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Topic 20. Logistics


20.1. The basic concepts of logistics as a science.
Essence, functions and tasks of logistics. Logistics as a factor in improving the competitiveness of the company. Stages of logistics development. ursalnaya concept of the theory of logistics. Modern logistic concept. The basic principles and methods of the theory of logistics. Types of logistics. The essence of micrologistics.

20.2. Classification of forms of logistic entities and the characteristics of the elements of logistics. Logistic chains. Types of logistics distribution chains. Main
logistics management tools. Cooperation, conflicts and competition in logistic channels. The list and characteristics of the elements of logistics. Methodological support for the effective interaction of elements of logistics. Cybernetic approach. Theory of operations research. Theory
efficiency and management of elements of logistics costs. Information support for the effective interaction of elements of logistics.

20.3. Technological processes and management of material flows. Logistics of technological processes. The concept of a material flow, its parameters and characteristics. Classification of material flows. The concept of managing material flows. Concept of logistic systems. Types of logistic systems. The order, approaches, principles and factors influencing the formation of logistics systems. Logistic logistics. Distributive logistics. Intralogistics logistics. Logistics intermediation. Logistics warehousing. Transport logistics. Forwarding logistics services. International logistics.


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