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Topic 4. Decision-making and management processes


4.1. The content of the management process.

The components of the control cycle. The nature of the content management process. The economic content of the management process. The social meaning of the management process. Organizational content management process. The functional content of the management process. Information content management process. Properties of the management process. Typification of the types of flow management process.

4.2. Place decisions in the management process.
The concept of the category "decision". Classification of management decisions. Classification of management decisions. Programmed and unprogrammed solutions. Approaches to decision making and factors affecting the process of their adoption. Technology adoption and use of management decisions. General approaches to solving management problems. Methods for selecting and using solutions.

4.3. Structure and decision making process.
The concept of a strictly structured and poorly structured solution. The content of the main phases of decision making and implementation.

4.4. Distribution of powers in the decision-making process.

The content of the delegation of authority and the centralization of the decision, their consequences. Risk when making a decision.


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