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Topic 3. General management: functions and methods of management


3.1. Management as a science and art.
The task of management as a science. The task of management as an art. The production process - the basis of the enterprise. The concept of industrial activity. General model of the production process. The complexity of modern industrial production, its features. Internal and external environment of the enterprise, their components. The main information and material flows of the external and internal environment of the enterprise. The concept of management, its aspects. Control circuit. Goals and objectives of management. Vertical and horizontal
communication between the objectives of the enterprise. Management hierarchy. Regulatory requirements for the management and policies of the company. Ethics and company culture. The task and ethics of behavior of professional managers.

3.2. Nature and composition of management functions.
The concept and classification of management functions. The content of the overall management, enterprise structure management, certain areas of management. The task of specific management functions.

3.3. The main methods of management.
The content of economic, organizational, administrative, socio-psychological methods of enterprise management.

3.4. Motivation performers.
Prerequisites for the active work of performers. Motives of human behavior, Maslow's pyramid. Ways to meet the needs of Maslow.


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