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Topic 21. Marketing, sales management


21.1. The content and objectives of merchandising. Definition of the term. The relevance of merchandising. The task of marchandaysengu. Conceptual foundations of the marchandisengu.

21.2. Merchandising complex as a general management process
selling goods. Main tasks. Directions of a complex of activity on merchandising. The basic components of a merchandising plan. The main elements of the complex merchandising.

21.3. Methodological basis for the introduction of merchandising technology. Product profitability as the basis for decisions. Formation of the range of goods. Organizations of the internal space of the store. Methods for managing customer flows. Visual presentation of the goods. The effectiveness of vyvyva area and equipment
Promotional and informational work in the store as an element of merchandising. Promotion of goods in retail. The atmosphere and image of the store.
Management complex merchandising. Control complex merchandising. Problems of merchandising. The essence, content and procedure for developing standards of merchandising.


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