are you now, or have you ever been, on a boat.
  • What do you like most about your development tools?
  • Do you have any personal projects?
  • Take a piece of paper and write in a column of the letter ABCD E. Now sort the column in alphabetical order in descending order without writing a single line of code.
    • Notice how long the candidate will turn the sheet
  • Pirate or Ninja?
    • Bonus for the combination. Argued. +2 for zombie pirate ninja monkey
  • What would you do if not for web development?
  • What is your favorite Internet Explorer trick?
  • Complete the sentence: Brendan Eich and Doug Crockford are __________ JavaScript language.
  • jQuery: good library or great library? Subject for discussion ...

  • Do you use Twitter?
    • If so, who is present in your tape?
  • Which world front-end developers do you know?
    • And the Russian front-end?
  • Do you have an account on github?
    • If so, what interesting projects do you follow?
  • What blogs are you reading?
  • What version control systems have you used?
  • Tell us about your development environment (OS, editor, browser (s), other tools)
  • Describe the sequence of your actions when you create a new Web page.
  • Can you explain the difference between progressive enhancement and graceful degradation?
    • Bonus, if you also tell about the feature detection (detection of browser capabilities)
  • Explain what semantic markup means.
  • What is your main browser for development and what tools do you use in it?
  • How can I optimize the loading of external resources on the page?
    • The combination of potential solutions:
      • Concatenation
      • Minification
      • Using CDN
      • Caching
      • etc.
  • What is the advantage in uploading external resources from several domains?
    • How many resources can a browser download simultaneously from one domain?
  • What are three ways to reduce page load time (perceived or real)?
  • If you joined the project, where tabs are used for formatting, and you are used to using spaces, how will you proceed?
    • Suggest using EditorConfig (
    • Stay true to your habits
    • Run the command :retab!
  • Do you use techniques to speed up writing code (snippets, Emmet)?
  • Are they familiar with template engines (Smarty, HAML etc.)
  • Implement a primitive slideshow
    • Bonus, if you do this without using JS
  • What tools do you use to test code performance?
    • JSPerf (
    • Dromaeo (
    • etc.
  • If you had the opportunity to master a new technology this year, what would it be?
  • Explain the importance of standards and standards committees.
created: 2015-03-06
updated: 2024-11-12

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